Billionaire’s Abandoned Sex Slave

The new neighbor

Ophelia’s POV

I trekked through the condominium gates with my brows furrowed in confusion as I stared at the moving trucks that were parked inside the vast compound with some men who were professionally clad in black suits clustered around it.

The image of the various bulky men in suits brought an offensive image of Ryan’s mansion to my mind which I immediately shrugged off before I walked past them, deciding to ignore them and their commotion.

I walked into the elevator with a sigh, stared down at my wristwatch, and palmed my forehead as I felt the painful throbbing of an impending migraine.

I had been working quite late recently at the restaurant to prevent my mind from straying away from a certain grey-eyed monster.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

With a smile, I knocked gently on Daphne’s door and tightened my clutch on the package in my other hand.

Moments later, she opened it with a grin. My smile turned wan when I didn’t see Jeremy bolting past her to hug me.

“Hi, Daphne,” I greeted as she widened her door ajar, and I padded in.

“Hi, Lia. How was work?” She asked.

My eyes roamed around her sitting room as I fiddled with the hem of my sweatshirt, “Work was fine, thanks.

She nodded and gestured to me to have a seat on a couch which I gladly obliged, “By the way, I got this for you as a token of my appreciation to you. For everything you’ve been doing for Jeremy and me,” I handed her the pastel pink package in my hold, containing a medium-sized chocolate cake.

“Oh, you didn’t have to bother. Thank you so much for your kindness,” She uttered, collecting the box from me with a sweet smile.

I nodded and darted a grin to her, “You’re welcome. By the way, where’s Jeremy?” I asked.

“He’s asleep. The poor thing seemed worn out by kindergarten today. He flopped onto the couch. Immediately he got back, so I laid him in the bedroom,” Daphne chuckled, as she trekked to the kitchen with the package in her hold.

I laughed, and shook my head, “That boy is such a character,”

“Yeah, he is. But he is an adorable character,” She agreed from where she was perched at the kitchen counter.

Afterward, a comfortable silence ensued between us as I retrieved my phone from my bag and scrolled through the internet.

“By the way, Ophelia,” Daphne said, as she walked back to the sitting room, with two plates of cake slices.

“Hmm,” I answered, momentarily putting my phone away.

“Did you get a glimpse of the new tenant on your way in? I was gossiping about him earlier today on my way to the bakery with Miss Estina, you know who she is, right?” Daphne asked, handing me a plate of the dessert which I collected with a smile.

“Thanks, Daphne. You didn’t have to really. And yeah, I know who she is but I didn’t see the new tenant, though I saw some scary men in suits,” I replied with a nod.

Who didn’t know Miss Estina in the whole of our gated community? She was a renowned gossip who wasn’t the slightest bit ashamed of her nosiness.

Of course, I always steered clear of her. Though, she was a good friend of Daphne.

“So, she was telling me about the new tenant. She said he is allegedly a wealthy businessman abroad. I have no idea what he could be here for though. I mean, he could have rented a villa, right? Why would he decide to buy a condo on the outskirts of the city? It seems odd to me,” Daphne shrugged, to which I nodded slowly in agreement.

Wealthy people were very odd and extremely complicated to be understood. I thought as I sliced through the cake, and brought the fork to my mouth.

“I agree. That’s his problem anyway. I have so much currently going on in my life,” I mumbled absentmindedly before I exhaled heavily.

Daphne gently clapped my shoulder, and drew closer to me, “Really? Is something bothering you? I know we may not be the same age, and you may not feel comfortable sharing stuff with me but I want you to always know you can tell me anything, and I will do my best to listen,”

“Yeah, I know,” I muttered, smiling faintly before my gaze dropped to the floor.

“I feel like I’m not enough for Jeremy anymore,” I whispered, letting a stray tear roll down my cheek.

Daphne rubbed my back in soothing circles, and I darted a thankful smile at her before I continued, “Something is going on with my baby. Yesterday, when I got back from work, did you know what he asked me?” I asked, to which Daphne shook her head.

“He asked me whether his daddy left us because of him. He cried so much yesterday before he slept demanding for his father, and honestly, I have no idea what to do anymore. My baby was never like this. I don’t know what’s gotten into him. I just want my happy Jeremy back,” I wept bitterly, and my hold on the dessert plate got so jittery that Daphne had to ease it out of my hold.

“If you don’t mind me asking, where is Jeremy’s dad?” Daphne asked. I stiffened in her hold and clenched my jaw before I turned to her.

“I don’t know. And honestly, I don’t even care where he is. He’s out of our lives for good,” I muttered, my jaw clenching with subdued anger.

“Oh, I take it that you both didn’t part on good terms. Does he even know that you have a child together?” Daphne asked.

Her eyes gaped in disbelief when I shook my head in negation.

“Why?” She spat, to which I shrugged, trying to feign nonchalance.

“Because he doesn’t need to? Jeremy’s father is the wickedest man I’ve ever met in my entire life. He ruined my life, and I won’t let him do the same with my baby. He is an unchangeable monster,” I seethed, blinking fervently as the memories of the night Ryan almost caused me to bleed to death struck me.

Daphne was taken aback by my outburst, “I’m sorry for asking,”

I felt bad for lashing out at her, so I grabbed her hand, “No, it’s fine. I should be the one apologizing for yelling at you. I don’t like talking about him after what he put me through,”

“It’s fine, dear. I hope everything goes well for you and Jeremy,” Daphne squeezed my hand as a silent reassurance.

“Me too, Daphne. I hope so too,” I whispered before she drew me into a warm hug which I melted into with a tired sigh.

“Don’t worry, Lia. Everything will be fine very soon,” She muttered, gently patting my back.

“But how soon, Daphne? When exactly will Jeremy and I be fine?” I thought as tears clogged my throat.

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