Billionaire Assassin

Chapter 4


“Princess Elena of Eras Kingdom?” Demon asked and Hades nodded his head. “I haven’t heard of such a kingdom before.” He added after a thought.

“So as the rest of the Kingdoms you killed their princesses, you didn’t know of their existence before.” Hades said. “I have got to go now, go to Eras Kingdom and kill the princess and get me her soul.” With that the shadows that created the dark portal quickly disperse and went back to the dark wall.

Demon quickly took his bath and went to bed. Changing the bedsheets he use in fucking Mary with the extra one kept in the room.

He didn’t sleep though, rather he brought out his phone and Google out the Kingdom name.

Google displayed everything about the Kingdom and when he tried to find the pictures of Elena, he couldn’t. He could see the King, the late Queen and their second daughter, but no Elena.

Princess Elena has no picture of her in Google.

Dropping his phone, he started arranging his things he would need in going to Eras Kingdom and find a way to become friends with the Princess.

Or better still enter the palace like the deadly ninja Demon he is and slay the princess.

He chose the later one.



Princess Elena woke up to the sound of a knock on her room door. Getting up from bed, she went to open the door and saw her younger sister, Eva.

“Good morning sister.” Eva greeted and invited herself in. She was two years younger than her elder sister, 18 years. Like her elder sister, Eva was beautiful and curvy. She is of average height. Her long blonde hair matches with her sea blue eyes. While Elena has the resemblance of their late great grandmother, she on the other hand has the resemblance of both her parents.

“Morning Eva, what are you doing here, don’t you have school to attend too today?” Elena asked as she closed her room door. At times her sister is just like toxic to her.

“I am not going to school for now.” Eva said brightly.

“Why won’t you be going to school? Does your father know you are home?” Elena asked.

“As a matter of fact he does and that is why I am here. He sent me to call you.” Eva responded.

“Alright you can go, I will join you all later after I have taken my bath.”

“Oh don’t worry, I will wait for you. Father specifically told me you should follow me when I am coming to meet him.”

“Suit yourself then.” Elena said and entered her bathroom.

30 minutes later…

Elena and Eva met their father at the dining table with two young other girls who looked like their age respectively.

Greeting their father, they both took a seat.

“Eva said you are calling me father.”

“Yes Elena. Princess Joanna was murdered last night by the same assassin.” King Eremus said.

“What is really going on? What did Joanna ever do to deserve this? Why is the killer killing all Princesses?” Princess Elena questions no one.

“I don’t really know why the assassin chose to only kill a Princess, every first born Princess is his target.” King Eremus said. “So I have come up with a plan which none of you have a say in this.”

“What plan, father?” Princess Elena asked.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“You and your sister will be going to France, somewhere in Paris to stay with a distant aunt of mine who is from my father’s side.” Eremus revealed his plan.



Two ‘what’ greeted King Eremus ears. “Yes my beloved daughters. Can’t you see the assassin is only killing every first born Princesses. Whoever it is, his next target might be you Elena. Even though you are strong, think about how a single ninja successfully killed princess Joanna when over Forty guards were stationed in the palace? Whoever the assassin is, I don’t think they are ordinary or he or she works for someone who is giving them the information needed with each Princess.” King Eremus explained.

“So you are sending us away to some distant relative of yours because of a mad person who thinks killing Princesses are fun.” Princess Elena said. “What about Eva school? Will she start a new school there in our now known aunt?” She asked.

“Yes, but you see, you will join her in high school and watch over her like a mother hen.”

“So I will be repeating high school again?”

“Yes my dear, though you and your kid sister won’t be in the same class.” King Eremus said and saw the look on Elena’s face. “I know it’s hard to take in, but please for the safety of your sister and yourself, please accept it.”

“Fine I will go.”

“Thank you my dearest.”

“So father when are we coming back home when we go to Paris?” Eva asks

“Whenever the culprit is caught that is when it will be safe to come home.” King Eremus answered. “Oh and one more thing Elena, once you are in France, in your aunt’s house, you are just ordinary people to the world. And Eva, since people know you a little bit, you will always be in a hoodie.”

They nodded their heads.

“Why are these two young girls here father?” Princess Elena demanded.

“Oh, once you have gone to Paris later today, the taller one will pretend to be you and the smaller one will be Eva. They are the best sword fighters in the whole Eras Kingdom and the City at large.” King Eremus said smiling. “Whoever the killer is, will be caught when he least expected it.” He added.

“Okay father, when are we leaving for Paris?”

“Today, so go and get all your bags and things ready, the private jet will take you to Paris when a car will be waiting for you two.”

Excusing themselves, they left the dining table.



Hades was seen pacing around in his small environment.

“How is it going with Demon?” A woman’s voice was heard asking.

“Well, our plan is working perfectly well. Demon doesn’t suspect a thing.”

“Elena will be the one to complete the ritual.” The woman’s voice was heard again.

“Yeah, I know. I just hope the girl doesn’t find out who she really is or that she holds a very powerful power in her which is still hidden.” Hades said.

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