Billionaire Ascendancy


Chapter 17

**** Lisa didn’t hesitate to stop Jerry from opening the entrance door who’s about to follow Stefan and teach him a lesson for blabbering such Words to him. “You aren’t allowed to enter inside the company! Please go away”. Lisa stated calmly as his expression changed. He had thought Lisa came to flirt with him not knowing that she had been sent to Stop him from opening the door. Jerry could only scoff at the sight of the tall skinny beautiful curvy girl in front of him. She was dressed like a bodyguard which amaze him and make him want her for the night. “And how come a beautiful small girl like you it’s trying to threaten me? Do you know who I am? Jerry bellowed at her as she ignored him and looked at Stefan over the glass who was giving her a go ahead gaze. “I’m working according to order and you’ve been asked never to enter inside the company”.

“Get the fuck out of my front brat! Don’t let me unleash the anger in me because I will be so hard on you if I do”. Jerry uttered, trying to push her away when she kicked his leg with her booths shoe and brought out the gun which was in her pocket then pointed it at him. “make more steps and your Life will be wasted immediately! I wouldn’t hesitate to put you into an early grave”. Lisa’s words echo through his ears like a boom as he runs away in fear. Terrified of the gun which he had seen.

. When the uncle saw that the team leader had been stopped, he tried to question Lisa, but one look from Lisa scared the uncle into talking as he run inside the company*****

I watched in amazement as Lisa dealt with Jerry who had run away. I was very happy and satisfied with the way she handled him. Just like Owen had said, she’s indeed very skilful in martial arts. Soon enough, everybody was seated and that includes, uncle and dad who was currently looking at me. Pondering why I’m in this bid meeting with them among the other representatives. Everybody all waited but they didn’t see the president of Maxwell group. Lisa on the other hand was looking at me. Pondering why I haven’t come outside to represent them but I can’t Risk that. I can’t reveal my identity to them, not in front of my dad and uncle who will be shocked to find out if such a thing ever happened. As everyone was getting impatient, I gave ‘ Owen’ a go ahead gaze. Telling Him to lead the people instead of me which he clearly understood by standing up and clearing his throat which pulls their attention and their gazes on him.

Owen chaired the meeting instead of me and asked each company representative to submit their proposals which they did. I could feel the smile on uncle’s face the moment he submitted his own proposal which I knew would be fake.

“Since you’ve submitted your proposal, please wait for a while, it will be reviewed and the results will be called out very soon! Just wait patiently, but for now the meeting is over, your attention will be called when all the proposals have been reviewed”. Owen shrugged at them as everybody stood up and exited the meeting room. Owen took the document to my office while I followed Him the moment I knew that no one was looking. He closed back the door the moment I got in. As I started going through their documents I was surprised to find that my dad and uncle had submitted the exact same documents.

And this brought back memories of yesterday night’s event. It seems like my uncle had stolen the copy from dad. I looked at Owen who was confused as to why I didn’t review the last proposal. “What’s wrong?” He asks in curiosity and suspense, wanting to know what’s happening. “Just checked out these two proposals’ ‘. I pulled the two documents close to him as he had a look at it and was startled by what he saw. He had even burst into laughter at how funny he finds it to be.

“Ohhhh Jesus Christ, I’m sorry for laughing but aren’t these two people a member of the Black family group?” Owen asked as I nodded my head. It’s now he got my point. “I’m really confused right now! I don’t know who to choose between the two of them! I really don’t know whether I should choose Harper or Richard. I called out the name for him to know the two people I’m talking about. “Well in this case, it’s totally up to you Stefan! You need to make decisions at this moment. You need to choose between the two of them who you think can run the Black family group business well! Just choose a person of your Choice”.

With such advice from him, I came to realize that I need to choose dad. Even though he insulted me and cursed the hell out of me, he does seem like an honest man who’s fit to handle a company. “Thanks for the suggestion Owen! I’m going to choose Harper! Please let them know that it’s Black Harper that won the bid”. I shrugged at Owen who later nodded his head and went to break the news to them as I followed him too.

The final results came out that dad had won the bid. Some people were happy for him while some were sad about why they weren’t given such opportunities like Him. From where I was seated, I could see my uncle’s reaction. He was standing hopelessly while looking at dad who was jubilating with happiness. I’m sure my uncle didn’t hear the announcement well. He wasn’t sure about what just happened as he stationed himself in one position, unable to move.

“What just happened? What’s happening? Can somebody just tell me why Harper won the bid instead of me? Uncle asked no one in particular, his voice so high in a thundering tone. Nobody responded to his complaint and when he knew that nobody was answering him, he walked up to Owen who was currently seated, “who reviewed the proposal? Why did you guys review the proposal wrongly and approve who is supposed to be the last of the bid?” Uncle’s words actually pulled dad’s attention. “What did you just say?” Dad retreated at uncle as he wanted to approach him then give him a knock on the head but dad was forced to stop by Lisa’s gaze. I guess he didn’t want to be on the wrong side with her.

“My team did review the proposal, not me Richard, so please excuse……!! Before Owen could finish his statement, uncle hit his hand against the table, pulling everyone’s attention. “If the person who’s in charge doesn’t come out right now then I will have to scatter this place”. I panicked by his words as I prayed that his threat wouldn’t make the other colleagues to depend on the person that reviewed the documents. Lisa quickly rushed straight to uncle then tied his hands on displaying some total madness in front of everyone who was currently watching him. “You again? Let go of me now!! He bellowed at Lisa who was currently holding his two hands while leading him outside as he tried to free himself from the rope he was tied in. “I will never forget your face, I will make sure to teach you a lesson when next I see you, do you even know who you’re playing with Right now?” Uncle threatened her as I smiled inside of me. Dad was following them, pleading with Lisa to forgive uncle.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I know what he did wasn’t right but please forgive him and don’t kick him out like that”. As dad said those words to her, he saw me standing close to them and he got angry immediately on seeing me. “Why are you following us all through Stefan? There’s nothing you can do apart from being a disgrace to the Black family. You couldn’t be of any help apart from roaming around like a madman! What use are you to the black family”. I felt so bad with his words and actually feel like he’s telling the truth, but before I could reply to him, Lisa slammed the door before he could enter the Room. He had almost hit the door, startled at her sudden change and actions towards him.

I laughed and marveled at Lisa’s straightforward nature. Then at Dad’s puzzled look, I opened the door. As soon as the door opened, uncle screamed straight away why he had the same proposal as dad but dad was chosen instead of him

Owen sat at the table and laughed sarcastically, “how do you know he has the exact same proposal as you? If you knew, why did you just submit it without making any changes. At this moment, the two of them were surprised. Dad was dumbfounded over what uncle just said as he tried to comprehend Owen’s words.

Owen’s question made my uncle’s face turn pale with fear instantly. That’s when Dad realized what was really going on. He asked uncle why their proposals were exactly the same, but uncle didn’t answer. Dad said angrily, “How dare you steal my plan!” How could you do such a thing? I thought we were family! Uncle was also very angry at this point and said why didn’t Dad share the plan with him since he had gotten a copy of the project information. Dad was also furious and said, “If you know the team leader there, why didn’t you tell me?” This is a business thing and one’s allowed to solve the puzzle by themselves. Without asking anyone for help.

Owen gave me an embarrassed look and then told them that it turned out that Dad had managed to win the qualification anyway and that he hoped they would stop arguing at the Maxwell group or they would both be sent to the police station. With that being said, the agreement came to an end as I tried talking to them but none of them listened to me anyway. I guess my advice won’t be important to them. It was already getting late. I waved Owen goodbye as we walked out of the company.

“Since we all are going to the same place, why don’t I give you guys a ride home or do you wanna take a taxi? I shrugged at the two of them who seemed so furious at each other but got no reply. “I will take that as a yes”. I uttered with a smirk then opened the door for them to get in. I just wanted to be useful for them today and let them know that I can still give them a ride.

“But Richard, what you did was very wrong! What if I wasn’t given this position because of you? How could you have stolen my project without my permission? What even furious me was the fact that you couldn’t make any changes on your own! How are you really that desperate to be the Heir to The Black family when you have nothing to offer”.

Dad finally let out the words he had been holding for a while, throwing them at him and making sure that he felt the pain of his words. “How dare you, Harper?” Uncle wanted to slap dad but I had to interfere by holding his hand and parking the car in a safe place to avoid them to hold on for a while then continue their fight the moment they got home.

“Dad, uncle, you guys are mature enough to settle this in a more quiet way! Fighting over these issues wouldn’t solve a thing, do please just try to settle down and solve your misunderstanding”.

“And who told you your opinion was needed?” The two of them chorused at me in unison as I started the ignition, driving the car at a high pace as I glared at them. “I’m sorry for putting my mouth in your business, but you guys can

Continue from where you stop by hitting each other because I don’t fucking care if we end up dying in this car right now”.

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