Betrothed To The Mafia Lord

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Luca’s POV

“Step off the patio and get your asses here right this moment, you lots are in a lot of mess.” I started to

say once again and Ivan groaned loudly as he hesitated while his cousin instantly did as he was told,

moving off the patio in the blink of an eye and walking towards me like I had ordered as fast as he

could, a tremble currently wrecking him as he stood before me, a couple of large space of feet

separating us.

“Would you like me to come get you, Ivan? Because I assure you that I am going to pull the fucking

trigger right into your face if I have to come fetch you myself, and then I am going to drag you over here

by your feet, ever though you’re bleeding out of you fucking forehead.” I spat out and Ivan’s eyes

widened comically and his cousin who was still standing a few feet away from me– trembled even more

in fear.

Ivan started to make his way towards us after a few moments, trying to hide the way he was scared by

buffing out his shoulders as he walked towards us before coming to finally stand in the exact spot

beside where his cousin was standing. I lifted my finger and crooked it a couple of times in the

direction, directing in their line of sight, signaling them to come forward.

As expected, the cousin started to close the distance between us immediately while Ivan still remained

in the same spot, a glare painted on his sweaty face.

I shook my head a couple of time and whipped out my gun, cocking it and pointing it at Ivan in the next


Ivan jolted a little and I watched the way his eyes widened a couple of times, his eyes quickly darting

towards the tip of the gun which was currently pointing in his direction, and back to rest on my face,

and to return back to the tip of the gun in the next second.

I started to make my way toward him, slowly closing the distance between us and I watched the brave

and fierce look on his wavered a couple of times, as I neared him even more and more.

“What did I tell you about me coming to get you myself?” I started to ask in a low voice and Ivan took a

step backwards, his mouth parting immediately to speak but I reached forward and grabbed the front of

his shirt at the very last second, using my grip on the shirt to wrench him forward until he was staring

up into my face, and the brave look still wasn’t completely off his face even though it was at this point,

wavering even more.

“I did tell you what I was going to do to you if I’d have to come to get you myself, didn’t I?” I said to him,

saying the words directly into his face and he shook his head immediately, trying to tug himself out of

my grip to no avail.

“I did come to you, didn’t I? You asked me to get off the front of the house, which I did.” He started to

say after a few seconds, his voice coming out harsh and loud, a complete opposite to the low mumble

of mine, and I almost chuckled at how worked up and nervous he obviously was… when I wasn’t even

started on what o actually wanted to do to him before finally leaving here this evening.

“You didn’t come to me like I ordered you to, you only came down tne house but didn’t actually come to

me like I had asked, Ivan.” I pointed out to him and watched as his eyes widened again, and he even

tried to wrench himself from my grip once again, but it was of no use because my grip on his shirt was

extremely tight and firm.

“What did I even do to you? I didn’t do a damn thing to you.” Ivan spat out, still trying to wrench himself

from my grip and once I tightened my hold on the shirt to the extent that it pulled tight against his throat

– he refused to act like he was being affected by it, and I watched as his face started to get redder and

redder at first, followed by how he was barely breathing at a point before he finally choked out in a

small, strained voice.

“Don’t strangle me to death.”

I heard James start to chuckle behind me at that and I let out a small snort, as I slowly released my grip

on the shirt in order for him to be able to breathe a little.

“Trust me, kid. You’d wish you hadn’t spoken up about getting strangled to death, compared to what’s

coming to you next.” James– who was now standing beside me, started to say to Ivan and Ivan

coughed once before darting his eyes sideways to stare at James before darting it around until he was

staring at once again.

“He is right, you know.” I started to say after a few moments, bending my head sideways and gesturing

to James. “With the whole amount of things we’ve planned out for you we your cousin, what just

happened to you moments ago, was completely child’s play.” I informed him and watched as he

coughed once again, and I released my hold on him all of a sudden, at that very moment – using my

grip on his shirt to push him backwards as I let go of my hold on the shirt and I watched as he tilted

backwards immediately, his widening and his hands flaring around as he fell down on his ass, his head

hitting tne ground loudly.

He cried out a little, stifling the rest of the sound in his throat like I had a feeling he would, even before

it had all happened, knowing him. He glanced up at James and I after about a minute and puffed out a

breath before starting to demand in a voice which sounded hoarse, courtesy of the strangling hold in

her him in, for long minutes.

“What did I even do you guys?” He shook his head and threw his head sideways to cough out

something into the ground before glancing up at us to continue.

“Tne fuck did I do to you guys? What in the world do you want? You said you were going to send the

bills of tne gotl which we held here, days ago– and we didn’t expect that you were still going to show

yourself here again, and had thought you were going to just send over the bills.” He continued to ask,

seeming genuinely confused as he spat out question after question and I glanced at James who had

also choosen that moment to glance sideways, and our eyes locked immediately,

We continued to stare at each other for a few more minutes and I watched as James cocked his head

and nodded it towards Ivan who was still on the ground. I stared at him intently, immediately

understanding what he was trying to say – and I nodded my head and took a step backwards, watching

as James took a step forward at the same time, that particular look which had totally disappeared from

his eyes and face after we had spoken about self control and losing of control, outside the gate of

Ivan’s house… that look was back on his face, and it was really fierce and dangerous looking that I had

almost began to start pitying Ivan for a fleeting moment, right before my heart hardened and my lips

turned into a thin line in the next second, the moment my mind drifted back to the hospital where Aria

was currently admitted in.

James walked forward and I watched as James crouched down until he was hovering over Ivan and

the look that crossed Ivan’s face as soon as he stared into James face, was a terror striken one.

“Where the heck are you bunch of guards? Where are they at?” James started to say after about a

minute of them staring at each other without saying a thing, his voice coming out low and quiet, but still

a bit louder, compared to mine.

“They are, um, they’re not here at the moment. They went to get something.” He replied to James

immediately, his eyes darting away from James’ face to rest on my face, and to run back around and

focus on James in a fleeting second.

“Perfect.” James informed Ivan as a small, dry chuckle slipped past his lips. James turned his head

around to stare up at me and I moved the edge of my lower lips from side to side before finally turning

around and gesturing to the bunch of guards standing behind me, in a motion which they understood

immediately, and they were all turning around and existing the building immediately, pulling open the

gate which we had walked through and walking out in sync and quietness until they’ve wll made their

way out and were shutting the gate by pulling it close after them. I knew they weren’t going to all © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

completely go back to the car, and that one of them was going to stand outside the gate, keeping a

close eye on it– while the other guards were all going to spread around and hover at different spots.

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