Back and Better book

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


“f*****g nerd!”

“No, she’s really a dumbass.”

“Either way she’s disgustingly ugly.”

“Four eyes.”




“STOP!” I begged amongst all the yelling.

The Alpha’s son, Erebus, walks up to me, tilting up my chin. “Why would we stop? You’re the perfect punching bag. Weak, ugly, fat… All your good for is taking out anger on. Never forget that.” With that Erebus turns on his heel and walks away, the rest of the pack following him.

I was left in the high school yard, bleeding profusely from the beating I received, and wishing for death.

This memory from earlier today plays over and over in my mind, causing me to be more and more

serious about the action I’m considering.

My name is Amira Warner. I am 15 years old, turning 16 tomorrow, and am midway through my

sophmore year at high school. I am part of the red river pack, and I am the b***h of the pack. I’m

beaten every single day, and verbally abused. The worst part? Our soon to be Alpha, Erebus, is the

one who does most of the beating.

Yeah, I’m not the most skinny girl out there. But I know for a fact that I am not as obese as they tell me.

In fact I’ve mostly stopped eating all together so that I can look prettier.

But f**k it. Nobody will ever like me, and clearly I’m a waste of space.

Tomorrow, at the age of 16, I’m supposed to shift into my wolf and find my mate. But I no longer want

either of those things.

I’m done.

I take the razor I’ve dislodged from a shaving razor and pocket it, heading out into the forest behind my

house. I don’t know how far I walk, but I find a beautiful meadow that seems like the perfect place to

end my life. I take a seat underneath an oak tree, and pull out the razor.

I’ve always been called a wimp. But I’m not going to be. I’m going to finish myself once and for all.

God, but what about my parents? They don’t know about any of the bullying, because my brother

heavily participates in it. I fear they wouldn’t believe me if I tell them.

I take a deep breath, and dig the razor into the crook of my elbow on my left arm. I the drag it all the

way down to my wrist.

I repeat the same action on my right arm.

I thought I would panic, but I don’t. I feel happy.

Peaceful, even.

“Hey man, you did f*****g awesome in training” I hear a voice ring out as three sets of footsteps

approach me. I groan.

“Yeah, you too.”

“Awww, my baby brothers are doing so well.”

“f**k you, Alpha.”

“Pass. I’m not into incest.

“Wait, do you guys smell that?”

There’s a pause in the conversation.

“Blood” The three men say together.

The footsteps run in my direction, and three boys are suddenly kneeling down in front of me. I can’t see

clearly anymore, but I think I can make out concern on their facial expressions.

“Oh my god! I think she’s trying to kill herself!”


s**t, that was definitely an Alpha voice.

Welp, at least they can’t kill me now. I’m already dead.

“Sweetheart, what’s your name?” The Alpha asks.

“f**k off” I mutter. “Let me die in peace, please.”

I feel bandages being secured around my wrist, and see that the blood flow has stopped.

“f**k!” I exclaim. “What the hell, assholes? Can’t let a girl die in f*****g peace? Damnit, I should have

kept walking. Never trust a pretty place as a suicide spot.”

Because my healing is a little bit faster, despite me not having shifted into my wolf yet, I can start to see

more clearly. Three boys kneel in front of me, not from my pack. They look to be around my age,


“Honey, why would you try to kill yourself?”

That’s all it takes to burst into tears. Through sobs I tell the three boys about all the bullying, the name

calling, my birthday being tomorrow, and everything else.

“f**k. I would try to kill myself if that happened” One of the boys say.

“Who are you?” I whisper.

The boy kneeling directly in front of me speaks up. “I’m Damon Erickson. Next in line Alpha for the

Blood Warrior’s pack. These two i***t twins are my brother, Jason and Derick. But you can call them

dumb and dumber.”

I laugh slightly. “If only you guys were my pack maybe I’d still want to live” I say with a sigh. The three

boys exchange a look. They seem to be mindlinking.

“Yeah, I don’t see why not. We’ve always wanted a little sister.” Jason says. I snort.

“Teasing me will not help. You’ve already interrupted my suicide attempt, so you guys can go home.

Thanks for the delay in death.”

Damon takes my hand in his, causing me to flinch. Nobody touches me unless they’re about to hurt


“Amira, I’m the next alpha. I can do whatever the f**k I want. And having a little sister is very much what

I want. Especially one as feisty as you. I mean hell, you were just on deaths door and the first thing you

said was “f**k off.” If you want in my pack, we’ll take you with open arms and hearts. Someone like you

should not be getting hurt.”

I start crying again. “Really?” I ask.

“Yeah. Really.” He says.

“Tomorrow at 9pm, meet me here. You don’t need to pack much, what’s ours is yours if you agree to

come. I’ll speak to our parents about adopting you. Yeah?”

If this is a dream, it’s a beautiful one.


Several hours later and with two bandaged wrists I head home. I avoid my brother, and don’t bother

looking for my parents because they’re on another trip.

It’s already 10pm, so I go straight to bed. While in my room, however, I pray to the moon goddess.

“Dear heavenly goddess, I come before thee to ask of a large favor. I am leaving this pack tomorrow

with no intentions of coming back, and I don’t want anything to anchor me here. So if my mate happens

to be in this pack, allow me to separate from the bond. Please.”

I open my eyes, only to be met with a glowing celestial woman.

“Moon goddess?” I ask.

“You may call me Selene, child.” She responds with a smile.

I bow my head to her in respect, but she tilts up my chin.

“No need for that, child. We will be seeing quite a bit of each other. Now, if it is your wish that you don’t

feel the pull of the mate bond if your mate is in this pack, I will honor that wish. But in return I ask one


I nod.

“Never bring intentional harm to yourself again. You have a wonderful purpose in life, and it would

break my heart to see you pass it by because of some silly pups that bully you.”

“Of course, Selene.”

“Uphold the end of your bargain and I shall do the same with mine. A word of advice: Trust the new

family you will come into in the Blood Warrior pack. They will be that who you grew up without.”

With those words, she disappears.

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