Bargain Bride: The Billionaire’s Forced Wife

Break Up

AS EXPECTED, Ezio indeed contacted Chiara the next day. The whole Bianchi family is in chaos while waiting for the man to arrive in their house.

It’s too ironic. Just yesterday, they were in their knees and begging for him to spare them. But now, they’re getting ready to welcome him for lunch.

“Mi figlia, you don’t have to do this. Just let us receive the punishment. We deserve it anyway,” Celine, Chiara’s mother spoke while wiping their dining table.

Fabio, the father, released a heavy sigh. “You don’t know what you’re doing, mi figlia. I’ll talk to Signor Ezio later about this.”

“No,” Chiara firmly said while shaking her head. “Mom, Dad. I can’t let you go in prison. Besides, we only got in dent because of me.”

“Don’t say that!” Celine startled at what her daughter said. “We chose to borrow from him not because you asked for things, but because we want to provide for you!”

“But if I haven’t asked for anything, then you wouldn’t have to give anything!” Chiara exclaimed as she put down the plates and utensils, creating a clinging sound.

“I already made up my mind. This is much better than putting you two in jail. Atleast, I can still see you and we can still go on with our lives,” she spoke softly and reached for her parents’ hands. “If he sued you, it will tarnish the reputation that you worked hard for. I don’t want that. I want us to stay the same.”

“You’re sacrificing a joyful future ahead,” Fabio spoke. “You won’t be happy with your marriage.”

“But I won’t be happy when you’re in prison either. I prefer it this way,” their daughter responded.

“How about Simone?” Celine asked. “Did you already told him about this? I’m sure that he would disagree.

Chiara shook her head and took a peak on her phone resting above the living room table. “I have no plan of telling him about our situation. I will break up with him as soon as possible. I’m just gathering some courage.”

Chiara couldn’t help but cried after saying those words. In her whole life, she never imagined that she will end their relationship.

She’s head over heels for Simone. She even told herself before that she wouldn’t marry anyone if the man is not him. But here she is, currently thinking of ways on how to tell her boyfriend – soon to be ex-boyfriend – about their break up.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Chiara’s deep thoughts were interrupted when their doorbell rang. Her mother hurriedly went outside to open the gate. On the other hand, Chiara composed herself.

Cold wind entered their home when Ezio took a step inside. His eyes first landed on Chiara who forcibly smile a little at him.

The lunch was uneventful. Everyone was quiet and waiting for Ezio to say something.

“This is quite a delectable meal,” Ezio commented while gently tapping the napkin on the side of his lips. “Who’s your cook?”

Fabio hesitantly motioned his hand towards his daughter. “My daughter cooked the meals, signor.”

Stunned, Ezio looked at Chiara. “You cooked all of this?”

Chiara nodded before looking down. “I used to attend cooking lessons before. My best friend also taught me.”

Ezio’s eyes glistened. The thought of her cooking such delicious meal for him is enough to complete his day.

Trying to hide his joy, Ezio cleared his throat and opened the topic that the family has been itching to talk about.

“Regarding the wedding, I created a marriage contract for our convenience,” he spoke and motioned one of his man to give the folder to Chiara.

Fabio asked with confusion. “What for, signor? I think there’s no need for that.”

Ezio slowly tapped his fingers on the table. “You know me, Mr. Bianchi. I love making written agreements, and this marriage is one of those agreements that needs it.”

Fabio couldn’t do anything but to hang his head low. There’s no reason to have a debate against this man, for he knew that he will lose in the end.

On the other hand, Chiara and Celine were busy reading the contract.

“This is such a short contract,” Chiara commented while holding the one-pager agreement, not minding her ringing phone.

“About the fourth section,” she said. “Does it that you’re the only one who can end the marriage?”

Her parents read the part that Chiara was pertaining to. And indeed, the section said that “this marriage contract will only be terminated, if and only if, Ezio Moris Vitali signed and sealed an annulment or divorce letter with the bride.”

Ezio nodded his head. “Since I’m the one who created this marriage idea, I supposed that I’m the only one who can end it. Besides, I’m the one who will be in control on what will happen in this marriage.”

Chiara couldn’t help but to grit his teeth. Her plan to divorce him after having enough money to pay him won’t work.

It looks like Ezio doesn’t have a plan to let her go.

“I will cover everything about the wedding. Nevermind the expenses,” Ezio looked at Chiara. “Just tell me what your dream wedding is.”

Chiara was supposed to be jumping up and down with joy, but she can’t make herself happy knowing that she will enter a loveless marriage.

“I will send the details,” she answered. “I’m not in a hurry. You can prepare for it for as long as you like.”

“I want the wedding to be held as soon as possible,” he firmly said. “Within this month, preferably.”

Their eyes widened. “Isn’t it too fast, signor? You can-”

“Nothing is too fast for me,” he stood up and fixed his necktie. “I will choose the date and you have to conform with it.”

“Wait-” Chiara’s words were cut short when her phone started ringing again.

She cannot count how many times her phone rang today. The caller is always the same – Simone.

Although she really wanted to answer his calls, she has to stop herself. There is a problem on her plate that needs to be solved immediately.

Ezio’s eyes landed on the ringing phone. “That person keeps on calling. I’m starting to get annoyed,” he looked at Chiara once again. “Answer it.”

Chiara doesn’t need to be told twice. She picked up her phone and answered it. “Hi,” she stuttered.

Simone, on the other line, was shocked on how he was greeted by his girlfriend but didn’t give much attention about it. “Babe, I’ve been calling you since morning. Are you okay? Did something happen?”

She gathered all of her breathe before answering. “I… I want to talk about something. Can we meet later? Maybe at 3 PM?”

“Of course, babe. Do you have a place in mind?”

Chiara nodded even if Simone cannot see her. “Yes,” her voice cracked. “In our treehouse.”

“Sure, babe. I’ll wait for you there. Gotta hung up now. I love you!” Simone said with energy, trying to lift up the mood.

Chiara closed her eyes and whispered, “I love you too.”

Although her voice is too low for someone to hear, that phrase didn’t escaped Ezio’s ears. His jaw clenched while staring darkly at Chiara’s phone, stopping to urge to destroy it.

It didn’t take long for Ezio to leave the Bianchi’s house. After that, Chiara hurriedly went to her room to take a rest, and cry her heart’s out.

She cannot cry infront of Simone later. She must not cry.


Simone was all smiles when he saw his girlfriend entered their tree house. On the contrary, Chiara looked like someone she loves died.

She’s a wearing an all black outfit, very different from the Chiara who likes to wear lively colors. Her puffy eyes are hidden underneath the make up. Her face is void of any emotion.

“Babe,” Simone greeted and hugged her, but she didn’t hugged her back.

Concerned, Simone looked at Chiara’s face. “Are you okay, babe? Tell me. Is there something bothering you?”

Chiara gathered every courage that she had and looked straight into Simone’s eye. “Let’s break up.”

Silence covered the whole place. After a while, Simone chuckled.

“Babe, that’s not a good joke,” he said while trying to make his girlfriend smile. “Come on. What is it?”

“I’m serious. Let’s break up,” Chiara repeated, each word giving a sharp pain on her chest.

Of course, Simone wouldn’t believe what she said. They’ve been together for four years. He knew Chiara since childhood. Their love for each other is buried deep in their soul.

Aside from that, they had just celebrated their anniversary yesterday. They were so in love yesterday. She was so in love with him yesterday. They even shared an intimate kiss before they went home.

“That’s not true, right? You’re joking, babe. You can’t break up with me,” Simone said and tried to touch Chiara’s hand, but she pulled away, making Simone’s heart sank.

For Simone, that action signifies that there is really something wrong on his girlfriend. He’s starting to overthink the situation.

Has she fall out of love?

Did she found someone else?

Did she realize that he is not good enough for her?

Chiara, without Simone knowing, is shattering her own heart into bits. Her insides are breaking. She’s hurting, but it is invisible to the eye.

However, she already made up her mind. She won’t drag Simone into the problem she has. It needs to be resolved by her or her family.

Simone is too good to be drag in a mess that he has no responsibility. Simone’s peaceful life must not be tarnished.

She preferred it this way.

“I’m going to be married soon,” Chiara started talking, trying not to stutter or crack.

Simone’s face fell. “No. No. No,” he shook his head. “That can’t be true. No.”

“It is true,” she answered. “It will be held before the end of the month. You can come if you want.”

Simone’s fingers ran through his hair. He hisses, trying yo understand the seemingly impossible situation.

“Who is he?” he asked. He touched Chiara’s arms and shook her a little bit. “How can you throw away our four-year relationship for nothing?!”

Tears started to fall in his face. “We’re just planning our future yesterday, and now, you already have a new man?! How is that possible?!”

Chiara’s face remained void of any emotion. “We’ve been seeing each other for months. You’re just too dumb to notice.”

Simone’s world fell apart. Heating the love of his life admit that she cheated on him is too much for his heart to carry. Slowly, his knees lost their strength and he fell down on the floor, kneeling.

Seeing his boyfriend kneeling on the floor and crying, Chiara felt like she couldn’t take it anymore. Staying for more seconds will be torture.

She took a deep breath. “He’s richer. He’s much successful. He owns a huge company with several branches worldwide. He has lots of connection. He can give me the luxurious life that I want.”

Chiara gave a fake smile even though Simone can’t see her face. “I just loved you because I thought you’ll be rich by now, but turns out I’m wrong. And I can’t wait any longer.”

She didn’t wait for his reply. She walked out of their tree house – the place where their childhood and memories of love started.

When she was already meters far from the place, she ran. She ran without looking ahead. She can’t even see the road she’s taking. All that she wants is to leave that place as soon as possible. She wants to leave the place that reminds her of Simone.

A sound of a screeching car can be heard infront of Chiara. It made her stop running.

She can’t seen who’s car is it for her eyes are full of blurry tears, but the voice of the man is enough to know who it is.

“Get inside,” Ezio told her.

Chiara didn’t listen. She shook her head and ran away from him.

But even though she ran faster than she could, it still has no chance against Ezio. He easily caught her, carried her in a bridal style and put her in the passenger seat of his car.

“Hush, cara. Stop crying. He doesn’t deserve your tears,” Ezio spoke while putting her seatbelt.

As if she didn’t hit him, Chiara’s crying became louder. “I hate you.”

Ezio’s eyes and heart twitched at those words. “I know, but you will marry me. Wether you like it or not.”

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