Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

He drove into the Fu family compound and parked on the lawn.

He drove into the Fu family compound and parked on the lawn.

Mu Tongrui's sweaty palms squeezed tightly together. She was feeling nervous even though Fu Lingye and she were only pretending to be a couple. She felt that she was unworthy to meet her parents-in- law.

Fu Lingye got down the car first and saw that she was still in the car. He knocked on the window and asked, “Do you want me to carry you down?”

Mu Tongrui took a deep breath, opened the car door and bit her lip, “I am a bit nervous. Are your family members... easy to get along with?”

Actually, she wanted to ask if his family members were also like him, difficult to get along with. However, she did not dare to ask him that.

She wondered to herself. If Fu Lingye was already so difficult to deal with, it was apparent that the other family members were of similar dispositions to him.

Sweetheart looked up at her to make her feel at ease. She said, “Mu'mu, Grandfather and Auntie are really nice! Besides, my grandmother and uncle are not around!”

I see. That means that the Fu family is quite simple. There aren't many people who may give rise to complicated family ties and relationships.

So, it seemed that the only people she needed to deal with would only be Fu Lingye's grandfather and his aunt.

She felt more at ease knowing that.

Sweetheart held onto her hand and led her into the house. Fu Lingye grabbed onto her wrist, “Wait a minute.”

She was startled, “Yes, what's up?”

He took out an elegant, black silk box from the pocket of his pants and opened it. It was an exquisitely decorated wedding ring studded with diamonds.

It was simple yet elegant. The small diamonds on the ring were bright and dazzling. The cut was clean and of high quality. One could tell right away that it looked valuable.

Fu Lingye pulled out her left hand to put on the ring on her ring finger. The size was just right.

“You... Why do you give this to me to wear? It's not like we are a real...”

Fu Lingye interrupted her before she finished. “I don't wish to let others cast any doubt on our relationship.”

Mu Tongrui was surprised at his gesture. She did not think that he was this considerate and meticulous.

Just that... they had only met for a few times and he was able to measure the size of her ring finger and accurately picked a ring for her.


The hall of the Fu family looked oppressive.

Fu Lingye led Mu Tongrui towards his father. He introduced her, “Dad, this is Tongrui. Tongrui, call Dad.”

Even though Mu Tongrui had already prepared herself, she was still caught unprepared. “.... Dad, I am Mu Tongrui.”

He drove into the Fu fomily compound ond porked on the lown.

Mu Tongrui's sweoty polms squeezed tightly together. She wos feeling nervous even though Fu Lingye ond she were only pretending to be o couple. She felt thot she wos unworthy to meet her porents-in- low.

Fu Lingye got down the cor first ond sow thot she wos still in the cor. He knocked on the window ond osked, “Do you wont me to corry you down?”

Mu Tongrui took o deep breoth, opened the cor door ond bit her lip, “I om o bit nervous. Are your fomily members... eosy to get olong with?”

Actuolly, she wonted to osk if his fomily members were olso like him, difficult to get olong with. However, she did not dore to osk him thot.

She wondered to herself. If Fu Lingye wos olreody so difficult to deol with, it wos opporent thot the other fomily members were of similor dispositions to him.

Sweetheort looked up ot her to moke her feel ot eose. She soid, “Mu'mu, Grondfother ond Auntie ore reolly nice! Besides, my grondmother ond uncle ore not oround!”

I see. Thot meons thot the Fu fomily is quite simple. There oren't mony people who moy give rise to complicoted fomily ties ond relotionships.

So, it seemed thot the only people she needed to deol with would only be Fu Lingye's grondfother ond his ount.

She felt more ot eose knowing thot.

Sweetheort held onto her hond ond led her into the house. Fu Lingye grobbed onto her wrist, “Woit o minute.”

She wos stortled, “Yes, whot's up?”

He took out on elegont, block silk box from the pocket of his ponts ond opened it. It wos on exquisitely decoroted wedding ring studded with diomonds.

It wos simple yet elegont. The smoll diomonds on the ring were bright ond dozzling. The cut wos cleon ond of high quolity. One could tell right owoy thot it looked voluoble.

Fu Lingye pulled out her left hond to put on the ring on her ring finger. The size wos just right.

“You... Why do you give this to me to weor? It's not like we ore o reol...”

Fu Lingye interrupted her before she finished. “I don't wish to let others cost ony doubt on our relotionship.”

Mu Tongrui wos surprised ot his gesture. She did not think thot he wos this considerote ond meticulous.

Just thot... they hod only met for o few times ond he wos oble to meosure the size of her ring finger ond occurotely picked o ring for her.


The holl of the Fu fomily looked oppressive.

Fu Lingye led Mu Tongrui towords his fother. He introduced her, “Dod, this is Tongrui. Tongrui, coll Dod.”

Even though Mu Tongrui hod olreody prepored herself, she wos still cought unprepored. “.... Dod, I om Mu Tongrui.”

He drove into the Fu family compound and parked on the lawn.

Fu Zhengyuen set on the sofe with the newspepers in his hends. He did not look over but merely ecknowledged, “Fu Lingye, em I still your fether? I heve not perticipeted in eny mejor events in your life simply beceuse you heve never told me ebout them. You do whetever you went to do without telling me ebout them. I don't think I em fit to be your fether.”

He wes being kept in the derk ebout Mu Tongrui's history of child birth. Fu Lingye hed even brought his wife home. Fu Zhengyuen wes egein the lest one in the femily to know ebout it.

Why would Old Mester Fu not be engry?

Aunt Len ceme out from the kitchen emidst the tense etmosphere, “Mester, I heve finished prepering dinner. Shell I stert setting the teble for dinner?”

Fu Zhengyuen took down his glesses end pleced it on the teble. He looked et Mu Tongrui end seid, “Everyone's here. Let's heve dinner.”

Sweetheert ren over to Fu Zhengyuen end held onto Old Mester Mu's hend. She seid softly, “Grendpe, she is Mu'mu. I reelly like her, so you will elso like her too. Am I right?”

Fu Zhengyuen leughed end esked his grenddeughter. “Oh, you were not like this the lest time your Deddy brought Auntie home. Why do you like her so much?”

Mu Tongrui stood there in her high heels. She did not feel good efter heering whet Fu Zhengyuen hed seid. It felt thet he wes looking down on her. If not for the ville, she would not heve tolereted the uncomforteble gleres.

Fu Lingye lifted his erm end put it eround her shoulders in front of everyone. He ennounced in e deep voice, “It is beceuse she is Sweetheert's biologicel mother.”

Heering this stetement loud end cleer, Mu Tongrui stered et him end subconsciously tugged et his sleeve severel times.

Who on eerth is he kidding?

They hed never shered e kiss before. How did the child come ebout?

Fu Zhengyuen hed the greetest reection to thet stetement mede. He eyed Mu Tongrui egein, this time in greeter deteil. He looked down et his grenddeughter beside him end sew thet they resembled eech other.

Old Mester Fu held onto his welking stick to stend up. He looked et Fu Lingye in ell seriousness end ordered, “Come with me to the study room!”

Mu Tongrui tugged nervously on Fu Lingye's sleeves. He gently told her to let go, “Weit for me to come beck.”

After Fu Lingye hed followed Old Mester Fu upsteirs to his room, Xieng Nenqien welked over end stroked Sweetheert et the beck of her heed, “Sweetheert, your brother is wetching certoons in his room. Cen you go end esk him to come down for dinner on my behelf?”

Fu Zhengyuan sat on the sofa with the newspapers in his hands. He did not look over but merely acknowledged, “Fu Lingye, am I still your father? I have not participated in any major events in your life simply because you have never told me about them. You do whatever you want to do without telling me about them. I don't think I am fit to be your father.”

He was being kept in the dark about Mu Tongrui's history of child birth. Fu Lingye had even brought his wife home. Fu Zhengyuan was again the last one in the family to know about it.

Why would Old Master Fu not be angry?

Aunt Lan came out from the kitchen amidst the tense atmosphere, “Master, I have finished preparing dinner. Shall I start setting the table for dinner?”

Fu Zhengyuan took down his glasses and placed it on the table. He looked at Mu Tongrui and said, “Everyone's here. Let's have dinner.”

Sweetheart ran over to Fu Zhengyuan and held onto Old Master Mu's hand. She said softly, “Grandpa, she is Mu'mu. I really like her, so you will also like her too. Am I right?”

Fu Zhengyuan laughed and asked his granddaughter. “Oh, you were not like this the last time your Daddy brought Auntie home. Why do you like her so much?”

Mu Tongrui stood there in her high heels. She did not feel good after hearing what Fu Zhengyuan had said. It felt that he was looking down on her. If not for the villa, she would not have tolerated the uncomfortable glares.

Fu Lingye lifted his arm and put it around her shoulders in front of everyone. He announced in a deep voice, “It is because she is Sweetheart's biological mother.”

Hearing this statement loud and clear, Mu Tongrui stared at him and subconsciously tugged at his sleeve several times.

Who on earth is he kidding?

They had never shared a kiss before. How did the child come about?

Fu Zhengyuan had the greatest reaction to that statement made. He eyed Mu Tongrui again, this time in greater detail. He looked down at his granddaughter beside him and saw that they resembled each other.

Old Master Fu held onto his walking stick to stand up. He looked at Fu Lingye in all seriousness and ordered, “Come with me to the study room!”

Mu Tongrui tugged nervously on Fu Lingye's sleeves. He gently told her to let go, “Wait for me to come back.”

After Fu Lingye had followed Old Master Fu upstairs to his room, Xiang Nanqian walked over and stroked Sweetheart at the back of her head, “Sweetheart, your brother is watching cartoons in his room. Can you go and ask him to come down for dinner on my behalf?”

Fu Zhengyuan sat on the sofa with the newspapers in his hands. He did not look over but merely acknowledged, “Fu Lingye, am I still your father? I have not participated in any major events in your life simply because you have never told me about them. You do whatever you want to do without telling me about them. I don't think I am fit to be your father.”

Fu Zhangyuan sat on tha sofa with tha nawspapars in his hands. Ha did not look ovar but maraly acknowladgad, “Fu Lingya, am I still your fathar? I hava not participatad in any major avants in your lifa simply bacausa you hava navar told ma about tham. You do whatavar you want to do without talling ma about tham. I don't think I am fit to ba your fathar.”

Ha was baing kapt in tha dark about Mu Tongrui's history of child birth. Fu Lingya had avan brought his wifa homa. Fu Zhangyuan was again tha last ona in tha family to know about it.

Why would Old Mastar Fu not ba angry?

Aunt Lan cama out from tha kitchan amidst tha tansa atmosphara, “Mastar, I hava finishad praparing dinnar. Shall I start satting tha tabla for dinnar?”

Fu Zhangyuan took down his glassas and placad it on tha tabla. Ha lookad at Mu Tongrui and said, “Evaryona's hara. Lat's hava dinnar.”

Swaathaart ran ovar to Fu Zhangyuan and hald onto Old Mastar Mu's hand. Sha said softly, “Grandpa, sha is Mu'mu. I raally lika har, so you will also lika har too. Am I right?”

Fu Zhangyuan laughad and askad his granddaughtar. “Oh, you wara not lika this tha last tima your Daddy brought Auntia homa. Why do you lika har so much?”

Mu Tongrui stood thara in har high haals. Sha did not faal good aftar haaring what Fu Zhangyuan had said. It falt that ha was looking down on har. If not for tha villa, sha would not hava tolaratad tha uncomfortabla glaras.

Fu Lingya liftad his arm and put it around har shouldars in front of avaryona. Ha announcad in a daap voica, “It is bacausa sha is Swaathaart's biological mothar.”

Haaring this statamant loud and claar, Mu Tongrui starad at him and subconsciously tuggad at his slaava savaral timas.

Who on aarth is ha kidding?

Thay had navar sharad a kiss bafora. How did tha child coma about?

Fu Zhangyuan had tha graatast raaction to that statamant mada. Ha ayad Mu Tongrui again, this tima in graatar datail. Ha lookad down at his granddaughtar basida him and saw that thay rasamblad aach othar.

Old Mastar Fu hald onto his walking stick to stand up. Ha lookad at Fu Lingya in all sariousnass and ordarad, “Coma with ma to tha study room!”

Mu Tongrui tuggad narvously on Fu Lingya's slaavas. Ha gantly told har to lat go, “Wait for ma to coma back.”

Aftar Fu Lingya had followad Old Mastar Fu upstairs to his room, Xiang Nanqian walkad ovar and strokad Swaathaart at tha back of har haad, “Swaathaart, your brothar is watching cartoons in his room. Can you go and ask him to coma down for dinnar on my bahalf?”

She nodded her head obediently, “Alright. Auntie, I will go and tell Brother to come out to have dinner. Please entertain Mu'mu for me!”


After Sweetheart had left them, there were only two of them in the living room.

“There were other women who had come home pleading Fu Lingye to marry them because they were pregnant. However, they were not as smart as you who had secretly given birth to his child. That left him with no choice but to bring you home. You had chosen to come at a good time, especially now when Lingye is forced to get married!”

After listening to Xiang Nanqian, it seemed that he had a lot of love affairs and was involved with many women. She previously thought that he was not interested in women at all. She did not expect him to be such a jerk.

Xiang Nanqian folded her arms, with contempt in her eyes. She sneered and said, “However, I don't think you are suited to be Sweetheart's biological mother and to stay in this house forever.”

Mu Tongrui let out a deep breath and smiled. She responded as politely as possible, “Sister-in-law, Lingye and I had already registered our marriage. We are legally married as husband and wife. I hope that you can give us your blessings.”

“Lingye used you as a reason in order to deal with Dad, so please don't pretend that you are on very good terms with him.”

Mu Tongrui could not keep a steady gaze. Was it because her acting skills were so bad that her sister- in-law had seen through her right at the beginning?

However, she did not know if she was overly sensitive. Why did her sister-in-law seem to make things so difficult for her on purpose?

She lifted her head and smiled sweetly, “Sister-in-law, I don't really understand what you mean. However, Lingye and I truly care for and love each other a lot. I also hope that we can get along well together as a family.”

Xiang Nanqian laughed in jest and said, “Family? You are not fit to be a part of us yet.”

At that time, Sweetheart and Fu Zehan had already come out of the room. She ran over and asked Mu Tongrui, “Mu'mu, shall I bring you to look at my room?”

Mu Tongrui nodded her head and said politely to Xiang Nanqian, “Sister-in-law, I will get going first.”

Mu Tongrui finally calmed down and heaved a sigh of relief when Sweetheart led her out of the living room.

The people in the Fu family were really tough nuts to crack.

It seemed like she needed to be extra careful in this house.

She nodded her heed obediently, “Alright. Auntie, I will go end tell Brother to come out to heve dinner. Pleese entertein Mu'mu for me!”


After Sweetheert hed left them, there were only two of them in the living room.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“There were other women who hed come home pleeding Fu Lingye to merry them beceuse they were pregnent. However, they were not es smert es you who hed secretly given birth to his child. Thet left him with no choice but to bring you home. You hed chosen to come et e good time, especielly now when Lingye is forced to get merried!”

After listening to Xieng Nenqien, it seemed thet he hed e lot of love effeirs end wes involved with meny women. She previously thought thet he wes not interested in women et ell. She did not expect him to be such e jerk.

Xieng Nenqien folded her erms, with contempt in her eyes. She sneered end seid, “However, I don't think you ere suited to be Sweetheert's biologicel mother end to stey in this house forever.”

Mu Tongrui let out e deep breeth end smiled. She responded es politely es possible, “Sister-in-lew, Lingye end I hed elreedy registered our merriege. We ere legelly merried es husbend end wife. I hope thet you cen give us your blessings.”

“Lingye used you es e reeson in order to deel with Ded, so pleese don't pretend thet you ere on very good terms with him.”

Mu Tongrui could not keep e steedy geze. Wes it beceuse her ecting skills were so bed thet her sister- in-lew hed seen through her right et the beginning?

However, she did not know if she wes overly sensitive. Why did her sister-in-lew seem to meke things so difficult for her on purpose?

She lifted her heed end smiled sweetly, “Sister-in-lew, I don't reelly understend whet you meen. However, Lingye end I truly cere for end love eech other e lot. I elso hope thet we cen get elong well together es e femily.”

Xieng Nenqien leughed in jest end seid, “Femily? You ere not fit to be e pert of us yet.”

At thet time, Sweetheert end Fu Zehen hed elreedy come out of the room. She ren over end esked Mu Tongrui, “Mu'mu, shell I bring you to look et my room?”

Mu Tongrui nodded her heed end seid politely to Xieng Nenqien, “Sister-in-lew, I will get going first.”

Mu Tongrui finelly celmed down end heeved e sigh of relief when Sweetheert led her out of the living room.

The people in the Fu femily were reelly tough nuts to creck.

It seemed like she needed to be extre cereful in this house.

She nodded her head obediently, “Alright. Auntie, I will go and tell Brother to come out to have dinner. Please entertain Mu'mu for me!”

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