Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Chapter 82 RAVEL PRESENT TIME Receiving that urgent call for assistance from Hazel yesterday was a profound source of joy for me, and it wasn’t solely due to the fact that I found some satisfaction in witnessing her vulnerability or knowing that she had encountered a challenging situation. What truly touched my heart was the realization that, among all the people in her life, she had chosen to reach out to me. The significance of this choice was not lost on me. It spoke volumes about the trust and connection that we shared. It was a reminder that our bond and connection, are slowly building, enough for her to turn to me in her time of need. While I deeply appreciated her reaching out and was more than willing to extend my assistance, I also held immense respect for her newfound determination to handle the situation herself. Hazel’s decision to assert her self-sufficiency was a testament to her personal growth. She had evolved from the fragile woman I once felt an overwhelming urge to protect at all costs into an independent and resilient career woman. This transformation, this display of inner strength, filled me with immense pride. It was a testament to her ability to navigate life’s storms with unwavering confidence, and it signaled her readiness to face challenges head-on. So, as I reflected on Hazel’s call for help and the subsequent development, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of happiness mixed with admiration for her growth and our enduring connection. It was a beautiful reminder that our bonds could evolve while remaining steadfast, and that was something truly special to cherish. Sneezing for what felt like the umpteenth time throughout the day, I couldn’t ignore the telltale signs any longer-I was slowly succumbing to the grips of the flu. Making the executive decision to call it a day, I moved swiftly, collecting my jacket, laptop bag, and car keys, signaling my intent to vacate my office. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

As I slowly made my way towards the exit, a lingering thought compelled me to pause at Rose’s desk. There, amidst the organized chaos of paperwork and office supplies, I found it imperative to convey a specific message: “Rose, please make certain that any impromptu meetings that arise are handled through Zoom on my behalf.” Upon hearing my request, a flicker of genuine concern materialized in Rose’s eyes as she closely scrutinized my somewhat pallid countenance. Her thoughtful inquiry came as no surprise, “Are you alright, sir? You look a bit under the weather.” The truth was that I stood at the precipice of falling ill, plagued by the early symptoms of an impending ailment. However, I was not inclined to burden my colleagues with the knowledge of my condition. Grateful for her solicitude, I acknowledged her concern, saying, “I appreciate your kindness, Rose. I’ll manage. And, in the event that Elenor should inquire about my whereabouts, please do inform her that she can find me in my first penthouse.” The prospect of returning home to June, in my weakened state was an option I wished fervently to avoid, and I hope she doesn’t come here looking for me. I wouldn’t put it past her to do that.

Rose nodded understandingly, assuring me she would execute my instructions flawlessly. “Of course, sir. I’ll make sure she’s informed.” With a final, appreciative nod, I left the office. As I finally arrived home, my body was ablaze with feverish heat. Raymond, who had been intermittently casting concerned glances my way throughout the car ride, now fixed his gaze upon me and voiced his worry, “Are you okay?” I responded with a grunted acknowledgment, but the fatigue was evident in my features. “You seem like you’re teetering on the verge of collapsing any moment now,” he observed, his hand extending tentatively to graze my forehead. Irritated by both his touch and my deteriorating condition, I swatted his hand away with a sharp, muttered command, “Leave it.” Our journey continued as we entered the elevator, my hands buried deep within the confines of my

jacket, a desperate attempt to stave off the relentless chill that seemed to pierce through me. Raymond, however, remained undeterred, his discerning gaze still locked on me. With genuine concern in his voice, he inquired, “Do you think you might be running a fever?” He pointed out the obvious, “You’ve been sneezing continuously in the car, and you keep clutching your jacket as if trying to ward off the cold.” Raymond’s unexpected action left me momentarily stunned as his hand made contact with my forehead, and his expression revealed a combination of concern and exasperation. His incredulous words followed, “What’s happening, man? How are you even managing to walk around with such a high temperature?” he hissed, clearly taken aback. My response was limited to a grunted acknowledgment, as I lacked the energy to engage in a lengthy conversation. Raymond gently guided me to my room, ensuring that I was comfortably settled. He took the initiative to draw the curtains closed and turned off the air conditioner, creating a more soothing environment for my recovery. With a sense of urgency, Raymond rushed to the store to acquire the necessary medications. However, upon his return to the penthouse, he discovered that I had succumbed to sleep, my weakened state finally claiming me. Upon waking, I felt the comforting coolness of a damp cloth on my forehead. I groaned softly, gathering the strength to leave my bedroom. My weary feet carried me sluggishly towards the living room, where I detected faint sounds emanating from the kitchen. As Raymond emerged from the pantry, he froze in his tracks upon spotting me. “Are you feeling any better?” he asked, his genuine concern etched across his face, providing a glimmer of hope amid my illness… I nodded cautiously, my initial suspicions giving way to a modicum of relief as I motioned toward the kitchen. “Could you tell me who’s currently in my kitchen?” My tone conveyed not only irritation but also a deep-seated concern. The mere thought that someone might have brought Barbara, a presence I had intentionally avoided by staying away from the manor, weighed heavily on my mind.

Raymond, ever quick to provide reassurance, stepped forward with an explanation, “It’s Elenor. I thought you might benefit from a proper meal instead of relying on takeout, so I decided to call her over.” As he uttered these words, Elenor materialized from the kitchen, holding a bowl of steaming soup in her hands. Her arrival brought a faint smile to her lips as she spotted me standing in the hallway. With a tone laced with genuine concern, she inquired, “How are you feeling?” Elenor approached me, her touch gentle as she took my arm and guided me toward the dining hall. Her voice conveyed a deep sense of care as she continued, “Why didn’t you reach out to me when you started feeling unwell and uneasy?” Her worry was palpable, and I couldn’t help but appreciate her sincere concern for my well-being in that moment. My deadpan response seemed to catch Elenor off guard, and she furrowed her brows in response. “Has no one ever told you what kind of pest you are in someone’s life?” I quipped, causing Raymond to chuckle. Elenor’s glare intensified, and her retort was sharp, “F uck you. You’re fortunate you’re sick, or else I’d have given you a good slap.” She didn’t spare Raymond either, continuing, “And as for you, no dinner for laughing.” Raymond, seemingly undisturbed by Elenor’s threats, strolled casually into the kitchen and served himself dinner, almost as if challenging her bluff. When he returned to the dining area, Elenor practically sna tched the food from his hands, her irritation evident. While the playful banter continued between them, I absently pushed the soup around with my fork, my thoughts wandering. It was then that a realization struck me, and I asked, “Where’s my phone?” I asked suddenly as I couldn’t locate it. I distinctly remembered it being in the jacket I had brought back from work, but that very jacket seemed to have vanished from my bedroom. Elenor’s revelation that she had plugged in my phone drew my attention, and she fed me spoonfuls of soup as she explained, I noticed it was low on battery, so I thought I’d charge it for you.” She briefly glanced at me from her own phone and asked, “Do you need it now?” I nodded, and she promptly got up to retrieve it.

As Elenor momentarily left the room, I took the opportunity to turn my attention toward Raymond, a question lingering in my mind. “Did you manage to patch things up with her?” My curiosity regarding their relationship had been piqued. To my surprise, I witnessed a rare blush spreading across Raymond’s cheeks, and he chuckled nervously. “We’re working on it, he confessed, his admission tinged with a hint of optimism. I nodded, genuinely pleased to hear that progress was being made in their relationship. Elenor returned to the dining room, handing me my phone. “Thank you,” I expressed my gratitude, relieved to have it back. As I double-tapped the screen, I couldn’t help but notice a missed call from Rose, which immediately sent a pang of regret coursing through me.”Sh it! I told her I’d take all calls via Zoom. The realization that I had inadvertently missed an important call weighed on my conscience, and I knew I needed to address it soon. Redialing Rose’s number, I brought the phone to my ear, and she picked up immediately. “Rose, I missed your call,” I apologized. “Apologies for any inconvenience, sir, but Ms. Hazel was here, insisting on seeing you, and I was calling to confirm if I should disclose your current whereabouts,” Rose explained. Hazel was in New York? I was taken aback. “When did she arrive?” I inquired. “Approximately forty-five minutes ago,” Rose responded. “I contacted Mr. Raymond, and he gave the green light to share your location.” At that moment, the doorbell rang, diverting everyone’s attention to the entrance. “That must be Hazel,” Raymond deduced as he rose from his seat to answer the door. “Thank you, Rose, but I’ll have to hang up now.” Ending the call with Rose, I turned to my sister with a question in mind. “Did you inform Hazel that I’m dealing with a fever?” Elenor scoffed dismissively. “Are you seriously suggesting she flew all the way to New York just because you have a fever?” She shook her head. “Don’t be so conceited, Ravel.” Just as we were discussing it, Hazel stormed into the dining room, her demeanor anything but concerned. Seeing her obvious anger, I slowly rose to my feet and asked, “Hazel, is everything alright? What happened?”

Hazel’s piercing glare bore into me as she reached into her purse, producing an envelope and slamming it onto the table. “Explain this.” My brows furrowed with confusion as I picked up the envelope, uncertainty gnawing at me. With cautious fingers, I delved into the envelope, retrieving several photographs of myself alongside Warren. My jaw tightened in response to the incriminating evidence before me. My patience wore thin as I confronted her, my tone edged with anger. “Are you spying on me, Hazel?” I demanded an explanation, unable to mask my irritation. She continued to glare at me, her voice dripping with frustration. “Is that all you have to say to me?” She hissed, her eyes narrowing. “I asked you if you had met with Warren, and you blatantly denied it!” Her accusation hung heavily in the air, and I found myself at a loss for words. I let out an exasperated sigh, weary of the mounting tension. “Yes, I met with him,” I admitted, my voice tinged with frustration. I couldn’t understand why my meeting with Warren was causing such a reaction in Hazel. “But why is this such a big deal?” I questioned, feeling unjustly accused. As I spoke, Hazel circled the table, her footsteps measured and purposeful. My guard was momentarily down, and I wasn’t prepared for what happened next. With a swift, stinging motion, she delivered a resounding slap to my cheek. The shock of it left me momentarily speechless, my hand instinctively reaching to touch the stinging sensation on my face. 色 0

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