Billionaire Ascendancy


Chapter 33

The driver guy who grandpa had ordered to Carry us around drove us to one luxurious boutique around the city. Lisa told me to order an expensive suit of my kind which I did and I put it on, it was a black suit those business men usually used to wear and putting it on right now make me look more mature. Lisa smiled at me on seeing how the suit fit me so perfectly well. I took a deep breath as I ended to the mirror stand, to look at myself in the mirror and see whether this black suit right now was the perfect one I needed.

Staring at myself in the mirror, I could only smile in awe, feeling myself and everything. I was looking so dashing in the Black suit which I just put on. “Let’s go sir, we have no time”. Lisa Shrugged at me, reminding me of the time we’ve been here together with the bodyguard who was currently waiting in the corner for me to finish dressing so he could take me back to grandpa’s mansion since that was the reason why he was here. I brushed my hair one more time and stared at the sales girls who were currently being blushed by my beauty. “Gosh he looks so fun and stunning, he must have been a model”.

For the First time in my life I finally got such comments from a stranger which made me smile. I walked out of the boutique and headed down to the car which I and Lisa entered, then the guy started the ignition and rode us away, heading to grandpa mansion.

Right in front of me was grandpa’s luxurious mansion which was made with gold, everything about the house screamed wealth. I suddenly felt so inferior the moment I stepped foot in the house. I didn’t know what was happening to me or where the feeling was coming from but I was suddenly self conscious and hoped to leave a good impression on grandpa.

There were many people in the house as I made my way through the hallway, looking at the driver for directions since I don’t know anywhere around the house. But not so soon, an Elderly man who looked so powerful and wealthy approached me. He seems to be on his Seventy Nervousness ran down my spine as he stared at me with the look of disbelief. “I am Stefan sir, Kendrick Maxwell grandson”. I introduced myself with a bow but he didn’t show concern in knowing my identity which I guess he already knows about me.

Maybe grandpa did tell him to meet me. The man only requested for me to come with him. And without hesitation, I followed the man who was leading me to a room. I could see some people’s eyes on me as I walked in the hallway. Finally, we stopped in a Room where grandpa (Kendrick Maxwell) was. He was happy to see me. As if I was going to disappoint him.

“You’re here to donate blood for grandpa daughter rights?” The doctor putting on a white coat questions me as I nodded my head. he should have known that. I thought grandpa had told him about it already. The doctor brought out a syringe and inserted it into my hand with a needless. I felt a little pain between my hands and after a while, he removed the syringe from my Body. AT that moment, my eyes met with my father who was currently looking at me. I guess this wasn’t the perfect time to have a conversation with him because people fill the hallway, they might hear whatever I plan on telling him which was the reason why I need some privacy to do that. I could see everyone’s eyes on me in the hallway as they murmured to each other which got me thinking about what they could be talking about. Not quite long, the doctor who had withdrawn my blood earlier walked up to grandfather and smiled at him. “His blood matches with her sir! Your granddaughter will be fine very soon”.

The doctor assured grandpa who smiled at me and said…. “From now on, you need to receive a personal strict training so you could be the president of the Maxwell group”. Grandpa shrugged at me as I smiled. I’m happy he still remembers the promise he had made to me. But not so soon, the noisy hallway was suddenly quiet by the presence of a weak tall skinny girl presence who they bowed to and greeted like a Queen. She was a bit younger than me and right there she walked straight to grandpa and held his hand while making a puppy face.

“Grandpa, why don’t you give the Maxwell Group to me? Haven’t you told me that you would give me everything I want!!” She shrugged at grandpa, thereby keeping me curious to know who she was. The way she talked and how everyone greeted her made me doubt she was ‘Jenny’ Kendrick granddaughter who I have donated my blood to. But if she was the one right now I would be very angry and displeased to know that grandpa’s favorite daughter who I had donated my blood to couldn’t even take some seconds of her time to greet me, who was her cousin. I was confused, and just as I was still in doubt of what she really meant by the words which she had asked grandpa, our eyes met with each other and she was giving me this ‘ Envious gaze’ which made me scared inside of me.

“I know that Jenny but you should recover soon, That’s your first priority. When you are fully recovered, I’ll remember my words”. My heart skipped in shock on hearing grandpa’s words as I stared at him in disbelief. I never thought he could say something like this or maybe he just said it in order to stop her from being too worried since she isn’t physically and mentally stable in health. I was sad with grandpa’s statement to her because if I’m not mistaken, Grandpa promised to give her the company which he’s planning to give me to her, thereby bringing confusion and war between the two of us for what he’s planning to do.

So she’s Jenny! Kendrick promised me to give me the company but he will make me return the company to Jenny when she’s recovered. I suddenly realized that everyone in this house was actually not my relative, but all snobbish people! They all want Kendrick’s company and Jenny, who I thought was my family, was among them. I don’t just like her vibe and the first impression she leaves on me the moment I sight my eyes on her.

In anger, I stood up to walk away but Grandpa called me. “Where do you think you’re going? He yelled at me as I turned back to look at him, but at that moment Jenny approached me. I guess she just realized her bad manners and the way she acted towards me. I thought that she was here to greet me and apologize for the way she had acted but I guess wrong.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Dear Stefan! Thanks for your blood. I’m willing to give you everything you want but except the company! Once I’m fully recovered I will continue from where you stop, so I think you should take good care of it at this moment, before I return back to the company”. I withdrew my gripe from hers the moment she uttered words. If only I could have slapped her right now to show her how Angry I am at her for uttering such words to me but I couldn’t. Not when Grandpa is here, not when people are staring at me, probably not when she’s in this condition but I do know that I will definitely do that one day. Slapping her to let her know that I’m not her mate.

I look at grandpa to hear what he was going to say over Jenny’s words before I step out of this place right now and never come back. “Jenny, please relax! Your health is more important right now and besides, I have already promised Stefan to give him the company”. Kendrick laughs over his words as Jenny turns to look at him in Angers.

“But father, you promised to do everything for me if I stay healthy. You told me you just lure Stefan by lying to him about giving him the company and once I recover, it will be handed over to me so why are you lying?

At this moment, I realized that I couldn’t trust anyone. Not even grandpa who had seemed to be lying to Me all those while. So he was doing everything in order just for me to come and donate blood for this rude granddaughter of his? I was disappointed with my father , the same as Jenny, as I stared at grandpa one more time before walking away. Ignoring his roar voice bellowing at me to come back. Who did he really think he was? Does grandpa really think that he would be able to bribe me with words just to come all the way from Korea to donate blood for his granddaughter who was in Singapore? No matter what it takes, grandpa must fulfill his promise of me becoming the president of the Maxwell group. If not, then I will have to take it with force and threat if possible.

Knowing none in this country, I wander around aimlessly with no particular direction. I decided to stop by a particular bar and sat down to think about my life and the direction it’s being ended. I do ponder how my Life would be by now if my parents were Alive. Where will I be by now? Will I have become a successful wealthy man who’s running a business if they were alive? Would my life have ended this way? Just as I was in deep thoughts, my phone rang, bringing me back to reality. It was actually Lisa who was calling me at the moment. I picked up the call without hesitation.

“Grandpa told me you left the house with anger. May I know where you are? ” I told her my location, allowing her to come and accompany me since she’s the only one I want to talk to right now. She seems to know more about grandpa as it seems like she had worked with him before, maybe I will be able to gain some knowledge about father and the type of person he was.

Right in front of me was the pretty Lisa who had come to keep me company. I must say she’s pretty though, if I were to choose between her and Ava I would definitely go after her because she seems more brave and smart than Ava who only knows about business and nothing more. I would have proposed to her to be my girlfriend if I didn’t have someone like Ravens in my life because Lisa understood my situation and she never used that against me, she accepted me for who I was among others.

“What happened at the mansion? Did grandpa provoke you? When I went to his mansion to carry you father gave me a disappointed look, telling me that you’ve gone away”. I could notice the concern look in her eyes as she asked me those questions. “It’s nothing to be serious about Lisa! My grandpa and I had a little misunderstanding”. I confronted her off, letting her mind off from the matter.

“Can you tell me something you know about Kendrick? Which type of person is he?” Lisa cleared her throat as I asked that question then narrowed her gaze at me.

“Kendrick is a kind man although he is seemingly ruthless and heartless but he’s kind between. However most of the people in the Maxwell family group are not kind, they’re heartless and I must say Jenny is the mastermind devil according to what I have heard except your dead parents who were different”. Lisa uttered with a serious face as I glared at her. Pondering over the last statement she just made. “Do you know about my parents? I shrugged at her as she gave me a broad smile. Just as she was about to respond to my questions, my phone rang. Thereby causing our conversation to be interrupted. It was Raven who was calling me at the moment. I couldn’t help but ponder about the reason why she had called me as I pick up the call.

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