Barren Heiress Returns With Quadruplet

Forty One

Zeke’s POV

As I gazed into Chris’s face, his presence irked me more with each passing moment. “Don’t you think it’s getting late, Mr. Chris?” I finally said, my tone carrying a subtle edge of authority.

Chris smiled, but there was something unsettling about it, his eyes glinting with a hidden agenda. “I think perhaps we both need to leave.” He suggested smoothly, his words laced with a veiled threat.

I narrowed my eyes, refusing to back down. “Might I remind you that this is my fucking hospital, Mr. Chris.” I reminded him firmly, my tone leaving no room for negotiation.

“You may be welcome to come and go as you please, but if your presence is a discomfort, with a snap of my fingers, I can have you thrown out.”

For a moment, Chris looked taken aback, his smile faltering. But then, with a chilling smile, he simply replied, “Of course. See you around, Mr. Reid.” Before turning to leave the reception area of the private ward.

As Chris left, I reached for my phone and dialed Mr Rogers line. “What’s the update on Chris?” I asked, my voice bearing no calm as soon as he picked the call.

Rogers’ response was measured but not reassuring. “We’re still working on it, Mr Reid.” He replied. “But so far, there’s nothing illegal about the school he owns.”

A cold knot tightened in the pit of my stomach as I hung up the phone, the unsettling realization sinking in that Chris was proving to be more elusive than I had anticipated. Despite my best efforts, his facade remained impenetrable, leaving me with a gnawing sense of unease.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

With a sigh, I reached for my phone once more, sending a message to Andrew, my chief security personnel. I instructed him to send additional security up to Kamille’s room.

Standing up, I approached the room where Kamille and Royer stayed. I tried the lock but the door was locked. Without hesitation, I pressed my fingerprint to the scanner and the door unlocked with a soft click.

I stepped in quietly so as not to wake Royer who was laying in peaceful slumber, his breathing steady and calm. My eyes caught uneasy movements from Kamille’s bed. I walked quickly to her side.

As I approached Kamille’s bed, I noticed her restless movements, a frown creasing my brow in concern. Gently, I reached out and touched her shoulder, hoping to ease her tensed muscles. She seemed to be having a nightmare.

“Kamille.” I whispered softly, my voice a gentle reassurance in the darkness of the room. “It’s alright. You’re safe.”

She stirred, her eyes fluttering open drowsily, filled with a mixture of fear and confusion. “I’m so scared, grandma.” She murmured, her voice trembling with emotion. “It’s too much, too much. I just want to protect my kids. I don’t want any harm to come to them.”

Grandma? She was definitely sleep talking.

My heart ached at her words, the weight of her fears pressing down on me like a heavy burden. “I know, Kamille, I know.” I replied. “But you’re not alone. We’ll find a way through this together.”

I helped her sit up, wrapping my arms around her as she sobbed against my shoulder. Her eyes were still sleepy as she slipped in and out of consciousness. But her mouth kept talking despite her subconscious state.

“I don’t know why you were so persistent that I married Zeke back then.” She confessed, her voice trembling with emotion with her eyes shut.

“I loved him, but he never did, and I don’t know how or when, but I will definitely tell him the kids are his. I just need to be strong enough to protect my kids. I don’t want anyone to take my kids away.”

My hands froze mid air as her words tugged at my heartstring.

What the fuck did she just say?

My mind went totally blank as Kamille’s words sank in a chill swept over me, leaving me frozen in place, my mind a blank canvas devoid of thought.

Her tears kept pouring down my shoulders. I swallowed hard. My hands continued to move on autopilot, gently patting her back in a futile attempt to offer comfort.

Words eluded me, lost in the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swirling inside my mind. So I remained there, my hands gently stroking her to comfort.

With a gentle touch, I guided Kamille back onto the bed, tucking the duvet snugly around her chest. As she lay there, I couldn’t help but marvel at her beauty. A strand of hair had fallen across her face, and I brushed it away tenderly, revealing her serene features.

She looked like a princess, her calm demeanor exuding a sense of grace and peace. Her green eyes, even in sleep, held a warmth that seemed to soothe the soul of anyone who gazed upon her.

I couldn’t help but reflect on her compassionate spirit and kind heart, touching the lives of those around her. In her presence, there was an instant sense of calm, a comforting presence that I found myself drawn to time and time again.

I bet everyone does.

As I watched over her, my heart swelled with admiration for the remarkable woman she was. With a tender kiss on Kamille’s forehead and a feathery kiss on her lips, I turned away from her bed to Royer’s bed. He lay there, innocent in his sleep.

My Son. My heart skipped a bit.

I kissed his forehead gently and turned to leave the room. I couldn’t shake the feeling of emptiness that lingered within.

Leaving the room, with a steely voice, I issued orders to the security team stationed outside.

“Keep a close watch on this room.” I commanded, my tone brooking no room for disobedience. The security team responded in unison, their assurances ringing out in the hallway.

Confident that all was okay, I left. As I exited the hospital, Andrew and the driver stood waiting for me.

“Mr. Reid, good evening.” Andrew greeted with a respectful nod, the driver echoed the same words.

“Good evening.” I responded with a faint nod. “Thank you, but I’ll drive myself.” I said curtly with a wave of dismissal, my tone leaving no room for argument.

With a nod of understanding, Andrew and the driver stepped back, allowing me to make my way to my car alone. The penthouse was only a few feets away from the hospital, so I arrived in no time.

As I pulled up to the penthouse, a sense of relief washed over me at the sight of some of my men already stationed there, with Kamille’s friends and the kids.

Turning off the engine, I sat in the car for a moment, closing my eyes. I took a deep breath, trying to quiet the wave of emotions swirling within me. The events of the night had taken their toll, leaving me weary and drained.

These Kids were mine. What could have made the Manors lie about her fertility status?

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