Beyond the Pack’s Law: My stepsister or nobody else

87: Hayley’s Aunt


Evelyn shocked us with the tale of what happened to Selene. A legend of an ancient, powerful werewolf with the ability to see in the future was almost a myth, yet we were on our way to meet her. We stood there in Evelyn’s snug living room, trying to digest what she had just said.

“Selene is a strong woman,” Evelyn said, her voice low but steady. She’s lived for centuries and has abilities beyond comprehension. What a surprise, Hayley-she of all people knows about your parents.

Hayley and I exchanged a glance. She peered at us with eyes full of hope and a smidgen of disbelief. “When can we meet her?” I asked Evelyn.

She shook her head gently. ”Selene is not bound by our timetable. How and who she meets is up to her. But if you simply pay a visit there, she may not be home or be freaking refuse to see you!

‘So, we’re just supposed to hang around, then?”

Evelyn gave a small smile in return. And yes, patience. Selena will present it to you when the time is right. Let’s sit cool until then, wishing geez.

“Relax?” I can’t believe it,” Hayley said in a shocked tone. How do you rest when we’re right behind the truth?

I laid a soothing hand on her shoulder. ‘Hayley, I get that this is tough, but we have to do what Evelyn says. We can never really know the extent of Selene’s powers. She knows we are searching for her, and I’m sure she’d contact us if she could.”

A resigned Hayley sighed as she let her shoulders slump. Aiden… Aiden I have this feeling like we’re getting slower. What if something happens before such an answer comes our way?

Of course we will, I said with determination in my voice. We have come too far and cannot give up.

Her eyes filled with arched computations, and Evelyn turned to explain her wisdom. “Trust in the timing, Hayley. But Selene has a way of knowing when the time is right. In the meantime, telegram means to take care of one another until she calls you on her camera.

Reluctantly, Hayley nodded. “Alright. However, I’m starting to get impatient.

Now with that, we thanked Evelyn and exited her cabin. The sun was setting, bathing the town in warm, golden light. When we walked back to the car, I could feel Hayley’s tension.

“Wait,” I said to her in a soft tone. “We’ll figure this out. I promise.”

She stared at me, her eyes shimmering with tears she held back. “I know. I would always whisper in her ear, “It’s just… I mean, we’ve made it this far, but at the same time, we’re so distant.NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

I enveloped her in a comforting hug. “We’ll get there. One step at a time.”

Both of us lost our minds, so we drove back to the hotel. When we finally made it back to our room, Hayley fell across the bed and lay on her back, looking at the ceiling.

“I have literally no idea what to do,” she confessed. I also tend to be more like, “My patience is the shortest of fuses.”

I stood up, and I just sat beside her, holding her hand. I guess we need to do as Evelyn suggested and chill. We could go poke around the town and see if we can find a distraction until Selene contacts us.”

Hayley squeezed my hand, a hint of a smile pulling at the corners of her lips. “Alright. Oh well, let’s see if we can salvage it.

The next few days were somewhat of a dichotomy-equal parts anticipating and trying to keep calm. We walked around the charming little town, went to its cute shops, and even hiked in the nearby woods. However, it lingered in our minds whether we realised Selene and the answers she had secured would be found, no matter what.

It was early morning at a cafe in Greece as we had breakfast when Hayley stiffened. “Aiden, look.”

I looked where she did and saw a frail female by the door who was staring right at us. She was wearing a gown with flowing movements that looked alien in this day and age, but something about her just seemed to draw attention.

“Do you think that’s her?” I whispered.

Hayley nodded slowly. “It has to be.”

The woman wandered over to our table with a calm, serene demeanor. She said “Hayley and Aiden” in a lovely voice. “I am Selene.”

My heart raced. Selene, we have been searching for you.”

If she smiled, her eyes would twinkle, and the knowledge of gods that lived since before man dreamed would settle forever in their depths. “I know. Now, you too will know the truth. Follow me.”

The two of us just about exploded out of the cafe in excitement. Selene glided us through the town and into the forest beyond its borders with a surprising grace for such a hurried march. We walked for a little while before reaching through a dense thicket, the corners of which were too tight and left us scrambling, to an isolated opening where there was this small old-cosy shack.

Selene ushered me through, holding the door for my entrance.

What I saw at Selene’s hut was beyond my wildest expectations. Inside was a collage of the old and magical. We were surrounded by shelves of old tomes and strange artefacts, and the air was thick with both herbs and incense. We had the feeling that we’d slipped into another dimension where time worked in a strange way.

“Please, be seated.” Selene beckoned towards two wooden chairs beside the fire. We sat down, and our eyes never left Selene as she danced through the room, collecting stuff before joining us.

“Then you know the truth about my parents.” Hayley said it almost in a whisper.

Selene nodded again, and in her eyes seemed to swim an infinity of experience. “Yes, I know the truth. However, before I spill the beans, there are some things you need to know.”

Hayley observed with bated breath. “What things?”

Your parents were high-ranking members of their pack, practically the leaders and protectors as well as bearers of secrets that many sought to possess. Selene started off. They were locked into the motions of things you cannot imagine. Their enemies were many.

“Who betrayed them?” Hayley asked urgently.

Selene shook her head. “It was not just one betrayal, but a long-term web of lies spun over time. Nonetheless, there is someone who can help fill in the pieces of their tale.

“Who?” I asked, and my curiosity was piqued.

“Clara; her name is Clara,” Selene said. She’s a cousin of yours, practically blood. She has led a life hiding in the shadows to protect what she knows. She can teach you what your parents’ real legacy is.

Hope mingled with the confusion in Hayley’s eyes. Why didn’t I know about her?

“Clara was invisible, to protect her from the same fate you were trying to escape,” Selene responded. “There were so many threats you faced, and perhaps the only shield against them was secrecy about your family.

I looked at Hayley, whose expression over the news was an apparent mixture of pardon and annoyance. “Where can we find Clara?” I asked.

She lives in the deep woods, not here. I can instruct you,” said Selene, handing me a beautifully and meticulously carved wooden box. “This will guide you to her.”

I took the box in my hand, feeling how heavy and serious it was. “Thank you, Selene.’ We will convey this to her at once.

Selene’s expression was mournful as she looked at me. “Aiden… There is something you should know, too.

This sent a fire through my spine. “What is it?”

“Your road goes to darkness,” Selene said, a note of regret in her voice. “The journey you are about to embark on will break your heart in ways you have yet to imagine.

I couldn’t think of anything except for an astonished look on my face. “I don’t understand. What do you mean by a dark road?

Selene spoke softly, “I cannot tell you everything. Yet, please understand that your courage and love for Hayley will make you stronger than ever. Keep them close, whatever comes.

My hand was grabbed by Hayley, a strong reassurance in her grip. She said in a firm voice, Whatever it is, you will face it together through it.

Selene smiled, but in her eyes was a sliver of sorrow. “Together, you are stronger. Remember that.”

We were silent in the room as her words seeped into our consciousness. Our trek felt a bit heavier, yet with a stronger purpose. We had begun to act as if we were a professional sports team.

“Thank you, Selene,” Hayley responded with a voice full of admiration. “For everything.”

Selene said, “Do not fear or shut your heart. “Enlightenment and answers are on your journey.”

We walked out of the shack with Selene’s words still echoing in our minds. We fought our way through vegetation to find the trail, and as we hiked back, it was open from three meters either side than when hiking in, but somehow seemed more intimidating. The sun was getting low in the sky, throwing long shadows that played a creepy game among the trees.

“What do you think she meant by a dark road anyway? “Hayley” broke the silence.

“I’m not sure,” I admitted. “Whatever it is, we will figure a way out together, like we always do.

Hayley nodded, her resolve strengthening. “First, we find Clara. She’s our next step.”

I squeezed her hand. “Agreed. Let’s get back to the hotel, rest up, and head out first thing in the morning.”

The drive back was quiet; both of us were lost in thought. Once we reached the hotel, we went straight to our room, exhaustion finally catching up with us. We settled into bed, the events of the day swirling in our minds.

“Do you think we’ll find Clara easily?” Hayley asked, her voice sleepy.

“I hope so,” I replied.

The next morning, we set out early, using the directions Selene had given us. The journey took us deeper into the forest, with the dense canopy of trees creating a tunnel of greenery above us. Finally, we arrived at a secluded cottage that exuded a sense of warmth and safety.

“This must be it,” I said, glancing at Hayley.

She took a deep breath, nodding. “Let’s find out.”

We approached the door, and before we could knock, it opened to reveal a woman with striking features and kind eyes that reminded me of Hayley’s. She looked at Hayley with a mixture of shock and joy.

“Hayley?” the woman said, her voice trembling.

“Yes,” Hayley replied, her voice equally shaky. “Are you Clara?”

The woman nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. “I’m your Aunt Clara. Come in, please.”

We stepped inside, and Clara enveloped Hayley in a tight hug, her tears spilling over. “I can’t believe it’s really you,” she whispered.

Hayley hugged her back, tears streaming down her face. “I didn’t even know I had an aunt.”

Clara pulled back slightly, her hands on Hayley’s shoulders. “There’s so much you don’t know, but you’re here now. That’s what matters.”

Right after that, she looked at me and said, Thank you. “And you must be Aiden. We appreciate your keeping her safe.

I felt a wave of emotion, and I nodded. “She’s everything to me. I’d do anything for her.”

Clara smiled, motioning for us to sit. Please have a seat. We have a lot to talk about.”

We finally settled on a plush couch, and Clara took the chair across from us, her eyes bearing through Hayley. There is something you need to know about Hayley: something about Rachel.”

Hayley looked bewildered. “Rachel? Who is she?”

The seriousness in Clara’s expression made me take a deep breath. Rachel is a very important person to you. She has secrets of her own, and that makes him more determined than ever to break down the perfectly placed walls she wears around her heart.

Hayley looked at her, about to enquire further as Clara laid out those words, but there was a gap thereafter, and the suspense weighed with limitations on both of us. The room grew heavy with her comprehension, and you could see the dread and resolve in Hayley’s eyes.

“What kind of secrets?” Hayley asked at last in an almost inaudible tone.

The seriousness of what she was about to divulge darkened Clara’s eyes. “This is probably best if you hear it from her own mouth. But remember this, Hayley: what you discover next will alter your memories of the past.

The words of Clara were thunderous in the quiet room. We were about to discover truths too long covered, and the future was clouded with uncertainty.

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