Betrothed To The Mafia Lord

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Luca’s POV

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, we- I haven’t seen any girl, please leave our premises

immediately, you’re trespassing private property.” The dude said and I stepped forward once again,

closing the distance between us until only a few feet separated us from being in each other’s private


“Did you hear what I said clearly? I said ``get me the girl right this instant!” I repeated again, but in a

really quiet voice this time. The guard took a step back like he was contemplating going back into the

house which he had come out from or to stand and continue to act like he didn’t know what I was

talking about.

I took two more steps closer to him and watched as he shifted backwards, the movement was barely

noticeable but I noticed just fine, my eyes narrowing at him.

“Where is the girl?”

“There’s no– umph…” The dude started to say again but gargled out something stupid when I grabbed

him by the front of his jumpsuit and jerked him forward.

“Where’s the girl?” I demanded again but got nothing from him as he only stared at me with so much

fear in his eyes, his mouth opening and closing while nothing came out.

I released my hold on him and dragged him sideways, pushing his out of the doorway and making my

way into the house, feeling my guards falling into steps behind me as I made my way into the house

and felt anger flare out in my brains on seeing two men, with some bodyguards, including the two

which I had seen outside, a moment ago, there in the first room of the house.

The two men we’re sitting side by side, both shirtless and sniffing a whitish powder spread out on their

index fingers, straight into their noses.


They visibly jolted on seeing me and I threw them a dirty look before folding my hands behind my back

once again and repeating myself to the two men who looked high as fuck, but not too high to not have

a firm grasp on everything that was going on around them.

“Where is the girl you kidnapped?” I demanded and both men exchanged glances as they both got to

their feet, a tad bit of fright passing their faces.

“Er, Mr Ricci, you’re probably at the wrong house, we’d never tamper with something that’s yours.”

Of course they knew who I was.


Oh, but they didn’t know Aria was my cousin… which was what gave them the audacity to think they

could do whatever they want with her.

I think not.

“Where is the girl you kidnapped?” I echoed again and watched as the first dude swallowed before

nudging his partner at his side, his partner nudged him back immediately, a lot harder than necessary,

while scowling at his feet.

“We didn’t kidnap any girl, but there’s a girl here who we brought over here, some hours ago.” The

second dude started to say before pausing when his partner nudged him once again. After a few

minutes, he continued, “I don’t know why you think we had any girl kidnapped, but we didn’t.”

“We’re sorry you had to stress yourself by coming over here, you’re most definitely at the wrong

house.” The second one finally rounded with his speech and I slightly corked my head to the side

before gesturing to two of the guards and pointing towards the stairs which was visible at the corner of

the sitting room which we were all currently occupying.

“Go search for the girl upstairs and bring her to me.” I said to them and they disappeared upstairs

immediately, the guards along with the shirtless guys staring after them in horror. The first dude nudged

the second dude once again and the second dude turned around to face him and whispered something

harshly in his face which made him turn pale immediately.

“You’re the Vante, right?” I started to say and both men's eyes jumped towards me immediately. The

first dude shook his head after a few seconds while the first dude remained quiet, with a blank facial

expression covering his face.

“You’re Ivan, Ivan Vante.” I said to the second dude who was now wearing a scowl on his face, he

remained quiet, not replying to my question.

Oh, they were so fucked today.

The two guards who had gone upstairs to fetch Aria started to ascend the stairs, supporting Aria’s

weight as they climbed down and my teeth clenched tight against each other and started grinding down

in my mouth when they got to the last landing and Aria’s head moved around weakly before finally

landing against the guard’s chest, her eyes fluttering a little and still remaining close.

I turned back towards the two men, the amount of rage I was currently feeling boiling in me could be

obvious on my face as I whipped out my gun, cocked it and pointed it at them without hesitations. They

visibly flinched and exchanged a quick, disturbed glance.

I watched their guards whip out their guards and point it towards me immediately and the very next

second, their owners were asking them to put their damn guns away because they knew how deep the

amount of shit they were in was.

“Who did that to her? Why the hell did you drug her up?” I started to say, my voice the complete

opposite of the calmness which I had been using to address them from the beginning.

“I swear to you sir, we had no idea she was one of yours.” The first one started to say while the second

one remained quiet, getting me angrier as the seconds passed.

“Step forward, Ivan.” I said, moving the gun from the middle of the two men towards the second dude. I

watched him swallow visibly and clench his empty hands at his sides tight for a few seconds before

stepping forward and trying really hard to hold my gaze.

The first thing I did was to deliver a harsh slap on his face which whipped his face around and echoed

really loudly, shocking the first dude as well as their guards.

Ivan being the sensible dude that shook his head a little before turning his head back to face me, he

leaned his head sideways and spit out blood before glancing back up to stare at me. The cool facial

expression he was trying to put on was really proving hard to do because he was breathing hard as

fuck and had a huge hand print on his right cheek.

I had a mean weight on my palms, which was I never lifted my hands on a man unless it was


Like right now.

“What did you drug her up with?” I asked quietly, feeling the anger and rage bubble up in my chest ever

more as I spat out that question.

His eyes wavered and he took a step backwards, or tried, because I closed the distance between us

almost immediately.

“I- it was just a little of what we use to get excited, nothing harmful or anything.” He said with a small

shrug and I reached out and delivered another slap on the same cheek I had hit before and like before,

his head whipped to the side, leaving a sharp, tingling feeling in the middle of my palm.

He whipped his head back to face me after a minute and spit out another mouthful of blood and a small

groan leaving his mouth before he finally got to stare back up at me.

“She went out on a date with you, and you wanted to have your way by all means, which was very

stupid of you.” I said to him and he pushed out a harsh breath from his nose without saying a thing.

“Why did you kidnap her? Give me your reasons.” I snapped out and watched as Ivan took a step

backwards, to my annoyance.

“If you take one more step backwards again, I am going to blow your brains off.” I said to him in

warning and watched as his teeth clench in his mouth before a tiny wince covered his face.

“Answer my question, you piece of shit.” I reminded him and watched as he slightly shifted his weight

from feet to feet before glancing up from the ground to stare at me, his left cheek was glowing red with

two large hand prints on each other’s.

“We just wanted to have a little fun with her–“ Stupid Ivan started to say before the first dude cut in

before he could finish what he was about to say.

“No, hell no. It was your idea for us to go get her and I was against it but ended up agreeing because it

was you.” The second dude disagreed with the Ivan dude immediately, from his spot beside the couch

they’ve both been sitting in when I made my way into the house.

“But you were in love with the idea as well, you wanted to have her as well, stop trying to deny it now.”

Ivan spat back to the first dude, calling him out immediately as well.

“But you suggested the idea first, it was all your idea and you planned everything, I only went along

with all your plans.” The first dude snapped back at the Ivan dude immediately, denying all what he was

being accused of and turning it all back on Ivan.

“The both of you are sick.” I said in low voice and both dudes swallowed whatever it was that they

wanted to say and stared back at me almost immediately, the first dude still at the same as he was

before had the audacity to look shameful, he was lucky he wasn’t he wasn’t as close to me the way

Ivan was, I’d have delivered a couple of slaps on the side of his face as well.

“I should probably shoot the two of you in the balls so you won’t ever be opportune to want to have fun

with a woman that’s unwillingly.” I started to say and the first real trace of fear crossed Ivan’s face as

soon as those words settled into his head, a second later.

The first dude started to say something quietly but I cut him off instantly with a raised finger, “But I am

not going to do that, I am instead going to see your father so he’d be aware of the kind of

disappointment you are.” I paused as I allowed the words to sink into their empty heads before

continuing, “All expenses would be way billed to you, as well as whatever cost the therapists which she

is going to be seeing are going to demand for, you’re going to pay off everything, are we clear?”

They nodded their heads in response, the first one quite eager than Ivan. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I reached my hand out and landed it hard on Ivan’s shoulder and he grunted quietly, his eyes glued to

his feet but I closed the distance between us and spoke quietly to him so no one overheard except him.

“I am going to put eyes on you, if something like this repeats itself, with any other unwilling girl, you're a

dead rat immediately.” I paused before slapping his shoulder again and feeling him flinch against my

slap before continuing loudly this time, “Got it?”

He nodded his head in response and I squeezed hard on his shoulders instantly, making him rethink

his decision about not making use of his words.

“Yes, sir.” He finally mumbled, his face beet red with embarrassment and shame at being put into his

place before his people.

Which served him right… he should be thankful he didn’t do anything to Aria yet.

I removed hand from his shoulder and gestured to the first dude to come over. His eyes widened for a

second before he started to walk towards me.

“It was all his plan, I swea–“ He started to say immediately he got to the same line Ivan was standing in

and I pulled him forward with my hand on his shoulder, making his eyes widen with fright immediately.

“You’re a Vante too, right?”

He nodded his head once, the fright still swimming around in his eyes.

“You do know you’re not supposed to out your own blood that fast, the way you did, hm?” I started to

say and his eyes widened even more. He began to say something but I lifted my hand and landed it on

his shoulder and he flinched and winced at the same time like I had expected.

“But because I had been the one in question, it was a good thing you had started saying your part of

the story before I got to you. You’re smart and also dumb… really, really dumb.”

He swallowed without saying anything, his face beet red like that of his brother’s or cousin’s.

“This should never repeat itself without any other person, understood?” I said to him and he nodded his

head immediately, flinching when I lifted my hand off his shoulder like he expected it to come down on

his shoulder hard one more time, but I only took a step away from them and folded my arms behind my


I took one last, long look at them before turning around, my eyes locking with that of Ivan’s before I

backed them completely and headed for the two guards who were still holding Aria up. She thankfully

wasn’t slipping in and out of consciousness anymore, but her eyes weren't still staying open for long.

I wonder what kind of drug they had injected in her, and how much of the drug was currently swimming

through her blood.

I touched her forehead and she flinched, pulling away from my touch and trying to escape my hand.

“Shh, it’s me.” I whispered to her as I touched her forehead once again and stroked the pounding pulse

on her forehead lightly.

Her eyes fluttered a little, “Luca?” She mumbled quietly and my heart tightened in my heart, hating how

weak and helpless she sounded, it made me want to turn around and bury a bullet in the skull of the

fool named Ivan.

“That’s right, it’s me.” I replied and my heart swelled when she leaned into my touch even more. I

grabbed her and pulled her more into my body and the guards stepped away from her since they were

no longer holding her up.

“You came.” She mumbled quietly, her head moving slowly against my chest, almost too weakly.

I didn’t bother replying to her as I bent to her height and lifted her into my arms, wrapping my arms

firmly around her thighs and back before turning back around and giving Ivan and his family member a

hard stare, Ivan ducked his head while the other dude flinched and turned around completely. The

dude in a jumpsuit who had tried to stop me from getting into the house turned around the moment our

eyes met.

I made my way out of the building with the guards tailing me, and Aria tucked in my arms.

She wasn’t totally fine at the moment, but she was safe.

I had saved her.

I hadn’t let her down, and that was all that matters.

“Thank you, Lulu.” I faintly heard her whisper against my chest and I pulled her tighter into my arms.

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