Betrothed To The Mafia Lord

Chapter 288

Chapter 288

Luca’s POV

But now… it was feeling like I was fulfilled, like I was content and satisfied with this level of happiness,

like it was filled up and I couldn’t want any more. I had a wife, a beautiful and loving one who was

always making me happy without even trying, who was the best and most beautiful thing that had

happened to me. And now, my younger brother is back home, healthy and alive, and I couldn’t be any

happier and content as it is.

“You’re smiling.”

I turned my head around to glance at Armani with raised eyebrows after he had spoken those three

words a fleeting moment ago.

“I am?” I mused and watched as he rolled his eyes a little before nodding his head a little. Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah, you are.” He muttered in response. I huffed out a small breath and lifted up one of my hands to

use to Pat the sides of my face.

“Oh, I didn’t even realize.” I finally muttered.

“It’s because of your wife, right? You’ve been looking more relaxed after you’ve gone to her for long

hours to do only what God knows.”

“Armani.” I called out with a small laugh as I paused to turn around and stare at him pointedly

“What? It’s true.” He replied without missing a beat. A small grin came out to start to dance around the

corners of his lips as he decided to start to speak after a couple of moments.

“It’s a very good thing though, it looks so good on you.” He continued with a small shrug of my

shoulders and got caught off guard at that moment. I was silent at first but ended up huffing out a small

laugh and reaching out to Pat his shoulder a little.

“Hm.” Was the only sound I made as I turned around on my heels and started to make my way towards

the sitting room, noticing that Armani came forward to fall into steps beside me after a Few seconds.

We finally arrived at the door of the sitting room which was wide open, and I paused outside the door at

first to stare at Armani after a fleeting moment. Armani was staring straight into the sitting room, with

his eyes zeroing in on her almost immediately, and I watched as his mouth fell open after a slow

second. I moved my eyes off my brother to focus it on my wife who was currently focused on what was

playing on the television at the moment.

She was grinning a little and also biting her lips as she moved a little on the couch her age was

currently sitting on, and I noticed her thighs which were revealed because of her gown that had ridden

up at some point from her moving around on the couch.

I moved my eyes back until I was staring at Armani once again, and at that same moment, Armani

started to turn his gewe around until he was staring at me.

“She’s so…” Armani Started to whisper as he turned his head around until he was staring at Sofia once


“So what?” I asked after a moment, staring at him curiously.

“So…” Armani started to speak once again, as he turned around to stare at me this time and I nodded

my head at him in indication for him to continue.

“So… uh, how do I put this…”

I rolled my eyes a little before starting to speak. “So little?” I suggested and watched as he instantly

turned around to stare at me.

“Yeah, that. She’s so small… That's quite different from what I had always imagined her to look like

inside of my head.

I breathed out a small laugh and shook my head a little. “Are you serious right now?” I asked after a

moment and watched as Armani nodded his head the next moment.

“Yeah, I am.”

“What did you think she was going to look like?” I asked after a moment, my eyes managing to siip

around until it was locked on Sofia.

“Oh, well… for one, I imagined her to look like, I don’t know? Thicker? And definitely older… she looks

so small.” Armani continued to speak.

I hummed a little for a moment before starting to speak. “That’s because she is small, she’s eighteen

years old.” I informed him, refusing to give a chance to that part of my brain that had affected me so

much at the start of our marriage by making me feel really guilty for a really long time.

“Oh, that’s… really young, but at least she’s legal.” Armani commented after a couple of moments.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked almost immediately, narrowing my eyes at him in the next


“No, no… that wasn’t what I meant. I meant it on her own part, that at least she didn't get married off

when she was beneath eighteen years… I’d never insinuate…” Armani started to speak but I rolled my

eyes and cut him off at a certain point.

“I’d never agree to get married to her if she wasn’t of legal age at that time, and believe me when I say

that I had a really huge fight with guilt for a really long time after I got married to her.” I admitted Witt a

small shrug of my shoulders.

“Oh… you shouldn’t put yourself through that, since she was already of legal age. And I also know

you’d be very huge on consent, so it’s all right.” Armani started to speak in the next moment and

hummed a little after a few seconds had passed in silence.

I wasn’t feeling guilty any longer. I guess? She was legal, it didn’t matter that I was really older than she

is, because she’s legal and like Armani had pointed out, I was indeed huge on consent, so it was all


All good. All good.

I turned my head around a little to stare at Armani who was once again looking at Sofia, and budged

him a little until he was staring at me.

“Would the fact that she’s this young affect the relationship that you were hoping to form with her?” I

asked, knowing that a part of me was silently praying for my little assumptions to have been wrong, and

for Armani to still be very eager and willing to form a bond with her, like he had wanted to for days now.

“What? No.” He responded almost immediately, turning around to stare at me like I had suddenly gone


“It wouldn’t?” I asked and watched as he narrowed his eyes at me in the next moment.

“Of course it wouldn’t. Why would you think that?” I asked in the next moment and I puffed out a deep

breath before hesitating for a few seconds.

“Because of your whole shock over her size and age and whatnot, I guess?” I finally responded.

“Oh, that… of course not, no never.” He paused for a moment. “That can’t stop me, instead, it’s going

to make me more comfortable around her because women older than myself scares me, and knowing

that she’s younger than I am is just going to make me want to get to know her more instead of being

scared of her.”

He turned his head around until he was sterimg at me, right before he continued. “I mean, I used to

think that she was really older after staring at your wedding pictures which were wll over the net, I had

no idea she was this young then. Now, I honestly want to be friends with her.”

“That’s definitely a good thing.” I murmured after a moment with a small nod of my head, and Armani

nodded his head along with me.

After a few seconds, I remembered what he had been pointing at previously, and I decided to point it


“So, you’re scared of women?” I asked really slowly, with my eyebrows raised a little.

“Oh, yeah. Especially those older than myself.” He informed me and waited a couple of moments

before continuing. “I mean, not like scared-scared, but like, scared.”

I started to nod my head after a moment, pretending like I really had understood what he meant by

‘scared - scared’.

“Why though?” I asked after a fleeting moment.

“Oh, uh, well because they're really scary creatures.” He continued and rolled my eyes a little and

breathed out a small chuckle.

“So… you have a girlfriend?” I asked after a moment. Armani instantly turned his head around to stare

at me and I watched as he instantly narrowed his eyes at me, a knowing look brewing in his eyes.

“Oh, yeah… I do.”

I raised one or my brow up, feeling genuinely surprised at his response.

“You do? are you sure?” I asked after a moment and watched as he turned his head around to stare at


“Oh yeah, I am. I’ll talk to you about it later.”

I narrowed my eyes at him and watched as he rolled his eyes a little, a small smile tugging at the side

of his lips, right before he leaned into my side a little.

“Aren’t we going to go in there? I still haven’t gotten to meet her yet.” Armani whined a little beside me

and I rolled my eyes a little, feeling a fond feeling start to bloom inside of my chest once again.

“Well, at least you’ve seen her in person and been able to gossip about her for a while.” I pointed out to

him and watched as he shrugged his shoulders a little.

“Seeing her this way doesn’t really count, and you were also reality into the whole gossiping thing.”

Armani responded after a fleeting moment and I felt myself starting to smile a little as his words sank

into my head.

“Let’s head inside already.” I said to her just as I pushed myself off the wall that I had been previously

leaning against, as I stepped into the sitting room after staring at the doorway with my brother beside

me for long minutes.

It didn’t take long for Sofia to notice that she wasn’t alone in here anymore, and I noticed the moment

she froze at first before slowly turning her head around until she was staring at me– and at my younger

brother ego was currently standing beside me. I watched as she slowly pushed herself to her feet, a

small breath falling past her lips as her mouth fell open a little.

She started to make her way towards me and I offered her a smile and beaconed for her to come

straight towards me. She puffed out a small breath as she walked straight into my side, pressing into

me and gripping my shirt with one of her hands and I wrapped my arm firmly around her waist and

hummed a little, feeling that particular feeling of fulfillment come to settle over me in that particular


Sofia peeked up at me after a couple of moments had passed, and after a fleeting moment, she was

pulling out of my side and attempting to stand on her own. I knew that that small wave of security and

safety that she had wanted to feel as soon as she as she had settled her eyes on me had been curbed,

and now she was able to stand on her own and offer me a smile, which I returned instantly, not caring

that I correctly had an audience with me.

Sofia was the first to break eye contact and I watched as she stared up at my brother who was stabbed

beside me. A quick glance at my brother showed that he was still in a little bit of shock from the display

of comfort and affection he had just seen some moments ago.

“Hello.” Sofia finally started to speak, almost bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waved up at

Armani. Armani had a smile on his face almost immediately, and was returning the wave with an

enthusiastic one, to my delight.

“You’re so beautiful.”

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