Bad Boy Isn’t My Type

Chapter 46

Jennie Wilson POV

God! This is embarrassing!!! It was like I was branded by his name. He was taking large steps towards me, and I took a step back in return, feeling extremely nervous. 

Vincent eliminated the distance between us, his gaze devouring me completely. He was so close to me now, I had no choice but look at him in his eyes, all too scared. He eyes was sparkling with unspoken feelings, and it was making my leg weak. 

He suddenly flipped the jerkin onto me he was holding, covering my body. He made me wear it properly. 

He studied my face in the long seconds ticked by, heart thumping madly against my chest and I could hardly breathe. He slowly zipped the jerkin, his hands slowly moving up with the zip till it reached to my neck. 

Frightened by his nearness and the deadly look on his eyes. I bolted and tried to get away as far away from him as possible. It was futile, because he caught me easily and veered me around, pressing me against his solid chest. ” Where are you going?” 

” I am going back home!” I whisper yelled at him, trying to wiggle from his grip but it was in vain. Damn what happened to my voice……. 

” I will leave you with my car. You can’t walk home looking like this.”

” No thanks! I will manage myself!” I managed to get off from his hold and started walking. I would never ever take Vincent Ainsworth help in my life. 

I stared walking off fuming up, but the dress was all baggy baggy I looked like a scare crow and it was difficult for me to walk. 

To my bad luck the pant suddenly slipped off while I was walking, degrading me completely in this situation, I looked at Vincent in horror. Great! Just great! 

Vincent bit his lip, like he was controlling himself from laughing, his eyes completely amused. I pulled back the pant holding it with my hands, completely embarrassed. 

Vincent strode towards me and lifted me up suddenly making me shriek out, completely attacked by his behaviour. 

” Vincent!!!” I freaked out but he started walking carrying me, on his strong arms, I tried to wiggle but I couldn’t escape the grip. ” Stop wiggling! It will fetch you nothing…” 

We were soon out of the locker room and I felt like my heart was going to burst due to embarrassment. Each and every person passing by looked at us with shocked, confused and amused face. This is so embarrassing!!!!!!!!!! 

I hid my face, burying my head on his chest completely covering my face with the long sleeves. 

Vincent didn’t give a f*** of the people around there, or his reputation, he himself didn’t feel embarrassed, for him it was just me and him and nothing else. 

He opened the car door and tossed me like I was some sack. He locked the car with his remote so that I couldn’t run away. ” Vincent! I said open the door! I can go myslef!!!” 

He entered inside the car, ignoring my scream and yelling and he drove away fast. I remained silent throughout the drive, because my throat was dry due to so much screaming, and what if because of this lunatic guy we meet an accident? I can’t predict things when I am with him. 

We soon reached Rosé house and I got off when I got chance to get out. I tried to run, escape from him, but this cloth betrayed me again! Even they were Vincent side!!! I hate him and his clothes!!!! 

Vincent stopped me, holding my wrist and made me look at him. “Stop running, you will fall on the ground. Take steam bath again in your room, it will be better.” 

Seriously! He was acting all nice guy now while he was reason for all my problems! I tried to ignore his words and turned to walk but he pulled me back. 

” What the hell you want now Vincent!!!” I fumed up.

” Stop hanging out with Hayden.” 


I looked at him with annoyed expression. ” First of all you are no one to order me what I should do…… and second…… I will not stop hanging out with Hayden.” 

Without any warning, his eyes grew darker and more dangerous, making me afraid to move an inch. I was rendered speechless. 

” Then I will make him pay too. Forget about Hayden. If not, you both going to suffer, what you’ve survived until now would be a child’s play ”

He was horrible. I didn’t understand how one human being could say such hurtful things to another. It was worse than anything. 

” You can’t control my life, and you certainly can’t make my choices-” 

” Of course I can. I am making your choices. Did you forget that I will be making your life miserable, I will make sure I completely break you into nothing, no one to stay beside you.” 

” The game has just begun baby girl, if you go against my wishes, you are going to suffer very severely.”

” You are a monster! I hate you!!” 

” Like as if I care. It’s a final warning. Stay away from him, if you want to see him alive and doing fine. Do you want me to pay him for your deed?” 

He was just impossible!!! As if it wasn’t enough drag me in his shitty life, he was bringing Hayden too. 

I fumed up, tears almost dwelling up on my eyes. I didn’t speak further, because what he might do next was completely unpredictable, I had enough for today. I don’t want to be burried in coffin. Bloody maniac, psychopath man. 

I walked away running towards the house, lifting the clothes up. 


Feeling exhausted, I lay across the bed. I closed my eyes shut and fisted my hands. I hated him for breaking me like this. Everything thing about Vincent was complicated. 

The walls around him and his complex past were too high, impenetrable, and dangerous. Vincent and his fits of anger, it was horrible and brutish. 

How fast his emotions changes, like from zero to hundred-as if someone has pressed his button, acting like a maniac. Does his disorder make him do that? 

The only emotions I could ever see on his face were rage, mockery, and coldness. I hate him, what I hated the most was my inability to do anything-to fight through that horror held me captive. 

Then there’s Hayden…… 

*” I am your classmate, I guess you know me. I sit behind you”* 

*” So it’s a Yes!? You will be my date…?”* 

**” I don’t care if you hate me or push me away, but for me its you and it will be always be you! I will always love you”**

His words, his actions baffled me completely. I never imagined that they had such a powerful impact on my mind…… my heart. 

I was always alone against the people in university, but there’s him standing beside me, creating possible scenario in my head no matter what fight against all of them back even though they tend to crush you completely. 

A tear escaped from my eyes thinking about him. He stood for me, when nobody reached me, still knowing that it would cost him too. I did like him…… but now it was turning into something special feelings. 

I wanted to erase the past and have a different, much brighter future with Hayden. I was falling for him…… I wanted to give it a try with him. 

Vincent was my bully, my enemy. How can I fall for him…… his actions making me all too scared to get out my shell?

He had no remorse and absolutely no respect for me. How can you have crush or love someone when he is the reason for making your life miserable?

No matter how hard he tries to separate us, I will never give up. I am ready to brace all his hasty actions, no matter how much it will turn ugly. He wouldn’t understand what is the difference between him and Hayden. 

I called Hayden, wiping my tears. It was ringing but he didn’t pick up the call. I called twice…… thrice, but he didn’t pick up. 

I hope he’s ok…… Blake was a monster and vicious just like Vincent. Always explosive, repulsive human being. His moron friend was a maniac, what was his excuse? 

I closed my eyes, I just wanted my stupid brain to shut up for once. I hope Hayden is okay…… my heart broke when he was in hospital because of them. I hope nothing bad happens again to him. 

I went down towards kitchen, to drink water and my heart suddenly dropped when my field of vision met someone. 

Lisa entered house, her hair messed up, blood slightly tricking on her lips. Her skin etched out of her elbow. My heart broke into uncountable pieces, seeing the ghastly sight. 

” Harper !” I freaked out, running towards her, reaching her how much ever fast I could. ” What happened? Why are you bleeding!?” 

” That bimbo! What does she think of herself!” Harper fumed up sitting on the couch with a loud thud. 

Rose soon entered the house, tossing the car keys on the counter. She was tensed and pissed at the same time. Her hair messed up too but fortunately no wound. 

” She had a ugly fight with a bully. That b*tch Linda, bullies her whenever she got chances. Harper and her exchanged few punches. ” Rose sighed. 

” That female bimbo! I should have broke her neck, her knee her everything!. She doesn’t know me, she thinks I wouldn’t do anything about it. I cut her into pieces…… that f***ing rich lad!” Harper barked out, fuming up. 

” Calm down! I will bring ointment stay with her Jennie!” Rose said patting my shoulder. 

She was bullied? A tear escaped my eye, but I brushed it off furiously, angry at myself, bringing Harper into my mess, she was dragged unnecessarily in mine and Vincent’s fued, she didn’t deserve this. 

I sucked in my tears, refusing to dwell on the pain in my chest. I sat beside her and lines of sorrow settled deep in my face, when I touched her wounds. 

” Who the f*** think she is? Talking ill things about you and me! That deranged b*tch!!” 

A tear escaped from my eyes. She fought because of me, to protect me. Bullying had made my life miserable, but selfishly I had dragged Harper in too. I just hate myself more than anything, I wish I had never told her, never went with her to the principal. 

When will this end? 

Rose came with first aid kit, and I picked up the ointment. I dressed her wound with my heavy heart. 

” Why are you crying!?” Harper shrieked out. ” I am all fine! Nothing can happen to me, I am invincible. You should have seen me throwing a punch on her ugly face. I am a black bet in karate yo, I thrashed her like a sack of potato.”

Rose laughed ” You should have seen the fight! Harper pulled all her hair out. I bet she can’t walk properly now. I hit one of her minion though, when she was going to attack Harper from behind. Those b*tches wouldn’t dare to lay a finger on her anymore. That punch though Harper……!” 

” Yeah……! You don’t worry Jennie, call me whoever try to mess with you, I will kill them all. If I don’t become Lady Don of Hunsberg University I am not daughter of Olivia Williams. I will teach you karate, kick each and every one’s butt whoever bullies you.” Harper eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.

” Yeah!” Rose added with equal fire blazing in her eyes. 

I laughed out wiping my tears. I always considered myself weak-always scared and resorting to tears. Bullying felt like as if I was born with a mistake. I was so ashamed that I wasn’t able to voice out, fight out the bullying.

But now my friends gave me strength and hope. I always aspired to be like Harper. 

I will try my best to stay strong and fight for myself, like Harper, Rose…… Hayden. 

” Let’s make pasta! Who wants to eat pasta!? Raise your hand!” Rose chirped. 

” Me!!” Harper hyped up and I smiled raising my hand too.

We made pasta, laughing and chatting. After a long time I was happy, I had smiled after a long time. 

We stayed for hours in the hall, chatting, laughing, Harper and Rose making fun of bullies. 

After so many hours, I went back to my room and took my phone. My heart pulse sped insanely when I looked at my phone. 

There were so many calls of Hayden, and I have missed all of it. He had dropped a message too. I was so lost with my Harper and Rose, I forgot that I had left phone in my room. 

I opened the message, my hands shaking terribly. 


Are you all right? 

Why aren’t you picking my calls!!!? 

If you see this messages…… Meet me in the west park at 8 pm, near the laughing Buddha statue. I will be waiting for you there.

I looked at the time in horror. It was 7:00 pm, thank god I didn’t see the message late. I dressed up quickly, I wore a sweater and ran downstairs. 

I was going to meet Hayden!!!! 

My heart was hammering madly against my chest. This is it…… I was going to meet him finally. I was going to tell everything to him, how I feel for him. 

I took the cab, telling the driver to reach how much ever possible he could drive.

I finally reached the destination where I wanted to reach. I ran into the entrance of the park quickly. There it was, statue of laughing Buddha. 

I ran towards it, huffing and puffing. I ran like my life depended on it. I reached it. I was heaving badly. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

Hayden wasn’t there. I looked at my watch and it was just 7:15. Maybe I have come early. 

I sat on the bench heavily badly. I looked at sky, stars twinkling brightly, wind blowing freely on my skin. I had to just wait patiently for the time to pass, for Hayden to come. 

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