Barren Heiress Returns With Quadruplet

Fifty three

Kamille’s POV

Going back into the hospital, I placed my hands gently over my chest and felt it beat heavily. I paused before opening the door to the ward and took a deep breath. I had put on a show in front of Zeke but in earnest, I was still caught up in the heat and tension of what happened in his kitchen. Just the mere thought of it made heat creep up my neck.

I stepped into the room after standing outside for a while, hoping my emotions were not so bare to the naked eye. But Belle’s sharp eyes caught my flushed cheeks the moment she set her eyes on me. “Hey, Kam.” She greeted me. I noticed her gaze was lingering longer than it should.

Her brows furrowed slightly as she took in my nearly disheveled appearance. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. What’s going on?”

I forced a smile on and tried to brush off her questions. .”Nothing Belle. I slept off while the cookies baked in the oven.”

“Hmm, I see,” Belle replied, clearly not buying into my lie. But Belle wasn’t buying it. “Hmm, well, Zeke dropped by looking for you earlier,” she mentioned casually as her gaze held some mischief in it. “I mentioned to him that you were at the penthouse. Did he stop by?”

A laugh escaped me as I dropped the box of cookies I had baked for my kids onto the table, the sound echoing in the quiet room. “Oh, did you now?” I muttered under my breath.

“Yeah, he seemed concerned and worried when he did not see you here.” Belle continued, oblivious to the turmoil brewing beneath my calm facade.

With a twist to my lips, I scoffed, “Well, isn’t that just peachy. I’m sure he was thrilled to see me.”

Before Belle could respond, the door swung open, and the kids burst into the room, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Their sudden arrival startled Royer, rousing him from his sleep. I watched as my children raced around the room, they had their share of the cookies, and the now-awake Royer joined them in the fun.

While I sat and watched them play, I noticed my phone as it vibrated in my pocket. I dipped my hands into my pocket and brought it out.

Hey Kamille,

How is Royer doing? I saw the other kids in school today and promised to visit.

Matter of fact, I am already here at the reception.

I would really love to see how you are doing.


I sighed and replied to his message. If I was going to meet Chris, I had to ensure my cheeks had lost its fluster. I don’t want to have an awkward conversation with him.

I looked over at the kids, then at Belle, before calling her attention. “Hey, Belle. I have to step out for a while.”

“Alright, Kam. I got you.” She responded with a warm smile.

“Hey Kids, Mummy is going to be stepping out for a while. Now be good kids, okay?” I said crouching down to their height as they gathered around me.

“Yes Mummy, we will be good kids.” The four of them chorused, and then I smiled.

I stood up and made my way out of the ward to the waiting area. Walking in, I was greeted by a beautiful flower bouquet and a nice fluffy teddy bear. “Hey, Chris.” I greeted them with a smile.

“Hello, Ms. Kamille.” Chris responded as he gave me a quick hug before handing me those flowers and teddy bear. “I got these for you.”

“Oh, Chris. I’m not the one sick here.” I replied jokingly and he laughed.

“Yeah, but you still deserve a gift for your labor of love,” Chris replied.

“I don’t mind at all. I would go to the ends of the world to protect my kids.” I said with a determined glint in my eyes.

Chris laughed heartily. “Alright Ms Kamille, I believe you. I would love to see the kids too.” He said while trying to catch his breath.

“Alright, but I’m giving your teddy bear to Royer and the flowers can be put into a pot.” I grinned.

“Ouch.” Chris faked a stab to his chest. “That hurts. But I understand you perfectly.”

“Good. Let’s go.” I said and turned towards the exit of the waiting area.

This has to be my truest emotion displayed since Zeke.

We arrived at the ward and the kids greeted him playfully and continued their games. Chris made small talk with them before patting their heads and turning towards me.

“Going already?” I asked.

“Yes, I am. I’m sorry I’m not staying for as long as I would have loved to.” Chris said apologetically.

“And why is that?” I asked, my brows furrowing slightly.

“You know, Mr Reid is a very conservative person and would not really like visitors overstaying.” He replied solemnly. His gaze felt somewhat far away.

Maybe Zeke just wanted to fulfill my wish of keeping my stay here confidential.

“It’s fine. I totally understand.” I replied. He smiled at me and I returned the smile.

After walking in silence for a while, Chris spoke up again. “I don’t mean to intrude,” Chris began, his voice hesitant, “but as a father myself, I can’t help but wonder… Royer seems perfectly fine. He only had a mild concussion to his head. Are you not sure you’re being held here against your will?”

His question caught me off guard, and for a moment, I faltered, unsure of how to respond. But then I remembered the doctor’s explanation. Royer was stable but needed to be observed for a week or two before he would be discharged.

I forced a smile, hoping to ease Chris’s concerns. “Oh, it’s nothing like that,” I reassured him, my tone as steady as I could manage. “The doctors just want to keep an eye on him for a bit longer, make sure he’s fully recovered. I’m fine with it, really.”

“Okay.” He responded. But as we continued walking, I noticed that Chris’s demeanor had shifted, his cheerful expression had been clouded by a sudden veil of sadness.C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

“Hold on a second, Chris. You mentioned earlier that you’re a father too?”

His gaze dropped to the floor, a shadow passing over his features. “Yeah,” he replied quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Noticing his downcast expression, I reached out to him. “Is everything okay?” I asked gently, my concern for him overriding any existing worries of my own for a moment. “You seem… troubled.”

“I don’t really talk about it, so people do not know this part of my story.” He said with so much emotion etched into his voice.

“Chris, you can talk to me,” I said sincerely. His face had fallen drastically and he seemed to have carried so much burden on his shoulder all by himself.

“I… I do have a child.” Chris admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I was married once and had twin boys. But… there was a car accident, and my wife… she didn’t make it. One of the twins… he didn’t either.”

I reached for my eyes when I realized I had teared up. I could fully relate to anyone who had lost a loved one. Now the puzzle seemed to be falling into place. I could now better make sense of Chriss’s withdrawn and lonely eyes. He had been so withdrawn and now I can fully understand it was because of the weight of burden that shrouded him constantly like a thick fog.

Without a word, I stepped closer to him, wrapping my arms around him in a tight embrace.

“Oh, Chris,” I murmured, my voice choking with emotion. “I’m so sorry. That’s… that’s an unimaginable loss.”

He returned the hug. We stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms. I prayed silently that no one should ever go through such calamity as that. I could never imagine life without any of my babies.

Chris had to be a true survivor of the doom called fate.

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