Beauty and The Beta (Bailey)

Beauty 95

Beauty 95

Chapter 95 – Morgan I walked through the pack, having left my friends, heading home ready to relax and settle down for the night, when I was shocked to feel my phone vibrating in my back pocket. Not many people actually called me. Everybody used the mindlink in the pack, and as of yet, I didn’t particularly know anybody outside of the pack. Unless, of course, you count Bailey, but me and her didn’t exactly part on the best of terms after she and I argued… I slipped the phone from my pocket, and was shocked to see Miles was calling. I had heard he was back. But, I had done my best so far to avoid him. The things I had heard of him had me torn. That did not sound like the guy I had been getting close to. The guy who had promised the world. He had told me stories of me being his Luna. Running the pack by his side. I was ready to give up everything to him. Never did I realize he had been fated for my older sister. Though his cold words before he left hurt. me too… Eww. The thought still repulsed me. Yet I clicked to accept his call, unable to resist. I had missed the deep lull in his voice. And the moment I saw his face appear upon my screen I felt my heart flutter. “Morgan? I am so glad to hear your voice.” He said, his voice as deep and husky as ever. My heart raced at the sound of it. He was glad to hear my voice? Did that mean he had missed me while he was away? My Dad had told me he had told them he wanted nothing more to do with me… well, he had told me the same… I felt like he had broken my heart. Yet, right now, he was back. He was calling me. Maybe he was saying that to protect me? 1200 Chapter 95: Morgan 1288 (Voucher Yeah, maybe that was what it was, he didn’t know how long he would be away or what his treatment would be. “I need to see you darling.” His deep voice oozed charm at me through the phone and I felt like my legs wanted to give way. He wanted to see me? He had missed me then, almost as much as I had missed him then? I gazed

at his image upon my phone. He was so handsome… why could he not have been fated for me instead of Bailey? She never deserved him… “Morgan? Darling, you going to say anything or just gaze at me all night?” Miles chuckled at me down the phone. “I am outside. right now, so it isn’t like I can give you anything to be gazing at…” he winked at me and I felt myself blushing at the thought of some of the videocam session we had had before things. were called off. “Sorry, you took me by surprise calling Miles. I thought you didn’ t want anything to do with me?” I explained. “Aww, did you really think I could stay away?” he teased, slowly running his tongue across his lips and I felt my heart pounding at the sight of him. “You said you would.” “I say a lot of things when I am hurting Morgan. I was scared is all. I didn’t mean it. We had a lot of things we wanted to do together, remember?” he raised his brow at me suggestively, and again I felt my cheek heating at his suggestion, but I nodded. There were so many things I wanted to do with him. Miles was the most sought after guy in our pack, he had been for as long as I can remember. He was the upcoming Alpha after all, and he was so handsome. If I could be his girl, nobody would doubt me. Nobody would question me… 12:03 Chapter 95 Morgan 288 Voucher “So, you don’t want to deny me, do you? Imagine denying your upcoming Alpha.” He pouted at me. “And, you would be denying yourself, Morgan, because you have yet to experience all the things I can do.” He winked at me, and my whole body was beginning to react to the things he was suggesting. “Where are you?” I asked, suddenly beginning to wonder where I could find him, and thinking it might be better going to find him. instead of going home… “That is my girl.” He winked again. “Meet me up at the gazebo near the lake.” I quickly turned around and began walking in the opposite. direction to where I had been going,

rushing to the gazebo. Going home could always wait, seeing Miles was definitely more important. The thought of feeling him kiss me… or even better, touching me… sent my body into overdrive… I almost jogged across the last piece of grass toward the path which led up to the gazebo, trying hard to calm my pounding heart. Only to see Miles was already waiting for me, leaning against the wooden gazebo, looking ever the powerful future Alpha. Handsome and strong in the light of the moon… watching me with a smile upon his handsome face. “Why hello Morgan.” His eyes drifted up and down my body, before coming to meet my gaze once more. “Anyone would think you were in a rush.” I felt myself blushing. **it, I wish he didn’t have that effect on me. Or at least that he didn’t know he did, because I knew he would use it to his advantage… “Erm…. I just didn’t want to keep you waiting.” I lied. 12:031 Chapter 45-Morgan He nodded. “That is good to hear. You learn quickly.” He smirked, almost evilly. “I don’t like to be kept waiting.” 1288 Voucher He reached for my hand, and pulled me toward him, so all I could smell was his s**y, manly scent. My head and heart felt like it wanted to explode as he lowered his mouth to my ear and whispered. “I was tempted to wait for you naked, but I was worried somebody might walk by and see…” My eyes widened in shock as my cheeks heated at his words and he chuckled as he looked at me. “Aww, did I embarrass you Morgan?” he softly ruffled my hair. “If you want to be my girl, you best get used to the thought of me naked, I like being naked, and I expect a lot of things…” he wiggled his brows suggestively, narrowing his eyes as if to portray some hidden. meaning, and for a moment I was a little scared. Miles suddenly turned his back on me and walked into the gazebo and sat on the seating within it, looking up at me. “Don’t just stand there then. You are getting pretty boring, pretty quickly Morgan. I am beginning to remember why I finished. things, I think…” he chewed his lower lip angrily, and I began to panic.

Is that why he ended it with me? Because I was boring? No, I didn’t want that. Nor did I want to be a disappointment to him. Any girl given this choice would do exactly as the upcoming Alpha asked of her. This was the most desired man in our pack. Of course, I do as he wants. Even if I am a little unsure. He knows what he is doing. I have known him for all of my life, he would never hurt me… I quickly went to join him on the seating, and smiled at him, trying hard to act confident. “So, you glad to be home?” I asked, 48.87 12:04 Chapter 95-Morgan 1288 Vouchers and I realized the moment I said it how s**d I was, because the look of sheer disgust upon his face spoke a thousand words. “Oh no, I fancied spending another few months there really. Treatment is like a f**g holiday. **t, Morgan, think before you speak, will you?” he rolled his eyes, turning away from me. And instantly I felt so small and irrelevant to him. Was this how he made Bailey feel? “Sorry.” I muttered. “Whatever.” He grunted. “Do you have your sister’s new number?” he suddenly demanded, taking me by surprise. “Huh?” Why the hell would he need Bailey’s number? He hated her, right? My Dad and my brother had fought so hard to get her away from the pack, or so I am told. It was only recently I had discovered this, because it seems my family are exceptionally good at keeping things from me. But, they had done a f***g good job, of getting her away, all because of how Miles had hurt her. So, why would he want to get in touch with her? “Oh, I know you are aware of the problems we had. But, as you know, I have had treatment now. I feel so much better. But, me and her were never a good match. I want to apologize for how I treated her, but I think she changed her number, right?” his voice was suddenly back to being charming once more as he looked at me, and I could see no anger in his face, he looked like he was being genuine. This would make sense when he had been through treatment for his anger, guess… and

everything he is saying is true, he and Bailey were never a good match. The moon goddess messed up with that matebond, of that there was no doubt. 65.013 230 Vouchers But, I sat quietly, unsure of what to do. She had recently changed her phone number. I know that, my Mum had told me. Not that I spoke to her, but I did have her number in case I needed it. “Darling, come on, you know me, you trust me, right?” he slowly slid his hand up my thigh and my whole body shivered in shock, I thought I was going to die from the effect his touch had on me.” “Ooohh, you like that?” he whispered, as he lowered hist mouth to my ear, teasing at the ear lobe with his tongue, making my whole body tremble. “Mmmm.” I moaned, unable to stop myself. “So, did Bailey get a new number?” Miles stopped mid-lick, to ask, and I turned to look at him, a little irritated he had stopped, but desperately wanting him to continue, so I nodded. “Yout have her new number, right?” I nodded once more, anything so he would continue what he was doing… “Yeah.” I whispered, my voice trembling as I felt a wetness building between my thighs, and he had barely even touched met yet… He passed me his phone, fully stopping what he was doing now. “Type it in there for me. I need to put right my wrongs. That was part of what they taught me in my treatment.” He looked at me pleadingly. “Then I will see to you!” he winked, and I quickly snatched his phone, using my own to copy my sister’s number over to his, before looking up at him, ready to have him send me to heaven. But, instead, he quickly stands. “Thanks Morgan. Have a good night.” And with that, he walked away. Miles f**g Davenport leaving me with tears in my eyes as I realized he had duped me, Chapter 95 Morgan 1288 Vouchers all to get my sister’s number… what sort of fool am I? He never liked me at all. I should have known that. How did I fall for this again?Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

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