Barren Heiress Returns With Quadruplet


Kamille’s POV

I got to the club at a little over 8:00 pm. Darkness had covered the surroundings save for the dim lights coming from the club.

I walked briskly into the club. I scanned the crowd till my eyes landed on Amanda with Belle sitted to her right.

I approached the bar where they were seated. “Hello Ladies.” I greeted them, catching their attention. They both stiffened, hearing my voice.

They both turned slowly till they faced me.

“Oh Kamille, it is really you!” Amanda sobbed and threw herself in for a hug.

“We missed you so much Kamille.” Belle added as her doe eyes glistened with unshed tears.

“I missed you both too.” I replied as I released myself from Belle’s embrace.

“Alright ladies. Let’s grab some drinks and celebrate Kamille’s return to the land of the living!” Amanda squealed.

“I second that motion.” Belle said with a hearty laugh.

“Belle?” I called out, surprised she concurred to drinking.

“What? This is a worthy feat and I need a drink to better assimilate all this. Not many people come back from the dead yunno.” Belle replied to her defense causing us to engage in another round of laughter.

We ordered one bottle of liquor and three shot glasses with lemons and had the waiter deliver them to the table we found at a corner.

Just as we sat, the ladies were already bombarding me with a series of questions without even letting me answer any.

“Where have you been?”

“How did you even escape death?”

“Why didn’t you reach out?”

“How did you cope?”

They asked more and I was just calm, looking at them with a smile on my face. It was beautiful and heart melting to watch how excited they were to see me.

“Okay ladies. I’m going to answer all your questions one after the other, but we will have to be quick as I have to hurry home to my kids.

The Shock on their faces when I mentioned my kids was expected. They looked at themselves and yelled simultaneously. “Kids!” Their eyes widened and their mouths stayed open.

“You have kids? How many?” Belle was quick to ask.

“Four.” I retorted.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“What the hell! You have Four children, Kamille Manor!” Amanda exclaimed.

“First, you are alive. Secondly, you have four kids? What other shock of our lives are you keeping from us?” Belle asked. She uncovered the big bottle of liquor, filled up the shot glass, and turned everything into her mouth. Then she wrinkled her face as the alcohol slapped in.

“Why didn’t you say anything to us? Why didn’t you reach out, at least so we should have known you were safe. It would have saved us the heartbreaks we had to go through, thinking you were dead.” Amanda voiced.

“Yes,” Belle concurred. “I mourned you for many months. I couldn’t even do my job effectively at the office, always getting queries because I had a series of breakdowns once the thought of you crossed my mind.

“Yes,” Amanda started hers. “I couldn’t even create for months. Words became blurry, designs were too ugly and audios sounded too solemn. I was so broken that it required so much effort to get me back on track.” She said,

“After your supposed funeral, I inquired about your body, but no one gave me a plausible response. Your family quickly ended everything as though they didn’t want anyone to doubt your death.” Belle added.

We had already emptied half of the liquor bottle as the conversation went on. It seemed my family couldn’t hide their animosity towards me after all.

After I’m done with them, they’ll wish I was actually dead.

“Ladies,” I finally decided to speak up. “I am so sorry for not reaching out to you. It has been rough with me. My life was the true definition of tragedy.” I said reading the saddened expression on their faces.

At the time, we had already finished the drink. I ordered another drink, something stronger. Vodka.

“The day my grandmother died was the unveiling of the evil that was locked away in the heart of the Manors. I was treated like an outcast. At the time, I realized that Zeke was having an affair with Ellen while we were still married. The affair led to our divorce.” As I spoke, my eyes got watery and my voice was shaky. “I thought he loved me.” I added in whispers.

Amanda and Belle tried to comfort me, but it did little good. I drank some more to drown the pain, but it seemed to magnify it.

Tears. Pain Hurt. Shame.

They tried to comfort me, but it wasn’t working. They felt my pain and were even angrier about what I went through.

“If I had the tiniest knowledge of what you went through, I would have made the Manor and the Reid family regret their existence in London.” Amanda said, dispelling a dangerous aura with her words.

“Yes. It would have helped.” Belle agreed. “What about your children you mentioned earlier?” She asked after a brief pause.

“Yeah… they are fine… you see…” I was already slightly drunk and my words became slurry. “I had a terrible accident when I was leaving Zeke’s house and an anonymous person saved me and dropped me off at the hospital. Luckily, the accident didn’t affect my pregnancy. When I came around, I moved to the US and gave birth to my babies there. I then started a new life there on my own.” I explained, a little sober.

“So, what brings you back?” Belle asked.

“I am back to settle all the scores and sincerely, I can’t do it on my own. I will need your help with this.” I revealed. I saw them exchange knowing glances.

“We are solidly behind you. We’ll do anything to ensure every last one of them bastards get what they deserve for what they did to you.” Amanda said.

“We’re here for you Kamille.” Belle chirped in.

“Good. Thank you besties.” A wave of relief washed through me. They accepted.

“So, enough about me, what has been up with you all these years? I want to hear all the juicy details.” I dismissed the emotional tension that hung over us.

“Well, I think I have finally found love. I am currently going out with this guy and he is all I could ever dream of.” Belle replied dreamily.

“Yada yada, someone is in loveee.” I teased her. Belle giggled.

“Well, that is good for her because I am not giving any man the chance lord over me and my affairs. I think I will just stick to being a single rich godmother to all of Kamille’s children.” Amanda said and downed the last shot of drink.

“All?” Belle asked. She was ready to disagree. “You won’t leave any for me?” She asked with a groan.

“Oh dear, because you asked nicely, I will be godmother to two and leave you with the other two,” Amanda said and we all laughed.

Damn it Kamille, the kids!

“Ladies, as much as I enjoy this catching up, I have to go back home,” I said making to rise but I fell right back into my seat.

“Tsk, tsk. I doubt you would make it home in one piece considered the state you’re in.” Amanda said with an expression I couldn’t really tell because of my mushed up state

“That’s true. It’s getting late, but you can’t go back to home on your own in this state.” Belle said.

“I will order you a ride.” She added and picked up her phone and ordered me a ride.

Once she was done her phone beeped. “Damn it.” she cursed. “I hate to say this, but I have to go. I’m really sorry guys. I have to be in the hospital in ten minutes.” She rose and squeezed me in a tight hug, “Welcome back sweetie.” I smiled.

“Bye Belle.” I said. She waved at Amanda who was distracted by a call and left.

Soon after Amanda returned. “Sorry love I have to leave you now. I have a meeting with a client so I gotta run. I’m sorry I have to leave you too.

“I understand.” I smiled. “See you around.” I added. She hugged me and left. I had no choice than to wait for the Uber Belle ordered alone. I sighed.

That went well.

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