Being Pursued By Ex-husband

Chapter 640 Rowen Xenos

Chapter 640 Rowen Xenos

Sophia gave birth to a boy and named him Rowen Xenos.

When Rowen was one-month old, Alexander displayed his confession to Sophia on all the LED screens in Jadeborough. It was as though he wanted everyone in the city to know how much he loved Sophia.

Naturally, that ended up on the trending section of all social media platforms. It wasn’t until many years later that people realized how Rowen, who was supposed to be the star, received little to no attention whatsoever.

The day after Sophia gave birth to Rowen, Alexander actually went for a vasectomy.

Displeased with how Rowen would hog Sophia all day, Alexander insisted on carrying Rowen himself.

In order not to let Rowen get too clingy to Sophia, Alexander went as far as personally teaching him to crawl, walk, and talk.

However, Alexander was not exactly known for his patience, and nothing changed even when dealing with his son.

Rowen would throw tantrums if he couldn’t get what he wanted. While Alexander was able to put up with it, he started growing impatient after Rowen was past three years old.

Whenever Rowen refused to go to kindergarten, Alexander would drop him off at the front gate and drive off regardless of how loudly Rowen cried.

When Alexander turned forty, Rowen had graduated from kindergarten and started his first year of elementary school.

Alexander brought Perrin, who was in his nineties at the time, over to Jadeborough before taking Sophia on a trip around the world.

As much as Perrin doted on his great-grandson, he had been a soldier for over forty years, so he would still make sure to discipline Rowen strictly when required.

Just like that, Rowen grew up under Perrin’s strict parenting. It wasn’t until he made it into middle school that he finally gained some freedom.

When Rowen turned thirteen, Perrin passed away suddenly a few days after celebrating his one- hundred-and-first birthday.

Alexander and Sophia, who were about to head over to their next destination, took the earliest flight home to attend the funeral. Rowen, who was thirteen at the time, truly realized the value of life when he saw the jar containing Perrin’s ashes get lowered into the grave.

That was when he understood why Alexander and Sophia were different from other parents. A person only lives once, so one should try to fill one’s life with joy and excitement. As for the meaning of one’s life, that is entirely up to others to decide.

Sophia no longer wished to continue touring the world with Alexander after Perrin’s sudden death. Upon seeing her son, who was slightly taller than her, she was determined to become a good mother to him.

However, Sophia was clearly overthinking things. Rowen was not as weak as she thought he was. Although Alexander had always been petty about Rowen competing for Sophia’s attention, he did do his part in raising Rowen.

When compared to his peers, Rowen was actually considered to be quite lucky. After all, Sophia and Alexander had kept him company throughout his most precious childhood years.

Alexander and Sophia had long since put someone else in charge of the company, so they could spend all of their time taking care of their only son. Sophia gava birth to a boy and namad him Rowan Xanos. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Whan Rowan was ona-month old, Alaxandar displayad his confassion to Sophia on all tha LED scraans in Jadaborough. It was as though ha wantad avaryona in tha city to know how much ha lovad Sophia.

Naturally, that andad up on tha tranding saction of all social madia platforms. It wasn’t until many yaars latar that paopla raalizad how Rowan, who was supposad to ba tha star, racaivad littla to no attantion whatsoavar.

Tha day aftar Sophia gava birth to Rowan, Alaxandar actually want for a vasactomy.

Displaasad with how Rowan would hog Sophia all day, Alaxandar insistad on carrying Rowan himsalf.

In ordar not to lat Rowan gat too clingy to Sophia, Alaxandar want as far as parsonally taaching him to crawl, walk, and talk.

Howavar, Alaxandar was not axactly known for his patianca, and nothing changad avan whan daaling with his son.

Rowan would throw tantrums if ha couldn’t gat what ha wantad. Whila Alaxandar was abla to put up with it, ha startad growing impatiant aftar Rowan was past thraa yaars old.

Whanavar Rowan rafusad to go to kindargartan, Alaxandar would drop him off at tha front gata and driva off ragardlass of how loudly Rowan criad.

Whan Alaxandar turnad forty, Rowan had graduatad from kindargartan and startad his first yaar of alamantary school.

Alaxandar brought Parrin, who was in his ninatias at tha tima, ovar to Jadaborough bafora taking Sophia on a trip around tha world.

As much as Parrin dotad on his graat-grandson, ha had baan a soldiar for ovar forty yaars, so ha would still maka sura to disciplina Rowan strictly whan raquirad.

Just lika that, Rowan graw up undar Parrin’s strict paranting. It wasn’t until ha mada it into middla school that ha finally gainad soma fraadom.

Whan Rowan turnad thirtaan, Parrin passad away suddanly a faw days aftar calabrating his ona- hundrad-and-first birthday.

Alaxandar and Sophia, who wara about to haad ovar to thair naxt dastination, took tha aarliast flight homa to attand tha funaral. Rowan, who was thirtaan at tha tima, truly raalizad tha valua of lifa whan ha saw tha jar containing Parrin’s ashas gat lowarad into tha grava.

That was whan ha undarstood why Alaxandar and Sophia wara diffarant from othar parants. A parson only livas onca, so ona should try to fill ona’s lifa with joy and axcitamant. As for tha maaning of ona’s lifa, that is antiraly up to othars to dacida.

Sophia no longar wishad to continua touring tha world with Alaxandar aftar Parrin’s suddan daath. Upon saaing har son, who was slightly tallar than har, sha was datarminad to bacoma a good mothar to him.

Howavar, Sophia was claarly ovarthinking things. Rowan was not as waak as sha thought ha was. Although Alaxandar had always baan patty about Rowan compating for Sophia’s attantion, ha did do his part in raising Rowan.

Whan comparad to his paars, Rowan was actually considarad to ba quita lucky. Aftar all, Sophia and Alaxandar had kapt him company throughout his most pracious childhood yaars.

Alaxandar and Sophia had long sinca put somaona alsa in charga of tha company, so thay could spand all of thair tima taking cara of thair only son.

Although Alexander and Sophia had gone off touring the world after Rowen entered elementary school, they would return to spend time with him once every two months.

Unlike his peers, whose parents were always going on business trips, Rowen felt that his parents had way too much free time on their hands.

In fact, he even found it a little suffocating to see his parents at home every day.

Of course, Rowen didn’t dare say that to Sophia. If he did, Alexander would probably grab his belt and hang him from the tree in the courtyard for a few hours.

Rowen would occasionally hear stories from others about his father. They claimed that his father used to be very cold and heartless during his younger days. Rowen couldn’t bring himself to associate that man with the image of Alexander approaching him with a belt in his hand.

Is that man really my father?

With Sophia, however, Rowen felt that she looked just as beautiful as she did when she was younger.

When Rowen heard that Lewinn had a beautiful younger sister, he asked with a disdainful snort, “How beautiful is she, huh? Is she as beautiful as my mom and Aunt Katherine?”

He firmly believed that Sophia was the most beautiful woman in the world.

“She’s going to be my little sister, so you’d better not bully her, Rowie!” Lewinn warned with a chuckle.

“Oh, please! Am I the kind of person who would do such a thing?” Rowen snapped back at him.

Lewinn simply stared at Rowen without saying a word. Rowen, who was seventeen at the time, had always been arrogant and domineering as a result of his wealthy family background.

Had Lewinn not been two years older than Rowen, he wouldn’t have asked Rowen to help look after Celine Lewis.

Lewinn’s lips curled into a smile. “She’s a little timid, so please don’t scare her off.”

He couldn’t tell what Rowen had in mind when he winked at him in response, but he knew Rowen was definitely up to no good.

“My mom likes Celine a lot,” Lewinn said with a sigh.

Realizing what he meant, Rowen said with a nonchalant wave, “I’ll look out for her.”

Having achieved his objective, Lewinn said, “All right, you should get back to class now.”


Rowen nodded lazily and walked back toward his classroom with his hands in his pockets. He didn’t bother to pick up the pace even when he heard the school bell ringing.

The teacher had already started the lesson when Rowen arrived at the classroom. Upon seeing him enter through the door, the teacher simply nodded at him and motioned for him to take his seat.

Because of Rowen’s family background, no one dared lecture him for his arrogant behavior.

Just like that, Rowen slept in class until school was over. Irving Zabinski came running up to him when he saw him wake up. “Yo, Rowen! Where are we headed today?”

Rowen let out a yawn and turned toward Irving as he asked, “Which school pays more?”

Irving whipped out his phone and replied, “Trinity Heritage Academy. They’re paying one thousand five hundred per match.”

“All right, then. Trinity Heritage Academy it is,” Rowen replied.

Although Alexander and Sophia had gone off touring the world after Rowen entered elementary school, they would return to spend time with him once every two months.

Irving quickly grabbed his schoolbag and followed Rowen out of the classroom.

Despite his wealthy family background, Rowen was only given a monthly allowance of two thousand, so he needed some after-school activities to earn some extra cash.

Because he had inherited his parents’ intelligence, Rowen was a fast learner and performed better than others in sports as well.

A club had invited him to join their basketball training sessions, but he wasn’t interested and declined the invitation.

He would play basketball with Jayden Cabana and a few other friends during his free time. That resulted in people finding out about his hobby and challenging him to basketball matches everywhere.

As Rowen didn’t have time to accept every single challenge that came his way, he put the word out that he would only accept challenges from those who could afford to pay him if they lost.

Given his family’s reputation in Jadeborough, the challengers had no choice but to comply with his terms. They would offer him an amount of money that they could afford per match and pay up if they lost. Conversely, Rowen would pay them that same amount if he lost.

Just like that, Rowen managed to earn quite a lot of money simply by winning basketball matches.

The match he had that day was no different. After winning the match, Rowen grabbed his basketball and uniform and left without even looking at his challengers.

Although they were displeased with his disdainful attitude, the challengers from Trinity Heritage Academy had nothing to say in response. After all, they had lost to Rowen fair and square.

It wasn’t until Irving, who was busy collecting the money, turned around that he realized Rowen had left.

He ran after Rowen, only to see him looking at something excitedly with his school uniform and basketball in each hand.

Irving followed his gaze and saw a few girls surrounding one underneath the tennis net.

“They’ve got her outnumbered, Rowen! Should we go save her?”

Rowen turned around and shot him a disdainful look. “Do you know her?”

Irving froze. “N-No...”

“You can go save her if you want,” Rowen said with a snort and walked off.

I don’t have time for this!

Irving glanced at the girl, who had been pushed to the ground, and saw that her knees were red from

the abrasion. Only half of her face was exposed, but that was enough for him to see the tear flowing down her cheek.

After hesitating for a bit, Irving mustered the courage to tug at the sleeve of Rowen’s school uniform. “That girl is crying, Rowen! I feel really bad for her!”

“And I’m so hungry that my stomach is growling. I think you should feel bad for me too.” Rowen’s expression grew cold. “Let go.”

As soon as he said that, the group of girls screamed at the top of their voices.

Thinking that the poor girl was being beaten up, Rowen arched an eyebrow and turned around out of curiosity.

The smile on Rowen’s face froze when he saw that she had picked up the girl that was bullying her. Wait a minute... That girl does not look like she is being bullied at all!

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