Beauty and The Beta (Bailey)

Beauty 81

Beauty 81

Chapter 81- Miles I had to force myself to attend yet more treatment just to prove to Kaia I was more than capable of doing what was expected of me. I would make this girl want me. If that was the last thing I did..It was driving me wild that she seemed to not want me. Never before had. I encountered a she-wolf my age that could resist me. Normally they were falling over themselves to get their hands on me. I was fighting off offers of dates back in my pack and beyond. Yet this she-wolf seemed to be resistant to my charms. And it was sending me insane. I would need to up my charm. Do what she asked of me, and make her see I was not a bad guy. Anything to lure her to my bed. I would have a taste of her before I was done here, I would be sure of that… “Thanks for coming to another session.” Ben said to me with an anxious smile. This fool, I swear I could jump toward him, and he would s**t himself. He was that on edge when around me. It was so amusing. I loved the feeling of power it gave me. “Is that not what I am here for?” I snarled, allowing my canine. teeth to elongate just enough to let them slip through my lips, so he could see them, and he stepped back a little into the wall, the scent of his fear filling the room. I wanted to laugh so badly, but instead, I walked away. “I assume I will be back again soon.” I asked, turning to look at him, pushing my wolf far enough. forward, so my eye color changed too, knowing I would be scaring the **er even more then too. “Er…Erm..” he sputtered. “Y..Y..Ye. Yes. I believe so, Miles. Kaial will confirm.” His voice shakily agreed, and I continued back to my room with a smile upon my face, loving the power I had over others. The power that being an Alpha brought. It gave me al wolf with so much more power and dominance that most would quiver in fear at their presence. I was beyond ruthless, and so much more powerful than my Dad could ever be, and he would come to realize that when he eventually handed the pack over to me. I opened the door to my room. Glad to be back alone, and eternally grateful that Kaia had not followed through with ther threat of putting me into a multiple-occupancy room. She was trying to gain a reaction from me, I am certain. She seemed to enjoy the power she had here too. That toldContentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDrâ/ma.O(r)g!

me that her and I would be an exceptionally remarkable couple if she would just give me a chance. Both of Alpha blood, too, we could be so powerful as a pair… I went to lie on my bed, thinking once more of the woman who had been taking over my thoughts since she had walked into my room. It made a change to the angry thoughts of Bailey, that was for sure. But, when I returned to my pack, I would be sure to bring that b**h home and make her pay for all this mess. I was here because of her. She had become too bold. Too confident. Too brave. So much so, that she felt she could share the secret I had ordered her to keep. The secret that had brought my life crashing down around me. Risked my title… This had gone beyond me needing her there now for the power her being my fated mate would bring. This was about making her suffer for the pain and suffering she had brought to me, because of the damage she had caused by running to her family and my family and exposing my secrets. I would make her pay. She would live to regret her mistakes. And I would ensure she would regret them for every day of the rest of her life. Suddenly there was a knock at my door, disturbing my angry thoughts. And the door opened. A member of staff stood there, brandishing a telephone within their hand. I had not had my phone since the moment I had arrived here. Cut off from my friends and my family. All a part of this treatment plan, apparently. Needing to be cut off from the world. So, I wondered now why they were bringing me a phone. “Sir, your parents wish to speak to you, I do believe Miss Kaia informed you earlier.” The lady said nervously. I nodded, suddenly remembering that was why Kaia had said. she had come to my room, and I put my hand out to take the phone from the anxious-looking member of staff. *ng the **phone from her hand as soon as she was close enough. “Hello?” “Miles?” My Dad’s voice greeted me.. “Hey Dad. When am I coming home?” I demanded, hoping he would see sense and decide that this treatment option was not the right thing once he saw I had given it a go.

“Miles, you know why you are there. This treatment is to help. with your anger issues. The problems you have been having. We need to try to help you. Or else we will have to consider your position, you know that.” My Dad said, sounding far too calm for me. He had no intention of changing his mind then. He was still listening to my Uncle Donovan, Jordan and Ellis over me. All the people who had taken Bailey’s words over my own. r 11 I sighed angrily, “What is happening in the pack?” I asked. “Pack is all fine, nothing to report, You need to focus on your treatment, then we can consider bringing you home. Finding you a mate, seeing as you chose to reject the one the moon goddess blessed you with.” My Dad said, and I am certain there was spite in his voice when he spoke. Did he not like the decision I made? Was it not my choice to make? I did not want. Bailey, and that would never charge! Yet even my own family. were set to punish me for not wanting her?! They would punish me for the mistake of the moon goddess? I felt fury rippling through me, as my hands began to tremble. I could see the staff member who had brought me the phone. watching me curiously from across the room, like they were partially listening in. I looked across at her. I had a sudden idea… “Excuse me, this is meant to be a private conversation with my family. An Alpha. So can you leave the room please?” I demanded angrily to the staff member, and once again I allowed my canine teeth to elongate enough, so they were. partially visible, and the fear was visible upon her face. She looked like she wanted to cry, only making me want to laugh… “Sorry.” She stuttered, quickly rushing from the room, her scent. of fear lingering as she closed the door, only making me smirk. even more. “Miles, do not speak to the staff like that!” My Mum suddenly spoke up. “They are there to do a job, and they are only trying to help you.” “Well, they do not need to be standing around listening to my conversation with you.” I snapped.

“Show your mother some respect, she does not need talking to like that,” My Dad snarled at me. “So, I assume nothing has changed then?” I snarled right back. Did he think I would be backing down to him? Nothing was changing from me. I was not going to change. I would remain. the same. They needed to change their views on this whole situation. I was the rightful heir, and they needed to accept that. Ellis would never be Alpha. I would kill him before that happened… “What are you expecting to happen, Miles? You know the situation. You are there for treatment, which we heard you were reluctant to participate in, so we are glad you changed your mind on that. But until we are happy there is positive change, and you have a suitable and secure matebond, we will not make a choice.” My Dad said bluntly, and with that, I hung up the phone, not wishing to hear another word. He was **g clueless. I looked down at the phone within my hand, my plan fresh within my mind, as I dialed a number I had long since memorized within my mind. The phone rang for a few moments, making me edge. I needed to hear her voice. I needed to feel the thrill of terrifying her. She had always been scared of me before. оп Suddenly, the ringing of the phone stopped, as she answered the phone. “Hello?” she answered, sounding more than a little uncertain, though I wonder if that was because she was not sure who had called her. But the sound of her voice filled me with rage, and all of my anger spilled of me. gut “So, thought you’d got away from me did you?” I hissed at her, Chapter 81-Miles: 1298 Wouchers all my resentment and rage pouring from me. I hated this b**h, and it was about time she knew it. “I may be away from pack for now b**ch, but I will be back, and when I am, I will make you pay for the s***it you have caused Bailey. Mark my words. Difference will be, I will have a new mate by my side, and you will be all alone.”

I could hear her breathing quicken at my words, telling me my words had scared her. But yet, she never said a word. “What is wrong, Bailey? Cat got your tongue?” I asked sarcastically. “Not like you not to have something clever to say, that is your thing, isn’t it, being the all intelligent girl? Well, your intelligence won’t be saving you this time.” And with that I hung up, not caring if she had an answer for me or not. I had given her something to think of. My words would have been enough to scare her, and that was thrilling enough. Bailey had thought that in running away from me, she was free, but I would bring her back. Her hell would only just be beginning.

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