Bad Boy Isn’t My Type

Chapter 32

Jennie Wilson POV


Blake eyes landed on me, suddenly I felt like I was threading a thin line. He inched towards me, making me take step back.

” Hi”

” H… hi…… actually I… I… was going to cook.” I quickly turned towards the counter.

” Oh really? What are you cooking?”

” Uh…… lemon chicken?”

” Lemon chicken!?” Blake bit his lip like he was suppressing something. ” It’s…… Vincent’s…… fa-”

Heh…… did I say lemon chicken…… I wasn’t going to cook it though……!!

” broccoli cheese and spaghetti. Yeah I am going to cook that” I said quickly interrupting him.

” Cook Lemon chicken first.” Blake said, it was more like a threat. I nodded unconsciously and went to get the ingredients nervously.

I was cleaning chicken breast and baby red potatoes, but Blake didn’t even budge. He sat on the counter staring at me.

I grew even more conscious and I nervously started heating the pan. He continued watching me in an unnerving way, like he was trying to see all my deepest secrets, and I was afraid he could see them all too easily.

” Thank you.”

Am I dreaming? Did he just……

” Eh? Oh! It’s nothing I like to cook, it’s been my hobby. It’s my pleasure-”

” No. Thank you for helping Vincent when I was not there last night. That’s really brave of you kid and I really appreciate that.”Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

I never heard speak like this, his voice was always cold, derisive or emotionless, as if it was impossible for him to talking to me nicely.

” Uh…… it’s nothing” I said shyly.

“And yeah I heard that you are willing to help Vincent to get out of his depression? Xavier told me that.”

I turned red, feeling shy all of a sudden, plastered to my spot to his soothing voice. For a moment, he seemed unreal. The most disturbing thing was the fact that it felt so natural.

I was still breathing erratically and my heart raced, but it had nothing to do with panic or rage.

Maybe I shouldn’t deny it this time because when I did last time, Vincent went mad.

” Yeah…… I couldn’t have ever imagined that he was facing so much. He suffered on the inside, and he wanted to escape from his darkness, at least I can help in that” I stated honestly earning a smile from Blake.

Did he smile!!!!! Did Blake Parker smile!!!?

He stepped towards me making me jerk a little, he raised his hand making me shut my eyes instantly in fear.


I felt a weight on my head and when I opened my eyes, Blake ruffled my hair, making me flush.

I felt my cheeks warming. I lowered my head and stood up, trying to figure out what to do or say in order to appear less awkward.

” You are really a kid with golden heart after all. I was wrong about you…… you are nothing like her.”

His tender words took me by surprise, paralyzing me, and all I could do was return his intense gaze.

“Hmm…… I trust you fully this time. Don’t break his heart and my trust, otherwise nobody is worse than me” Blake said and turned to leave.


” Heh what do you mean by heart! I am just helping him to get out of his depression nothing else!” I shouted as he started walk off.

” Whatever. Good luck with that, because I know where it’s going to lead anyway.” He wavered his hand walking out like he was ignoring my statement.

Where it’s going to lead?

No way! Never! Ever!!! Impossible!!

Vincent…… I would never…… What does he think of me!

I prepared lemon chicken, broccoli cheese and spaghetti. Harper and Rose helped me arrange the food on the dinning table.

Emma, Xavier and Blake walked in towards dining table. I sat near Harper smiling at her goofy personality. Suddenly everybody’s eyes shifted towards the stairs.

My heart skipped a beat when my eyes finally met the ones they’d been looking for, and a rush of desirous and bitter feelings twirled inside of me, drowning me in their intensity.

Vincent sat between Blake and Emma deliberately facing me, our eyes never straying away from each others faces. This toxic circles of insults and hate would go on forever.

” Here…… your favourite lemon chicken Vincent!” Emma chirped placing the chicken on his plate.

I bit my lip in nervousness, as he lifted his fork to eat. I felt a crushing sensation in my chest. I sucked in the air, my pulse throbbing in my ears.

Why am I getting nervous!?

You don’t care whatever he says…… don’t you?

Will he like it??????

He put the chicken in his mouth, I shivered, my chest ached, pain coating me from the inside out.

” Do you like it?” Emma asked him with anticipation.

I looked down, refusing to look at him, refusing to know the result. Damn I was acting like I am in MasterChef and he is freaking judge. Why…….

Vincent hummed in response giving a sign of approval. ” Really!!! Jennie made it!” Emma blurted out quickly before I could react.


I looked at him, Vincent choked as soon as he heard her. ” Hey what the…… Drink water!!!” Emma shrieked.

He didn’t look away from me even once stripping me of everything, as he drank water, making breathing difficult. I kept looking at Vincent, waiting for his attack, but he just stared at me with his hooded eyes

” Wow it’s really good! I have never tasted this good lemon chicken, it’s the best.” Blake said through his stuffed mouth.

” Thank you!” I smiled at him blush creeping up on my cheeks.

I glanced in Vincent’s direction and flinched when I found his dark eyes still on me. I still couldn’t recognise any emotion in them as he returned my gaze without blinking.

” She cooked all of this, she is a homie. You should cook daily for us, it would make someone happy you know” Emma chirped making me flush with embarrassment.

Vincent continued to eat, not looking at me. Everybody were praising me for the food but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t even spare a single glance at me. Then a twisted, misplaced disappointment filled me, by his silence.

He didn’t like it?

Why do even care Jennie! Do you want him to praise you?

No. No absolutely not!!!

Yes you do!!!

Shut up you little piece of mind!!!!

Don’t you get it? I hate him!!!! I hate him! I hate him!!

I flinched when I heard my phone buzz. Hayden was calling me. Hayden?

” Oh hey Hayden!” I answered his call.

” You forgot me didn’t you. Why are you ignoring me? Didn’t I say you to meet me after class? But you were gone already!”

“Hayden!!! I am not ignoring you Hayden please! Harper, Rose dragged me to Emma house, didn’t even let me say no. I never planned to come here. I really wanted to meet you, but I came here unwillingly.”

Suddenly I heard a bang on the table making me flinch. Vincent looked angry for some reason. I stared at his eyes that seemed so dark as he glared me, making me unable to think properly. His jaw was set firmly and his full lips were pressed in a thin line.

” Wait you are in Emma’s house!? You mean you are in Vin-”

” Uh…… Hayden. Can I talk to you later? I am-”

“No! You are not hanging upon me!!! Hey talk to me! Why are you there!?”

Why is Hayden getting angry!????

” Hayden-”

Vincent kept the glass with a loud thud, making everyone flinch, except for Blake and Xavier.

Why is Vincent getting angry?

” Jennie? Jennie! Talk to me damn it!!”

” I will talk to you later! Bye!” I shrieked and cut the call.

I willed myself to return his burning stare and I couldn’t stand the way he looked at me, like I’d destroyed everything in him.

Why are you scared Jennie!?

I am not……

Then why did you cut the call? Are you afraid of Vincent?

No I am not!!!!

The phone began ringing again. I cut the call but, Hayden kept calling me. I could feel Vincent getting pissed second by second. He just stared at me, looking at me like I was breaking him piece by piece, and I couldn’t stand watching it.

Why is he acting like this?

Why is it bothering him?

Why is it bothering me?????

” Answer his call already, otherwise you will stay single forever.” Harper teased me and I gave her a death glare to shut her mouth.

” What? You like him don’t you? He’s the only guy you liked so far. You should have seen her how restless she used to get day by day thinking of Hayden, when he was in hospital. Never saw you that tensed for anyone. Just marry him already!”

Vincent suddenly got up making me hunch in fear. ” I am done”

” What? You didn’t even finish the food!” Emma shouted at him.

” I am not hungry! By the way the food sucks, It is the worst lemon chicken I have ever had. I just want to puke after eating it.” He said without any remorse and walked out.

Tears sprang up on my eyes, I wished the ground would swallow me up and I wouldn’t have to face this embarrassment.

” Don’t take him seriously dear! Food is really good!” Emma shrieked seeing me in verge of crying.

Why does he have to always act like this!?

I cooked it so carefully, and passionately, just for him… why does he have to…….

He didn’t like it! He didn’t like it!

I bit back my tears, and I swallowed hard, my skin prickling all over. Blake looked at me with dead serious face. He looked like he knew what was going around and he didn’t like it at all.

We finished our dinner and everybody were enjoying talking, but there was no sign of Vincent. Blake came and sat near me, staring me intensely rattling me inside out of fear.

” What’s going on between you and him?”

” Huh? Nothing? Why do say that…… I don’t know why is Vincent acting like that, I didn’t even do anything!” I shrieked under his deadly gaze.

” Let me repeat myself again. What’s going on between you and Hayden? Are you two dating?” Blake voice froze me.


“What! No! No I… we are not dating, we are just good friends! He is just my college mate” I gulped.

” I see. You better keep in that way. I don’t want to waste my time making him pay.”

” Excuse me! You are acting like Vincent and I are couple, you are acting like we are dating! I am just…… I am just helping him reduce his depression that’s it.”

” Where in my sentence said that you are dating?” Blake raises his eyebrows like he was mocking me.

” I…… I… it meant like that”

” No it didn’t. I am making sure you do it properly, you know get him out of depression. I didn’t say to date him or something, just don’t do anything which triggers him, I am just being your guide.”

He must be kidding me!!!!

“You are impossible. I am out!” I narrowed my eyes and got up to walk away from him, far away. Blake smirked shaking his head.

What does he think of himself!!

I walked near the yard furiously, as the fresh night air hit through my skin. I was enjoying the moonlight and the surrounding.

This place was very quite, no people around, with lot of trees. Emma’s house was near forest and the place was quite posh, only rich people could afford it.

I took deep extending my arm, relaxing trying to forget all the pain and insults, all insecurities for a while. I suddenly saw a red t-shirt walking towards the woods.

Heh!? Is that Vincent??

Why is he going towards the woods?

This night!? Doesn’t he know it’s dangerous!?

What should I do???

I looked at the house direction, but Vincent was walking quickly. It would be too late if I call Blake!

Uhhhh…… Vincent!!!!!! Why!!!!

” Vincent!!!!!” I shouted running towards him.

” Vincent stop!!!!”

I glanced over the deserted clearing, which was encircled by tall trees, that looked somewhat scary in the night.

The red shirt was fainting from my eyes. I zigzagged between the trees, the loud crunching sounds from the leaves beneath me revealing my exact location, and I had no idea where I was heading to.

The deeper I went, through the forest, the more scared I felt, and my lungs and muscles were already burning from exertion.

” Vincent!!!!”

My breath pants out into the chilly air in white puffs, like smoke. I could hear wild animals roaring and it scared me to death.

” Vincent where are you!??????? Vincent!!”

I was restless and perturbed by the sight and piercing silence. It was too silent. Nobody would get to know if someone murdered a person and bury him.

The trees around me were never ending, I was getting more lost, I had no way of knowing how to get back to my home, I didn’t even bring cellphone while I came out of the house and there was nothing that could help me to get out of here.

I got lost didn’t I!!!!? Mommy!!!!!

Somebody help me!!!!!

I could hear many creepy sounds, I reached the part where the endless trees were even denser, and I had trouble going in between them with full speed.

” Vincent please come back! Where are you? Vi…… Vincent…… Vincent! Please come back. ” I stared crying heavily.

Not able to avoid one of the branches on time, I was swept off my feet when the blow to my chest, sent me down, and a cry escaped my lips.

” Vincent…… Vincent!!!” I cried heavily wandering here and there, scared by the creepy sounds hitting my ears.

Even with the adrenaline coursing through my body, the cold seeped into me, reminding me I would freeze soon if I didn’t find a way out of this forest or reach Vincent.

“Vincent!!!!!!!!! Where are you?” I cried heavily huffing for air.

” What the f***! What are you doing here?”

I turned and looked at Vincent looking at me confused and angered at the same time. ” Jennie!”

His eyes darted all over my face, tracing each inch of it, stealing my breath away.

Tears escaped from my eyes and I ran towards him without wasting any time and held his arm crying heavily.

” Stupid! Idiot boy! Where were you!!! I looked for you everywhere. You know how scared I was!!! Don’t you know it’s too dangerous here!” I cried out holding on to his arm.

” What would’ve happened to you if I wouldn’t have come here? Stupid Vincent! You know how worried I was. What if bear or lion ate you up? Stupid idiot! Nimrod!” I cried heavily holding him tightly, as if he would disappear any moment if I leave him.

” Why do you have to act like this? You know how dangerous it is…… Huh? What were you thinking? I… I…… was scared…”

I froze instantly and realisation hit me, I was clinging to him too tightly. I released my hold instantly but Vincent quickly held my hand like he didn’t wanted me to loose the hold on him looking at me intensely.

His six two feet body was too close to mine, and my pulse went crazy at his proximity.

His eyes were filled with amusement and shocked by my outburst. I tried to pull away but he pulled me by my waist very near to him. My heartbeat reached the crazy tempo.

Vincent was here. He was finally here with me, so close to me, numbing everything in me. Vincent placed his large palm on my wet cheeks. A hot tears escaped from my eyes as I looked at him.

I was all alone here with him, in this dark forest. Why do I feel relieved rather than getting than getting more scared?

What could happen now?

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