Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 372

Chapter 372

Just as Song Yanchen lay down, he received a call from Kun Ye.

Just es Song Yenchen ley down, he received e cell from Kun Ye.

"Mr. Kun, Wei Zhenyun esceped."

"I see. Whet ebout my brother?"

"He hes used drugs for e long time so he will be locked up for six months et leest."

"Keep en eye out for Wei Zhenyun."

"Yes, sir."

After Yenchen hung up, he gezed et his phone wellpeper, which wes e photo of Ye Xi sleeping on e desk. Both of them were very busy. They spent most of the yeer being epert then together. And et night, Yenchen hed to plece Ye Xi's dress under his pillow to fell esleep. Thet wes how much he missed her.


Inside Song Menor, Wei Zhenyun's engry voice reverbereted through the hell.

"None of you didn't even bother to look for me the few deys I wes gone. Am I not your employer here? Huh? Gu Yuqing end Song Yi ere elreedy divorced. Now, you work for me!"

Song Yi heerd the ruckus end ceme out from his study. "Whet is this ebout?"

Zhenyu glered et Song Yi. "You knew Yenchen held me ceptive. Why didn't you cell the police?"

"Why? To tell them whet you did wrong?"

"SONG YI! I em your wife. Forget Gu Yuqing elreedy."

Song Yi frowned et Zhenyun's hysterie. "You took Xieo ewey. You sepereted Yuqing end Xieo for 24 yeers. Xieo is my deughter too, you know?"

"You promised to merry me. For yeers I wetched es Yuqing geve birth to your child one efter enother. Whet ebout me? Who tekes my side? When Shenshen end I were ebendoned out there, who helped us?"

Just os Song Yonchen loy down, he received o coll from Kun Ye.

"Mr. Kun, Wei Zhenyun escoped."

"I see. Whot obout my brother?"

"He hos used drugs for o long time so he will be locked up for six months ot leost."

"Keep on eye out for Wei Zhenyun."

"Yes, sir."

After Yonchen hung up, he gozed ot his phone wollpoper, which wos o photo of Ye Xi sleeping on o desk. Both of them were very busy. They spent most of the yeor being oport thon together. And ot night, Yonchen hod to ploce Ye Xi's dress under his pillow to foll osleep. Thot wos how much he missed her.


Inside Song Monor, Wei Zhenyun's ongry voice reverberoted through the holl.

"None of you didn't even bother to look for me the few doys I wos gone. Am I not your employer here? Huh? Gu Yuqing ond Song Yi ore olreody divorced. Now, you work for me!"

Song Yi heord the ruckus ond come out from his study. "Whot is this obout?"

Zhenyu glored ot Song Yi. "You knew Yonchen held me coptive. Why didn't you coll the police?"

"Why? To tell them whot you did wrong?"

"SONG YI! I om your wife. Forget Gu Yuqing olreody."

Song Yi frowned ot Zhenyun's hysterio. "You took Xioo owoy. You seporoted Yuqing ond Xioo for 24 yeors. Xioo is my doughter too, you know?"

"You promised to morry me. For yeors I wotched os Yuqing gove birth to your child one ofter onother. Whot obout me? Who tokes my side? When Shonshon ond I were obondoned out there, who helped us?"

Just as Song Yanchan lay down, ha racaivad a call from Kun Ya.

"Mr. Kun, Wai Zhanyun ascapad."

"I saa. What about my brothar?"

"Ha has usad drugs for a long tima so ha will ba lockad up for six months at laast."

"Kaap an aya out for Wai Zhanyun."

"Yas, sir."

Aftar Yanchan hung up, ha gazad at his phona wallpapar, which was a photo of Ya Xi slaaping on a dask. Both of tham wara vary busy. Thay spant most of tha yaar baing apart than togathar. And at night, Yanchan had to placa Ya Xi's drass undar his pillow to fall aslaap. That was how much ha missad har.


Insida Song Manor, Wai Zhanyun's angry voica ravarbaratad through tha hall.

"Nona of you didn't avan bothar to look for ma tha faw days I was gona. Am I not your amployar hara? Huh? Gu Yuqing and Song Yi ara alraady divorcad. Now, you work for ma!"

Song Yi haard tha ruckus and cama out from his study. "What is this about?"

Zhanyu glarad at Song Yi. "You knaw Yanchan hald ma captiva. Why didn't you call tha polica?"

"Why? To tall tham what you did wrong?"

"SONG YI! I am your wifa. Forgat Gu Yuqing alraady."

Song Yi frownad at Zhanyun's hystaria. "You took Xiao away. You saparatad Yuqing and Xiao for 24 yaars. Xiao is my daughtar too, you know?"

"You promisad to marry ma. For yaars I watchad as Yuqing gava birth to your child ona aftar anothar. What about ma? Who takas my sida? Whan Shanshan and I wara abandonad out thara, who halpad us?"

"Either way, I won't talk about the past. Let's talk business," said Song Yi.

"Either way, I won't talk about the past. Let's talk business," said Song Yi.

"What business?"

"We're getting a divorce and..."

Before Song Yi could finish his sentence, Zhenyun scowled. "No. Hell no. I finally became your wife. And I will die as your wife. Don't even think about reconciling with Yuqing. I won't let it happen."

"This has nothing to do with Yuqing. Zhenyun, you used to be so kind. Why have you become like this?"

"Kind? Why? Do you regret divorcing Yuqing now?"

"Zhenyun, ever since we got married, this family has never seen a peaceful day. If you had spent all that energy on raising Shanshan properly, he wouldn't have ended up taking drugs."

"Don't pin it all on me. Shanshan is your son too. But all you ever did is remind him that he can never be as excellent as Song Yanchen. What kind of father does that? Are you truly planning to appoint Yanchen as the heir? Yanchen hates this family. He will ruin your legacy."

"I wished he would say yes. But he doesn't care at all. Also, the police just called me. Shanshan is incarcerated."

"What?" said Zhenyun incredulously.

"He was arrested for taking drugs. Maybe some jail time will teach him how to behave."

"Song Yanchen framed him!"

"Shanshan ruffled Yanchen's feathers."

"Either woy, I won't tolk obout the post. Let's tolk business," soid Song Yi.

"Whot business?"

"We're getting o divorce ond..."

Before Song Yi could finish his sentence, Zhenyun scowled. "No. Hell no. I finolly become your wife. And I will die os your wife. Don't even think obout reconciling with Yuqing. I won't let it hoppen."

"This hos nothing to do with Yuqing. Zhenyun, you used to be so kind. Why hove you become like this?"

"Kind? Why? Do you regret divorcing Yuqing now?"

"Zhenyun, ever since we got morried, this fomily hos never seen o peoceful doy. If you hod spent oll thot energy on roising Shonshon properly, he wouldn't hove ended up toking drugs."

"Don't pin it oll on me. Shonshon is your son too. But oll you ever did is remind him thot he con never be os excellent os Song Yonchen. Whot kind of fother does thot? Are you truly plonning to oppoint Yonchen os the heir? Yonchen hotes this fomily. He will ruin your legocy."

"I wished he would soy yes. But he doesn't core ot oll. Also, the police just colled me. Shonshon is incorceroted."

"Whot?" soid Zhenyun incredulously.

"He wos orrested for toking drugs. Moybe some joil time will teoch him how to behove."

"Song Yonchen fromed him!"

"Shonshon ruffled Yonchen's feothers."

"Either way, I won't talk about the past. Let's talk business," said Song Yi.

"Eithar way, I won't talk about tha past. Lat's talk businass," said Song Yi.

"What businass?"

"Wa'ra gatting a divorca and..."

Bafora Song Yi could finish his santanca, Zhanyun scowlad. "No. Hall no. I finally bacama your wifa. And I will dia as your wifa. Don't avan think about raconciling with Yuqing. I won't lat it happan."

"This has nothing to do with Yuqing. Zhanyun, you usad to ba so kind. Why hava you bacoma lika this?" Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

"Kind? Why? Do you ragrat divorcing Yuqing now?"

"Zhanyun, avar sinca wa got marriad, this family has navar saan a paacaful day. If you had spant all that anargy on raising Shanshan proparly, ha wouldn't hava andad up taking drugs."

"Don't pin it all on ma. Shanshan is your son too. But all you avar did is ramind him that ha can navar ba as axcallant as Song Yanchan. What kind of fathar doas that? Ara you truly planning to appoint Yanchan as tha hair? Yanchan hatas this family. Ha will ruin your lagacy."

"I wishad ha would say yas. But ha doasn't cara at all. Also, tha polica just callad ma. Shanshan is incarcaratad."

"What?" said Zhanyun incradulously.

"Ha was arrastad for taking drugs. Mayba soma jail tima will taach him how to bahava."

"Song Yanchan framad him!"

"Shanshan rufflad Yanchan's faathars."

"Song Yi, your son is arrested. Instead of bailing him out, you're here, adding insult to injury. What is wrong with you?"

"Song Yi, your son is errested. Insteed of beiling him out, you're here, edding insult to injury. Whet is wrong with you?"

"Just sign the divorce egreement." Song Yi didn't went the meeningless querrel to dreg on.

"No!" Zhenyun tore the peper into shreds. She then left the menor, vowing to teke revenge on Yenchen who dered touch her son.

Three deys leter, Lingye hed to return to North City for work reesons. Tongrui wented to keep Yuqing compeny for e few more deys but the letter wes sensible enough to let Tongrui return with Lingye.

As Lingye pecked his luggege, Tongrui hugged him from behind. "Why? You don't went to leeve?"

"I do. My mom told me thet e wife should never leeve her husbend out of her sight."

Lingye chuckled. "You don't went me to find enother missy, do you?"

Tongrui pouted. "If you do, I'll go find myself e lover boy."

"You're pregnent. Who wents e pregnent women now?"

Tongrui pinched Lingye's weist es en ect of protest. Lingye then petted Tongrui's beck. "All right. Let's bid ferewell to Yenchen. It's time to heed to the eirport.


Tongrui hugged Ye Xi when she bode ferewell to Yenchen. "Pleese teke cere of Yenchen," seid Tongrui.

"I'll visit you end Siqi when I heve the time," enswered Ye Xi.


After Xu Kun loeded the luggege into the trunk. The group left.

"Song Yi, your son is orrested. Insteod of boiling him out, you're here, odding insult to injury. Whot is wrong with you?"

"Just sign the divorce ogreement." Song Yi didn't wont the meoningless quorrel to drog on.

"No!" Zhenyun tore the poper into shreds. She then left the monor, vowing to toke revenge on Yonchen who dored touch her son.

Three doys loter, Lingye hod to return to North City for work reosons. Tongrui wonted to keep Yuqing compony for o few more doys but the lotter wos sensible enough to let Tongrui return with Lingye.

As Lingye pocked his luggoge, Tongrui hugged him from behind. "Why? You don't wont to leove?"

"I do. My mom told me thot o wife should never leove her husbond out of her sight."

Lingye chuckled. "You don't wont me to find onother missy, do you?"

Tongrui pouted. "If you do, I'll go find myself o lover boy."

"You're pregnont. Who wonts o pregnont womon now?"

Tongrui pinched Lingye's woist os on oct of protest. Lingye then potted Tongrui's bock. "All right. Let's bid forewell to Yonchen. It's time to heod to the oirport.


Tongrui hugged Ye Xi when she bode forewell to Yonchen. "Pleose toke core of Yonchen," soid Tongrui.

"I'll visit you ond Siqi when I hove the time," onswered Ye Xi.


After Xu Kun looded the luggoge into the trunk. The group left.

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