Beyond the Pack’s Law: My stepsister or nobody else

95: Silver Light


It was almost too dark to see, but the silver light of the moon against a black horizon brightened everything within my sight.

The smell of pine and earth filled the air as Aiden and I stood in a clearing. We had left the fireplace burning in the cabin, so a touch of warmth still embraced our bodies amidst the frigid night air. It was our second night of training, and my muscles still felt heavy from the exhaustion I had poured into them a little more than a day ago.

“Ready?” ‘Do you mind, anytime now…’ Aiden said, his voice penetrating the silence.

I nodded, hoping to call on some of that same fortitude from before. “Ready.”

We started with the exercises Marcus had introduced me to, drawing from an armory of skill sets designed for tapping us into natural consciousness. Feeling the cool ground under my feet and the fresh, breezy air on all sides of me, I closed my eyes. The element of energy had grown more familiar, almost a reassurance that I could touch upon.

“Don’t forget to breathe, Wes,” Aiden said softly and purposefully. “Allow the energy to pass through you.

Breathe deep, and let it all soak in. That tingle of power was there, simmering under the skin and poised to be channeled. I tried to pay attention to the rustling leaves, whispering wind, and insistent earth. Gradually, I could sense the energy moving, a balmy stream running through my body.

“Come on,” Aiden coaxed. “You’re doing great.”

His words soothed my ragged nerves. I focused further, hoping to lengthen it and reach out with my spirit. Fragile, yet it was there-a line of strength for me to hold onto.

“Now, see if you can make it flex,” Aiden said. “Start small.”

I concentrated on a tree several meters away, causing its leaves to rustle at my command. At first, nothing happened. With all my strength, I kept pressing the energy into me and out of that tree.

I squeezed tighter, trying to focus this energy through me and back into the tree. The leaves rustled slowly, almost imperceptibly-a gentle undulation that followed the ebb and flow of my mind.

Aiden’s prideful smile shone through his eyes. “You did it!”

An ecstasy of fumbling “I did, didn’t I?”

He nodded, his smile wide. You’re toughing up, Hayley. I can see it.”

The night drew on, every workout stretching me further than the last. And Aiden is always with me; his support and encouragement never leave me. I was tired by the time we took a break, but I felt really good.

We sat on a dead log, resting in the quiet of the forest, which was like being enfolded by a warm blanket. Aiden pressed a bottle of water in my hand and handed it to me.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, his voice low.

“Exhausted,” I confessed as I took a drink of the cold water. “But also… excited. It is being able to find that part of myself I never knew was there.

He nodded, his gaze intense. “You’re amazing, Hayley. God, you are so freaking composed about all of this.

It made warmth spread through me. I need you, Aiden. Your support means the world to me.

His look softened, and he reached for my hand. “We’re in this together. Always.”

This was also the reason we stayed quietly for a few moments; as always, our inheritance bond is only getting stronger and warmer. It was a serene night, with distant twinkling stars silently navigating across the sky.

“Have you ever thought what would have happened if none of this had occurred? No more than a whisper of your mouth, as I asked.

The grasp Aiden had on my hand grew stronger. “Sometimes. Then I remembered all our trials and tribulations. As crazy as it sounds and with all the danger, I would never change a thing. Because that’s taken us to where we are today, right here together.”

I peered into his eyes, feeling a spike of emotion. “I feel the same way.”This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

The atmosphere continued around us until we both wanted to drown in each other’s faces. There was nothing else in the entire world except for us and our silent understanding of being connected on that dutiful voyage.

Finally, Aiden got up and looked determined. “Ready to get back to it?”

I nodded, full of new resolve. “Let’s do this.”

Back in the clear, excited air of anticipation. The gender-ambiguous exercises were more challenging this time, and as usual, they drove me to my best. Power coiled within me, a force to be channeled; this was no longer frightening.

Deep into the night, I started to feel a sense of unease. This was a subtle change; I felt it as a tingle just beyond my immediate notice. I paused and tried to feel the sensation.

“What’s wrong?” And then Aiden asked,

“Not really.” I furrowed my brow. “I feel… something.”

He looked somewhere, his heightened senses dancing. “What do you mean?”

I shut my eyes, trying to focus on the sensation. There was slightly the tiniest hint of something that might have resembled a whisper wasted in an echo. The more I harnessed it, the greater of a force came out of all that was in my head.

Then, in an instant, a scene came alive, and it was graphic but horrifying. The faces of the Moonlight Howl pack were scared and desperate. They were being attacked by a dark force closing in around them. Crowds of wounded and dying in a scene from among the roars of battle.

I almost choked (and stumbled back) as my senses were bombarded with a vision.

Aiden was there immediately, his arms keeping me up.

“Hayley! What is it?” He cried, his words more apprehensive.

I could see the images flash in my mind, but I couldn’t speak. Pack. They are in danger.

Aiden’s eyes widened. “What did you see?”

Frightened as all hell, I sucked in a breath to soothe my pounding heart. “An attack. The Moonlight Howl Pack is being attacked. We have to warn them.”

His face grew hard, his jaw firm. “We need to get to Marcus. Now.”

We bolted back to the cabin, propelled by fear. It was as if the night dropped in on us, with shadows blackening and taking the shape of danger that can hound any man home. My heart was in my throat, and the gravity of what I had seen was bearing down on me.

Marcus was waiting for us when we pulled up in front of the cabin. He looked very serious. “What’s going on?” he queried, his eyes rifling over our countenances.

Well, I took a deep breath and tried not to get too choked up about it. “I had a vision. The Moonlight Howl Pack is being assaulted! We have to help them.”

The determination that filled Marcus’ eyes hardened his expression. “We don’t have much time. Gather your things. We leave immediately.”

Everything and nothing sounded nice to me at that point, as a sense of doom took root in the pit of my stomach, where I kept it warm. It felt so real. I was terrified of what we would find, as I knew there that whatever it may be, action had to act fast.

He touched my shoulder, the reassurance in his eyes clear. We will make it through this, Hayley. Together.”

I showed my appreciation in the only other way I could, with a nod of agreement and strength. “Together.”

The shadow of real possibility loomed over us as we went into the night.

The path forward was unclear, but I knew we had to defend our own at any cost.

We raced towards the Moonlight Howl Pack as the light of dawn began to slice through the trees. Marcus’ voice resonated inside my head, the lesson of which I was beginning to grasp. “I can train you, Hayley. I’m here to show you how to unlock those powers and command them.

This was only the beginning of a long journey, with many hurdles ahead. Yet with Aiden on my opposite side and guidance from Marcus, I grasped a ray of light among the shadows. Whatever happened, we would face it and somehow figure out a way to get through the scary parts together.

In my mind, I could still see the attack replaying itself played out over and over again – a powerful reminder of how dangerous things continue to be. With the sun casting a warm glow over everything, I prepared myself for what lay ahead. The future was unknown, but one truth stood still: we were not alone, and if nothing else, we would bring our children to safety.

I saw the first rays of sunlight rise over the horizon, as I knew it was just the start of our journey. I knew that the journey was untraveled, dangerous, and far from over, yet I could face it with my two boys beside me by leaving both Aiden and Marcus behind.

I had a newly centered sense of purpose, though, with the practice of tomorrow and the impending threat of cult looming over my head. We would take each obstacle as it presented itself, and together, we would get through.

There was anticipation in the air as we closed in on the territory of the Moonlight Howl Pack. The assault lingered vividly in my mind, a harsh reminder of the peril that was about to unfold.

As the forest started filling with twilight, I was aware that my real fight had only just begun.

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