Beneath Her Darkness: The Alpha's Little Demon

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

122 - We Can Fly Part 2 LUCY.

"Or we can fly..."

I smiled widely at him, waving my arm in the air.I had taken Adan in my wings a few times before being taken to the underworld, but now I wanted to fly with him on his demon wings.

"Are you sure? Our people can see us." Adan asked.

His brows hiked up.

"Will it bother you?"

I put my arm down and bit my bottom lip.


He shook his head as he pulled my body closer, bumping our fronts together.

"Do you think they will accept a demon Luna?" I asked.

"Well, they also have a part demon Alpha.So they don’t have a choice.Besides, we are in the north, where supernaturals can be part of each other's territory if they want to.There are no rules prohibiting a demon from living in a pack.As long as I can protect my people, I can house as many supernaturals as I want."

"That's good to hear.But what if I scare them?" Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Beast scares them too.But they’re still here.They still stand in front of him to protect him and the rest of the pack.I know you’ve never had a pack, but that is what a pack is all about.We take one, we take all.We protect each other, and once you become part of the pack, you’ll be part of the people we will

protect.And you, my love, are their Luna.The highest kind of protection will always go to you.And if you scare the hell out of them, it will still not change anything.They will still stand in front of you to shield you from any danger."

"I can protect them too." I blurted out, as a wide smile graced my lips.

"I know you can, and with us together, we can be a stronger team, a stronger pack."

I nodded my head as my eyes sparkled in excitement.

"I like the sound of it.Lucy and Adan’s team is expanding into a whole pack!"

"Yes, it is!"

Adan cupped my cheeks as he stared directly into my eyes.

"But don’t ever think for a second that I want you as my Luna because of how strong you are. You can be a toad, and! will still want you to be mine."

"I keep hearing that toad shifter thing!"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully before continuing.

"Can’t I be just a bunny like you want me to be?"

"The bunny thing is just for me."

He then grunted as he gritted his teeth.

"Fuck, Lucy! I want to bend you over on this baluster and fuck you hard!"

I flashed him a mischievous smile before pressing my lips on his and murmuring against his mouth.

"But Beast will throw tantrums if we don’t let them out soon.So restrain your dick until I can set it on fire later."

"Yes, ma’am!" He replied before biting my bottom lip and pulling it as our mouths separated.

"By the way, before I forget. I just want to settle one more thing. Will you help me convince Patrea and Althea to stay in our territory, to live here?"

"Of course, I want that, but I can’t force them if they don’t want to.If you can offer them protection and make sure no one from our people touches them, then I think they will stay.Patrea, in particular, wants a normal life."

"I understand.I’m willing to offer them the security they want."

"Is this Blade’s request?"

"Blade and Lucius."

"Lucius? My brother? The new demon king"

Adan nodded his head.

"Is there something I missed out on?"

"Lucius likes Patrea, and he wants to keep an eye on her."

"Oh, Goddess! He’s not planning to force her to be with him?"

"He could if he wanted to.But he didn't.But he wants to see if there’s a way Patrea would consider him."

"Patrea was still trying to get over the decades she had been stuck in the underworld.She just wanted to forget it, and that’s why I said it might be hard to convince them to stay because seeing me might

remind her of Lucien.So Lucius will definitely have a hard time making Patrea see him as he is."

"Exactly his point, so he doesn’t want to push himself on her, but he wants to make sure she’s okay.Extend a little help to your brother?"

"Of course, I will! But I don’t want to make Patrea feel like I'm pushing Lucius on her."

"We don't need to do anything.Just make sure she stays here so we can protect her.Lucius is not even asking us to say good things about him.He just wants her secured and protected."

"I will ask Patrea and Althea. How about Blade?"

"I haven’t talked to him.He snuck off after dinner, and I haven’t seen him.Let’s mind them tomorrow, but for now, let’s give Beast and Angel what they want because my buddy here is starting to snap at me."

Adan chuckled at the last part, and I totally understood because Angel had begun whimpering in my head a while ago.My hands went up to his chest, and I slowly pushed him away from me before my wings erupted from my back and I gave a loud flap before I winked at him.

"I’m ready whenever you are."

His eyes dilated before he swiped his tongue over his upper lip.His hand clutched the hem of his shirt and pulled it off his body, tossing it in the corner before he let his wings out.

My heart thudded loudly.

Adan was beautiful in his demon form, but seeing him in his human form with his wings was making my pussy throb hard.

His ripped abs flexed as he stretched out his arms, preparing for takeoff, and it just made him look like a ravishing demon god to me.

"Like what you’re seeing?"

"I’m drooling, Adan!" I answered without inhibitions.

"I can see that on your lips up here," he said, pointing to the corner of my mouth with a smug grin.

"And I can smell it from your lips down there."

"Maybe I should let you fuck me in the air." I blurted out before I could stop my filthy mouth.

"That made me fucking hard in an instant," he grunted before he shook his head.

"But first, Beast and Angel, and we’ll see if they will let us have our time later."

"Right! Stop teasing me then!"

Adan laughed heartily and watched as I lifted my body in the air, my wings flapping slowly, waiting for him to follow me.

Soon, our floating bodies were hovering over the veranda, and I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by happiness.

This was a new experience for both of us.

I pivoted my body and began flying away from him, letting the wind play with my hair and brush against my skin.I heard his wings flapping, and I knew he was approaching, so I sped off.I heard him growl, and by the time I checked on him, he was already flying under me, laying upward with his wings below him. His hands reached for my waist, and soon, we were gliding in a circular motion.

‘Fold your wings.."

He sent me a mindlink, and when I was sure he was holding me tightly, I folded and retracted my wings as my arms snaked around his neck and his arms wrapped around me.

My legs coiled around his waist as I clung to him even tighter, but his grip on my body told me I was safe in his arms as he flew us away.

Adan was flying us in the direction of the northern forest.

His mouth-watering, musky scent was swirling around me that I began licking the soft spot on his neck, where my mark stood proud.

"You taste so good, Alpha..."

I mumbled against his skin.


"Can I eat you until we land?"

I heard him chuckle before he tilted his head down, and when I raised mine to meet his eyes, he leaned forward and crushed his lips against mine.

I wasn't sure if he could see where we were going because he kept kissing me.

Our tongues were fighting for dominance, and I knew if I were the one flying with my wings, I might have crashed into something already.

But Adan was flying perfectly as if he had done this his whole life.

I felt our bodies swirling, gliding, and diving before ascending in the air again, and the rush plus the aggressive way he was kissing me were sending pleasure down my core.

And it was taking all of me not to rub my core against his front.

It didn’t take long before I felt our bodies move into an upright position and be lowered onto the ground.

My eyes snapped open and I saw Adan looking at me, and everything I wanted to see in my mate’s eyes — something I always dreamed of when I was younger, were the same ones I was seeing in his — the love, the need, the passion, and the promise of protection.

My legs uncurled from his hips as I lowered my feet to the ground, and smiled lovingly at him.

"You’re like a dream, Adan.I didn’t know the mighty, grumpy Alpha who growled at me all the time, would end up liking me."

"That grumpy, growling Alpha already liked you from the very first time I laid eyes on you.But I didn’t know I would fall in love with you."

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