Betrayed By My Mate Claimed By The Alpha




I stared at her, our eyes unable to let go. 

There was something strange about her that I couldn’t tell but her beauty was one I couldn’t ignore and I wondered who left her to die deep in the woods. 

I was broken. 

Felt torn as I wandered through the woods that night. 

All I could think about was the possibility of dying very soon. 

A terrible curse which lingered on my head. All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

A curse of death and I was finding it hard to come to the terms that I had only three months left to live. 


Three months and I lose everything I have ever cherished. 

-It all started two months ago. I am Dimitri, king of the lycans. My world was a magnificent one that radiated nothing but 


I was t 

honored, and respected by both mortals and beasts 

No one dares to make an enemy from me, I am like an immortal god and my existence brings nothing but terror. 

Loved my subjects, I hated many and I had rivals who would do anything to bring me down. 

I was careful enough and never trusted anyone but I couldn’t believe that I would let my guard down so fast: 

“My king” Gideon, my right–hand man, walked up to me in my throne room one morning. 

What is the matter?” 

He smiled. 

“What I bring isn’t a problem but a solution.” He said. 

I was puzzled and frowned at his words. “A solution? To what exactly?” I inquired. 

Gideon walked closer to me. 

“A solution to cure your loneliness. It’s time that the pack needs a queen by your side and I want you to reconsider this, Lycan.” He bowed. 

-1 chuckled and rolled my eyes. 

“A queen?” 

“Yes Lycan, a queen. Not just any woman, but a woman with every quality a powerful Lycan as you deserve. A woman who will help you build this powerful pack, make you stronger and make your rivals shiver at the sound of your name. You have been a king for years, but I think it’s time you bring in a woman, time isn’t on your side anymore. Gideon said. 


Chapter 4 

I stared at him at first, speechless, 

“What do you think about this, Lycan?” He asked. 

I shook my head and laughed, “You don’t seem to amaze me. Gideon. Why on earth do you think that I need a queen? I have been a Lycan, a good one for years and I have achieved so much name it. Fame, wealth, power, anything a man craves for, 1 have them in abundance. Why will I have a queen to make my life better? It doesn’t sit well with me, Gideon.” I pointed out, raising a brow at him. 

Gideon chuckled. 

This is the reason you are missing Lycan?” 

What point?” I asked. 

Gideon shook his head. “We all know about your achievement but don’t forget that you need a successor and you don’t produce an heir yourself, you need a woman to do this for you: 

I shook my head, rubbing my beard as I laughed again


Yes, Lycan.” 

I glared at him, “If I may understand, you want me to have a queen just for an heir. You don’t expect me to bring in a lady my heart doesn’t beat for. How is our union going to work or last 

Gideon smiled. 

“Lycans, you are a very handsome man, a lot of ladies come in here daily just to have a word with you to warm your bed at night. You can’t say that you aren’t fond of one, not even two?” He asked. 

I laughed. 

“You are one funny crook, Gideon. 1 am sorry to hurt your feelings but I don’t want any of them.” I said firmly. 

“That isn’t a problem lycan. I have just the perfect lady for you.” Gideon proposed. 

I was stunned by his words. 

“You have someone for me?” 

He smiled. “Not just anyone Lycan, she is the fairest of all ladies, very gorgeous, and has all the qualities I mentioned earlier, I know that you will love her at first sight.” 

I was intrigued by his words and I wondered who Gideon speaks so well of 

“Who is this lady?” 

She is the princess of an Alpha, groomed with royalty and the perfect bride for you. You trust me, Lycan, I know what’s best for you.” 

I found myself very interested and I nodded. 

“Alright then, bring her to me tomorrow, I announced

The following day she came and I was struck by her beauty. True to Gideon’s words, she was everything I have ever wanted in a mate. When she was about to leave, I didn’t want her to and that night, I proposed to her. 


Chapter 4 

The marriage was hxed and within a week, she was my mate. 

Cassandra was my life, my world. I loved and adored her with very bone in me that made her powerful. 

Soon. Cassandra’s real motive began to come to light and I saw her for the devil that she is. All she wanted was my throne and planned to have me poisoned. I was fast enough to know about her plans but was more heartbroken to discover that Gideon was a part of her plan

Out of anger. I confronted her only to realize that she never loved me. My confrontation turned into a fight as she attacked me Without realizing my actions, I srangled her total. By the time I realized my mistake, it was too late, Gideon heard of Cassandra’s death and ran out of the pack, she was buried the next day. 

Two days after her death. I was visited by an old woman who realed that she was Cassandra’s grandmother and also a witch. 

“For Killing my grandchild, I curse you, king of the LycansShe pulled out a knife and cut it through her palm, I watched as blood trickled down. “For this pain you have cost me, you will die! I give you only three months to live but on the last day, death will snatch you away. Saying this, she vanished into thin air 

I was troubled and visited all the witch doctors I knew but none of them could break the curse and I was left to accept my 


I couldn’t take it, I was drowning in my depression and decided to end it all. I ventured into the woods, the rain poured down heavily 

With tears in my eyes, I was about to stab myself when I discovered the body of a beautiful lady not far away from where I stbod 

I wanted to ignore but a great force drew me closer to her and I couldn’t stop myself from getting close to her. I discovered that she still had a pulse but was bleeding profusely from a stabbed wound. 

My heart twisted at the sight and I grabbed her in my arms and headed towards my kingdom as fast as my four legs could 

take me. 

“Why did you save me?” She asked, her eyes not leaving me. 

I didn’t know what to say, I glanced at Leo who bowed at me. 

“I need to take my leave now, Lycan. I will be back soon.” He said and walked out of the room leaving me with her. 

The room went dead silent. 

I walked closer to where she lay. 

“Stop!” She said in a very tough tone, her blue eyes as sharp as ever, “Don’t come close to me, I don’t know you and I want to know why you chose to save me.” 

I watched her. 

There was something fierce about her that I couldn’t explain, one that drove me out of my reach in a way that surprised me. 

“I just helped you.” 

Lies!” She fired at me, “I am not someone you can deceive, you have to 

to give stranger and choose to help her? What do you want in return? Tell me!” 

me a reason for helping me, how can you see a 

I was stunned. 

Chapter 4 

Shocked to my bones my eyes lit up at her words. 

No one, man or woman has ever spoken to me with such authority. Something was intimidating about her and her eyes spoke of nothing but anger and pain. 

“Listen, you are in my pack and I don’t have to give you a reason for helping you. What I expected from you is a show of gratitude and not this attitude you are displaying.” 

She scoffed and chuckled dryly. 

“Really?” She raised a brow, “Gratitude you say?” She shut her eyes tightly and groaned in pain. I walked closer but she shoved her hand at me 

“Stay the fuck away from me! Do not move an inch close to me 

I was pissed by her rudeness. 

“Is this how you are?” I asked, not hiding my annoyance. 

“Excuse me? 

I shook my head. “Yes, you heard me right. Fine, indeed, I don’t know you but no beast with a heart will see a dying person. and not choose to help. If you know men who act like that, I am not one and I won’t decide to abandon a stranger. All I expected was your gratefulness but obviously, you are not the kind who believes in helping without favors. Excuse me, have other business to attend to.” I couldn’t help the way I felt, there was something odd about the whole ordeal that for a motient, I forgot about my predicament. 

I went into my chamber but couldn’t think straight. 


What is going on? 

Why did she come my way when I was about to end it all? 

Who is she? 

Why was she filled with so much rage that I could feel the energy pressing on me? 

Hours passed by and soon, it was night.. 

I stared at the paper in front of me, exhausted, I heaved a sigh and at once, I sent for Leo. 

“Lycan.” He bowed as he walked in. 

“How is she?” I asked

Leo sighed. “Her condition is still critical but she will survive it. He narrowed his gaze, “There is this strong force within her. that makes me believe that she will come out of this.” 

I stared at him, unable to understand what he meant by that. 

“Has she mentioned anything about herself? Like a name or anything?” 

Leo shook his head. 

Not at all, Lycan.” 

“Hmm, I see, I muttered. “Is she awake at the moment?” 

Chapter 4 

“Yes, Lycan.” 

“I need to have a word with her. You can leave.” I said to Leo whe bowed and exited the room. 

After a few minutes, I got up on my feet and headed for the packed clinic where she was. 

I got into the room, and lo, she was awake, her eyes fixed on the room ceiling. 

“You should have let me die.” She sniffled. “You should not have saved me and allowed me to bear this pain just once.” 

I stood at the door, watching her. It was easy to sense that she was crying but couldn’t tell if it was from the pain or something else. 

I walked closer to her and folded my arms. 

“Who did this to you?” I inquired. 

She turned to me, her eyes were red and puffy and I could see pure agony in them. 

“Why do you care?” She asked. 

“I saved your life so you owe me an answer to any question I ask of you. Who wanted you dead?” 

Her eyes softened at my words and she looked away. 

“I don’t want to talk about it.” 

She was trying to conceal her problems but a part of me just wanted to know. I felt a twist in my stomach seeing her in this state and I couldn’t explain why. 

I got closer and stood at her bedside. “You don’t know me, neither do L. But it seems that whatever you must have faced is traumatizing you. Trust me, there is no better way to let it out than to confide in someone.” 

She rolled her eyes. “Why should I trust you?” 

“I saved your life, isn’t that enough reason for you to have a little faith in me?” 


stared at me, not saying a word 

“Tell me, I do want to know,” I said. 

At first, she hesitated by keeping mute but at once, she burst into sobs and buried her face in her palms. 

Speechless, I watched her cry. 

I didn’t want to interfere but wanted her to pour out her emotions and I feel that crying might help accomplish that. 

“I lost it, I have lost it all.” She finally spoke out, raising her head. 

I frowned: “Lost what?” 

She sniffed, not looking at me. “My pack. I gave it out for love but I lost it all instead.” 

I didn’t understand her but said nothing and watched her. 

“I was meant to succeed my father as the Alpha of the fire cold pack after his death. This was everything I wanted but it all changed when I met my mate, Derrick. Due to the love we shared, I sold my birthright to him in exchange I becoming his Luna but instead, he deceived, betrayed, and banished me out of my pack. Not only that, he came after me in the woods

apter 4 


“You should have just let me,die and all my suffering could have ended. But since you choose to save me, I must get my revenge on Derrick and take back what solely belongs to me.” Anger radiated through her as she spoke, and a tear rolled down her face. 

I was touched by her words. 

The pain was inevitable and I knew that since my life was also spared, my assignment was to help her accomplish her 


I touched her shou 

Ider and she looked up at me, a surprised look on her face. “As long as I live and remain the king of Lycans, I promise to help you achieve this goal and get back what fully belongs to you. I vow.” Her eyes widened in shock, our gaze not leaving 

each other. 

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