Beauty and The Beta (Bailey)



Chapter 69 – Asher After being snarled at down the phone far too many times by the ever so cheerful Luna of our pack, I made my way to the school. Avoiding eye contact with the pack members as I walked through the corridors of the packhouse, a sure fire way to avoid conversation with them. I had not even been allowed time to have my coffee thanks to Eden being so grumpy and demanding I make my way to the school immediately, before the school starting time, so to ensure that Bailey was okay. What she thought would be wrong I didn’t know. Not like she wasn’t capable. She was a trained teacher after all. This is what we employed her for. If she was going to need monitoring all the time, then I think we needed to look elsewhere… She should be perfectly able to manage. A perfectly capable she-wolf. Who fell off a ladder, after deciding it was a good idea to climb it in socks? Zion pointed out, and I chuckled. “Yeah fair point.’ ‘So, do we get to sing nursery rhymes with them at school when we visit? Zion asked, sounding far too cheerful. ‘Piss off.’ I grumbled. ‘I do not need your input this morning. I haven’t even had my coffee.’ the thought of kids singing out of tune sounded like sheer torture… ‘Well, if Miss Bailey needs a big bad wolf for her stories, she has definitely got one in you.’ Zion chuckled, and I simply wanted to strangle the irritating pain in my ass that I was cursed with for a wolf. ‘Ooooh so funny.’ I hissed. ‘Think you are the wolf, last time I checked.’ “Hmm, good point. Well, don’t be going all big bad Beta on her ass today. You might scare her, and the kids for that matter.’ Hel pointed out. ‘I have no intention of going anywhere near her ass, thank you very much.’ I snapped, and now found myself with my wolf laughing almost hysterically at my response. I had to have been given the most irritating wolf in history. One I was no choosing to ignore. I left the doors of the packhouse, almost blinded by the bright

sunshine. Yeah, a coffee may have been a good idea. I was not ready for this… It felt like I was going to melt… more vampire than werewolf this morning without my coffee, without a doubt… I quickly made my way down the path toward the school. When I heard a familiar voice. “Hello Beta.” And I quickly turned around to see Mrs Sullivan. Alli. My former mother-in-law. I should have prepared myself for seeing her. I knew she worked at the school. But, in my haste to do as I was told by Eden, I hadn’t given her a thought. It had been quite some time since I had seen her. I used to regularly spend time with her after she had arrived in our pack. I know she came here to feel closer to her daughter after she had died. To make a fresh start. And I thought in spending time with her, I hoped to feel closer to Isla too. A final link to my lost mate. Clinging onto what I had lost. But, it never worked. 15 80 288 Wouchers I knew my visits brought some comfort to Alli, but after some time I couldn’t continue. The pain was too much. And I began to find excuses for not going any longer. Often using my role as Beta as my excuse. I smiled at her. “Hi Alli, long time no see.” “Indeed. Are you heading in my direction?” she asked, sounding a little unsure, yet what surprised me was that she didn’t once criticize me for not visiting anymore or the length of time since I had last seen her. She was just chatting like I had seen her only a matter of days ago… “I am yeah. On my way to the school, actually.” I told her. “Oh, is something wrong?” she sounded a little concerned now. And, I suppose I couldn’t blame her, a visit from the Beta was pretty unusual. “Of course not, you are doing a terrific job, you always have done. Luna Eden asked me to come and welcome your new lower class teacher. She would be here doing it herself but that little one of hers is still causing some issues.” I explained. I saw a look of relief cross her face at my explanation. “I had heard we had a new girl starting. It will make our lives easier. Is the Luna okay?” I chuckled. “Last time I asked, I believe her words were, still fat, still uncomfortable and still

pregnant.” Alli laughed. “Oh dear. The later stages of pregnancy are difficult, especially when you are as petite as Luna.” We approached the doors of the school, and I opened them to allow Alli to walk in. She nodded at me in thanks. “Well we got here a little early, Beta, o, would you like a coffee?” she asked 1 Vouchers and I smiled. “Seeing as Luna disturbed my coffee, I would not say no. Feeling far from functioning fully as of yet.” I smiled back. I had always got on well with my former mother-in-law, and she had become the lead teacher within our pack junior school in recent years. She was an exceptionally highly respected woman within the pack. She wandered through to the small staff room, “Ah Good Morning, Gabby.” She greeted the other teacher, “And I assume you must be our new teacher.” My eyes darted across the room to meet the curious gaze of Bailey. Those wild curls of the previous night were gone, and her hair was neatly tamed back into a high pony-tail, with a red bow in her hair. And she wore a simple black maxi dress, with red converse on her feet. An unusual outfit, but I have to say she looked kind of cute… “I am Alli, the lead teacher. I think I missed you when you came in for your interview. I was visiting family.” Alli introduced herself, and offered her hand to Bailey, whose face broke into a smile, her delicate features lighting up as she did. “I am Bailey.” She introduced herself, as she shook Alli’s hand. “Well, Bailey, all I can say is, welcome to the mad house, and boy are we glad to have you!” Alli joked, before looking at me. “Beta, you still have your coffee the same way?” I nodded politely. “Please.” When my gaze fell upon Bailev adain cho And I couldn’t help but wonder if that was because of me being here… “Bailey, do you have a moment please?” I asked, and her eyes darted to mine. But, she nodded, quickly standing from the seat, as she stood, I couldn’t help but notice the dress

she wore seemed to enhance the curves of her body… wait… where the hell did that thought come from? ‘Ooohh you naughty boy you!’ Zion chuckled. ‘Thinking of her ass earlier and now checking out her curves!’ I quickly blocked my wolf out, because I did not need his comments messing with my mind. I do not know what made me think that. And I did not his input causing me to analyze what caused me to think it either… “Is everything okay Beta?” Bailey was suddenly in front of me, and I found myself almost frozen, like I was unsure what to say. No. I need to sort my brain out. It is simply because I have not had my coffee yet. That, and the fact I have had Eden and Zion on my case already today… “Sure, come on, I just wanted a quick chat.” I led her out of the staff room, so the others weren’t listening in. “Oh, if it is about last night, I am fine.” She says bluntly, avoiding my gaze. I figured that may be a little awkward… “I was a little concerned about that, but actually, I know talking about that when you are about to start your new job would likely not be the best idea. Luna Eden asked me to come and check in with you.” I explained, and suddenly her face seemed to ease, 66 201 288 Vouchers like relief had spread over her whole body. “Oh!” she said, a small smile teasing at her delicate pink lips. “She had messaged me, I said I was okay.” She said with a shrug. Wait… Eden had already messaged Bailey, so why the hell had she made me feel bad? And then sent me here? I had rushed across pack to do something it seemed like she had already done… “Oh right. Well, she was adamant come and see if you were feeling okay about starting your new job and see if there was anything you needed.” I told her with an awkward smile. am good. Looking forward to it, actually.” She looked up at me, and I could see the enthusiasm within her eyes. I had no doubt this girl was going to be just fine. She was evidently made for thisNôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

job. “Good. If you need anything, you know where I am, right?” I urged her. “Avoiding me?” she said with a cheeky grin, and for some reason, I find myself unable to stop myself smiling back. “And why would I be avoiding you?” “Well, I can only imagine that would be the case if Luna Eden had to force you to come and check in on me.” She said with a playful wink, and I felt my heart begin to race unexpectedly. “No, it wasn’t quite like that…” I began. She gently placed her hand upon my arm. “I was teasing Beta.” 11121 1288 Vouchers She said softly, her big brown eyes looking up at me through long dark lashes. “Hmmm.” I nodded at her with a shake of my head. Struggling to explain why she made me feel nervous. “You can call me Asher, you know?” I suddenly suggested, though I have no clue why…

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