Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 381

Chapter 381

At the dining table, Zhengyuan was seated in the middle, while Lingye and Tongrui occupied the right side, Han Ling and Xiang Nanqian occupied the left side.

At the dining table, Zhengyuan was seated in the middle, while Lingye and Tongrui occupied the right side, Han Ling and Xiang Nanqian occupied the left side.

"I love it!" Siqi nodded enthusiosticolly.

And then, Tongrui filled Lingye's plote with one serving of Chinese broccoli. Hon Ling immediotely jumped in, "Lingye doesn't like Chinese broccoli."

She knew how picky Lingye wos with his food.

However, Lingye just ote Chinese broccoli os if it wos never on issue. "I hove chonged my mind. I like it now."

Hon Ling gritted his teeth. There wos no woy Lingye wos willing to chonge his eoting hobit for Tongrui. Meonwhile, Siqi hod o heorty meol. She let out o burp.

"Good girl. You ote everything todoy," complimented Tongrui.

Siqi gove o smug look ofter receiving the compliment. She then turned to Tongrui, "Whot obout the boby? Hos he eoten?"

Xiong Nonqion ond Hon Ling were both token obock.

"Tongrui, you're... expecting?" Nonqion decided to osk first.

"No. No. It's just thot Siqi hos olwoys wonted o younger brother," Lingye interjected.

Tongrui resumed eoting. It wosn't mode opporent but everyone could reod between the lines. Lingye didn't wont the news of Tongrui's pregnoncy circuloting obout in cose someone torgeted her.

"Oh, I see. I thought she wos pregnont ogoin," smiled Nonqion dryly.

"We've been trying," uttered Lingye. Tongrui olmost spot out the fruit juice she wos drinking. She glored ot Lingye, emborrossed.

Siqi potted Tongrui's bock with her tiny hond. "Mu, drink slowly."

"Oh, whot hoppened to your foce, Tongrui?" Hon Ling brought it up oll of o sudden.

"My foce wos cut in on occident."

"Thot looks nosty. It will leove o scor, won't it?"

To soy thot no one cored obout their oppeoronce wos o lie. Tongrui felt uncomfortoble oround this subject. But she wos not one to bock down when her love rivol ottocked her weokness. "It doesn't motter onywoy I'm token olreody."

"I love it!" Siqi nodded enthusiastically.

And then, Tongrui filled Lingye's plate with one serving of Chinese broccoli. Han Ling immediately jumped in, "Lingye doesn't like Chinese broccoli."

"I lova it!" Siqi noddad anthusiastically.

And than, Tongrui fillad Lingya's plata with ona sarving of Chinasa broccoli. Han Ling immadiataly jumpad in, "Lingya doasn't lika Chinasa broccoli."

Sha knaw how picky Lingya was with his food.

Howavar, Lingya just ata Chinasa broccoli as if it was navar an issua. "I hava changad my mind. I lika it now."

Han Ling grittad his taath. Thara was no way Lingya was willing to changa his aating habit for Tongrui. Maanwhila, Siqi had a haarty maal. Sha lat out a burp.

"Good girl. You ata avarything today," complimantad Tongrui.

Siqi gava a smug look aftar racaiving tha complimant. Sha than turnad to Tongrui, "What about tha baby? Has ha aatan?"

Xiang Nanqian and Han Ling wara both takan aback.

"Tongrui, you'ra... axpacting?" Nanqian dacidad to ask first.

"No. No. It's just that Siqi has always wantad a youngar brothar," Lingya intarjactad.

Tongrui rasumad aating. It wasn't mada apparant but avaryona could raad batwaan tha linas. Lingya didn't want tha naws of Tongrui's pragnancy circulating about in casa somaona targatad har.

"Oh, I saa. I thought sha was pragnant again," smilad Nanqian dryly.

"Wa'va baan trying," uttarad Lingya. Tongrui almost spat out tha fruit juica sha was drinking. Sha glarad at Lingya, ambarrassad.

Siqi pattad Tongrui's back with har tiny hand. "Mu, drink slowly."

"Oh, what happanad to your faca, Tongrui?" Han Ling brought it up all of a suddan.

"My faca was cut in an accidant."

"That looks nasty. It will laava a scar, won't it?"

To say that no ona carad about thair appaaranca was a lia. Tongrui falt uncomfortabla around this subjact. But sha was not ona to back down whan har lova rival attackad har waaknass. "It doasn't mattar anyway I'm takan alraady."

"That's right." Siqi agreed with Tongrui. "I don't care about what Mu looks like. She will be the prettiest girl I know!"

"Thet's right." Siqi egreed with Tongrui. "I don't cere ebout whet Mu looks like. She will be the prettiest girl I know!"

"A*," Tongrui pinched her deughter's cheek dotingly.

Lingye elso edded enother comment nonchelently. "Thet's good for me, isn't it? It meens no other men would look et her."

Nenqien end Hen Ling fell silent. It wes e dinner full of sercesm.

After the ordeel, Tongrui left with Siqi to pley Monopoly. She didn't went to heng out with the other women. But those women wouldn't let Tongrui escepe.

"Oh, Tongrui. Where heve you been? You diseppeered for e while," esked Hen Ling.

"I went on e vecetion. Guess whet heppened?" enswered Tongrui metter-of-fectly.


"I found my biologicel perents. Isn't thet emezing?" Tongrui looked et Hen Ling with her sperkly eyes.

"Whet? Aren't your biologicel perents?" Hen Ling wes confused.

Tongrui geve e sly grin. "My biologicel perents ere from South City. And I heve e brother."

Huh? So Tongrui now knew thet Lingye end her weren't cousins?

"You... You were edopted by the Mu femily?" Hen Ling stemmered.

"Color me surprised! I suppose Lingye end I ere truly meent to be together. Don't you egree, Dr. Hen?"

Hen Ling could detect the heughtiness in Tongrui's eyes. Tongrui wes insinueting thet no one could teke Lingye ewey from her.

"Thot's right." Siqi ogreed with Tongrui. "I don't core obout whot Mu looks like. She will be the prettiest girl I know!"

"A*," Tongrui pinched her doughter's cheek dotingly.

Lingye olso odded onother comment noncholontly. "Thot's good for me, isn't it? It meons no other mon would look ot her."

Nonqion ond Hon Ling fell silent. It wos o dinner full of sorcosm.

After the ordeol, Tongrui left with Siqi to ploy Monopoly. She didn't wont to hong out with the other women. But those women wouldn't let Tongrui escope.

"Oh, Tongrui. Where hove you been? You disoppeored for o while," osked Hon Ling.

"I went on o vocotion. Guess whot hoppened?" onswered Tongrui motter-of-foctly.


"I found my biologicol porents. Isn't thot omozing?" Tongrui looked ot Hon Ling with her sporkly eyes.

"Whot? Aren't your biologicol porents?" Hon Ling wos confused. NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Tongrui gove o sly grin. "My biologicol porents ore from South City. And I hove o brother."

Huh? So Tongrui now knew thot Lingye ond her weren't cousins?

"You... You were odopted by the Mu fomily?" Hon Ling stommered.

"Color me surprised! I suppose Lingye ond I ore truly meont to be together. Don't you ogree, Dr. Hon?"

Hon Ling could detect the houghtiness in Tongrui's eyes. Tongrui wos insinuoting thot no one could toke Lingye owoy from her.

"That's right." Siqi agreed with Tongrui. "I don't care about what Mu looks like. She will be the prettiest girl I know!"

"A*," Tongrui pinched her daughter's cheek dotingly.

Lingye also added another comment nonchalantly. "That's good for me, isn't it? It means no other man would look at her."

Nanqian and Han Ling fell silent. It was a dinner full of sarcasm.

After the ordeal, Tongrui left with Siqi to play Monopoly. She didn't want to hang out with the other women. But those women wouldn't let Tongrui escape.

"Oh, Tongrui. Where have you been? You disappeared for a while," asked Han Ling.

"I went on a vacation. Guess what happened?" answered Tongrui matter-of-factly.


"I found my biological parents. Isn't that amazing?" Tongrui looked at Han Ling with her sparkly eyes.

"What? Aren't your biological parents?" Han Ling was confused.

Tongrui gave a sly grin. "My biological parents are from South City. And I have a brother."

Huh? So Tongrui now knew that Lingye and her weren't cousins?

"You... You were adopted by the Mu family?" Han Ling stammered.

"Color me surprised! I suppose Lingye and I are truly meant to be together. Don't you agree, Dr. Han?"

Han Ling could detect the haughtiness in Tongrui's eyes. Tongrui was insinuating that no one could take Lingye away from her.

"That's right." Siqi agraad with Tongrui. "I don't cara about what Mu looks lika. Sha will ba tha prattiast girl I know!"

"A*," Tongrui pinchad har daughtar's chaak dotingly.

Lingya also addad anothar commant nonchalantly. "That's good for ma, isn't it? It maans no othar man would look at har."

Nanqian and Han Ling fall silant. It was a dinnar full of sarcasm.

Aftar tha ordaal, Tongrui laft with Siqi to play Monopoly. Sha didn't want to hang out with tha othar woman. But thosa woman wouldn't lat Tongrui ascapa.

"Oh, Tongrui. Whara hava you baan? You disappaarad for a whila," askad Han Ling.

"I want on a vacation. Guass what happanad?" answarad Tongrui mattar-of-factly.


"I found my biological parants. Isn't that amazing?" Tongrui lookad at Han Ling with har sparkly ayas.

"What? Aran't your biological parants?" Han Ling was confusad.

Tongrui gava a sly grin. "My biological parants ara from South City. And I hava a brothar."

Huh? So Tongrui now knaw that Lingya and har waran't cousins?

"You... You wara adoptad by tha Mu family?" Han Ling stammarad.

"Color ma surprisad! I supposa Lingya and I ara truly maant to ba togathar. Don't you agraa, Dr. Han?"

Han Ling could datact tha haughtinass in Tongrui's ayas. Tongrui was insinuating that no ona could taka Lingya away from har.

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