Betrothed To The Mafia Lord

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Sofia’s POV

I leaned more forward on my seat and started plastering my palm on the side of the cup, loving how the

hotness of tne glass up was sinking into the light skin of my palm and sending a tiny zinging feeling into

the tip of my fingers.

“Um, Sarah?” I called out slowly and watched as Sarah turned around and stared at me inquiringly. I

picked up my cup of coffee and took a large sip first, allowing the hot liquid to scale my tongue even

more and slid down my throat, right before I started to speak after placing the cup of coffee on the

counter once again.

“Where is Luca?” I asked in a small voice and she answered immediately, not hesitating nor pausing to

analyze her answer.

“Oh? He’s in his office.” She replied and I blinked a couple of times, biting on the left side of my lower


“He doesn’t go out on a Sunday?” I asked Sarah once again after a few seconds and watched as

Sarah turned around on her seat until she was staring fully at me.

“He does, sometimes. Sometimes, he stays home continuously on Sundays, and sometimes he

doesn’t.” Sarah paused and I nodded my head once before picking up my cup of coffee and taking a

small sip, cradling the hot cup of coffee in my palms and allowing the hot sides of the cup to burn into

my palms.

Sarah then decided to continue, “It totally depends on him, I guess? And how tight his schedule is.”

“Oh.” I echoed softly before nodding my head once and slowly turning around until I was sitting properly

oh my seat once again.

“Why? Is there a problem? Or something you’re worried about?” Sarah asked and I quickly turned my

head around to shake my head a couple of times at her. “No, no. There’s no problem or a thing I’m

worried about. I was just curious, that’s all.”

“Alright, child.” Sarah finally replied after a few seconds and I downed the remaining content of my cup

and puffed out a harsh breath from my nostrils.

I reached for my phone and thumbed the screen up in order to check the time. It was currently some

minutes before it clocks eleven a.m.

“I made some sauce, Sofia… along with some chicken breasts and some mashed potatoes. Would you

like to have some?” Matilda asked from the other side of the kitchen where she was cooking and I

pushed tne empty cup away from me before nodding my head at her.

“Yeah, I’ll like some. Thank you.”

Matilda proceeded to checking the food she was preparing over and over again and I moved around

from one social media to the other on my phone, noting within myself that I had gotten the hang of

making use of this phone so much, immediately after Ryan helped me out and showed me a couple of

ways in which I could use making use of the phone.

Which reminded me… I needed to thank Ryan today!

I placed the phone on the counter and folded my arms on the top of the counter before glancing

sideways at Sarah. After contemplating it in my head for a couple of seconds, I decided to ask Matilda


“Matilda?” I called out and watched as Matilda craned her head around until she was staring at me.

“Yes Sofia?”

“Have you seen Ryan and Ethan today?”

Mstdq nodded her head a couple of times before breaking eye contact with me and glancing back

towards the pot of sauce she had been stirring before I had called out her name. I watched as she

stirred the content in the pot a few more times before reaching downwards and turning the cooker off.

She turned back around until she was staring back at me, right before she began to talk. “Well, you

know they won’t be coming in here today and might only get to come once, just to walk around the

house and ensure that it was empty… because the boss is around and whenever he was around, there

was no need for any guard to stand around with us in the house. Mr Ricci can protect us just fine.”

Matilda informed me and I sanked more firmly into my chair, watching her with rapt attention and

nodding my head immediately after.

“Oh.” I said after a few seconds, and now, Matilda was back to dishing food into plates and carrying it

over to the dining table.

I lifted my left fingers and ran them through my curls, liking how they were tangles free and were Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

moving through my fingers without any kind of stress. We moved over to the dining area once the table

got completely set and Matilda finally announced that the breakfast was already laid out. I sank into the

chair I usually sit on each time we get to eat together bere and we all dug into our food after a little

while. The soft potatoes melted on my tongue immediately and along with the sauce, it slid down my

throat immediately.

I ate quite some more than I had thought I’d eat when Matilda had suggested mashed potatoes, just

like I had ended up doing last night. I started to wonder if Matilda’s amazing talent when it comes to

cooking wasn’t also beside this whole thing — whereby you’d be without any appetite, but would still

find yourself eating way more than you expected at first.

I washed down the food with water every now and then, and it filled up after a little while.

“You can make use of your drugs after a few minutes now.” Sarah said and I glanced up at her to see

her pushing the transparent plate which Matilda had packed my whole drugs in, last night.

“Oh, thank you for bringing it over here for me.” I said to her as I reached out my arms and accepted

the drugs, placing it on the spot beside my phone on the dining table.

“Give it here, let me help you with the opening of it like I had done last night.” Matilda suggested it to

me and I showed her a small smile of gratitude before picking up the plastic and handing it to her. I

pushed my tray which was before me away from my front a little as I leaned back more on my seat.

She started to open the first two drugs and shook the pills into my palms and I threw it into my mouth

immediately, washing it down with some water in the next second.

“So um,” I started to say after a few seconds and watched as Matilda paused at the third drug she was

trying to get open, to stare up at me, into my face.

“Isn’t Luca going to eat?” I asked and watched as a smile made its way towards Matilda’s cheeks in the

very next second.

“Oh, he is. But not yet now, I guess.” She replied after a few more seconds as she shook out the now

opened drugs onto my palm.

“Oh, alright.”‘ I answered as I swallowed down the piece of pill, wondering why I was even getting

bothered enough to ask if he had eaten breakfast or not.

I think it was because he was being so nice to me, and my mind was unconsciously trying to be nice to

him back in return.

That was probably it.

“Don’t worry about it, he’s going to be alright.” Matilda started to say as she shook out the last piece of

pill onto my palm and I almost choked on the drug I was still swallowing.

I swallowed down another mouthful of water before glancing back at her with a bewildered facial

expression playing across all parts of my face. “I am not worried about him.” I spluttered out, feeling

embarrassed color flooded my cheeks almost immediately.

Matilda nodded her head at me immediately in reply, even though she didn’t look like she believed me

one bit. “Yes, yes. Of course.”

She started to say after a few more seconds. “So, did you enjoy your meal?”

I nodded my head immediately, shoving the thought of Luca and if I was caring about him or not out of

my head.

“Yes, I did. It was really nice, thank you very much.” I replied to her and watched from the corner of my

eyes as Sarah lifted off her chair and headed out of the dining room.

I watched her head straight into the hallway and contemplated asking Matilda if Sarah was indeed

alright or not, but decided against it because I knew it was of no use, and I didn’t want it to seem like I

was the overly meddling kind of person.

“How are you feeling?” I heard Matilda asked and dragged my gaze away from the entrance where

Sarah had disappeared into, to focus my gaze on Matilda’s face.

“Feeling alright, I guess.” I murmured quietly and allowing my eyes to slide shut, and a small sigh to slip


“Is there anything you’d like to talk to me about?” Matilda continued and I turned around more fully on

my seat to stare at her and watch as she continued to speak. “Is there anything you’d like to rant


I watched her for a couple of more seconds, blinking a few times and chewing on the sides of my lips a

little. “Um, no… not really.” I finally breathed out an answer, shaking my head a little from side to side.

“Oh, alright.” Matilda replied before leaning forward in her seat until we were closer than we were, a

moment ago.

“If there’s anything you’d like to talk about, any time or any moment, don’t hesitate to come to me, hm?

I’m always ready to listen.” Matilda continued to say after a few seconds, staring straight into my eyes –

all traces of playfulness and goofiness gone from her voice, and leaving behind a serious woman that

ozzed so much maturity and confidence.

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