Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maya and Alex)

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

-Maya's POV-

A searing pain ripped through me, a jolt of white-hot agony that stole the breath from my lungs. The world spun wildly, smoke and fire blurring my vision. My ears were filled with a deafening ringing that drowned out all other sounds.

Through the haze of pain, a primal fear gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. My children. Where were they? Astrangled cry escaped my lips as I tried to move, to reach out and find them but my body refused to obey. Every muscle screamed in protest, each movement a monumental effort. I was trapped, a prisoner in a cage of my own flesh and bone.

A choked sob escaped my lips, a raw sound of despair that echoed in the echoing silence.

Had I failed?

Had I not been fast enough?

Just as despair threatened to consume me, a sliver of movement caught my eye. A figure emerged from the smoke-filled haze. I let out a humorless laugh in my head. Ivan had come to finish it once and for all but then strong arms scooped me up, a gentle yet firm hold that cradled me against a solid chest. Through the haze of pain and confusion, a familiar scent registered in my brain, grounding me momentarily. Recognition bloomed - Alex. Relief washed over me, a weak and tepid wave, but relief nonetheless.

But the relief was short-lived, overshadowed by a more pressing concern. "The twins..." I rasped, the words scraping like sandpaper against my raw throat. "Where are they?"

His face, illuminated by the flickering flames, contorted in a mixture of relief and pain. But his voice held a sliver of hope. "They're alright, Amaya. Chistian got them out."

Those words were a balm to my soul, a flicker of light in the encroaching darkness. They were safe. That was all that mattered. But even as the relief washed over me, a new wave of panic surged through me. My body felt heavy, impossibly heavy, and a searing pain radiated from every limb.

I tried to move, to turn and see for myself, but my muscles wouldn't cooperate. I suddenly couldn't feel anything yet I could feel the intense pain at thesame time. I really don't know how it made sense but it did.

"Amaya?" Alex's voice sounded strained, laced with a growing sense of urgency. "Can you hear me?"

I tried to nod, to offer some form of reassurance, but even that simple movement proved to be too much. A wave of dizziness washed over me, the edges of my vision blurring. "Don't worry," He murmured even though I hardly heards him above the crackling flames. "We'll get you out of here. Just hold on."

His words were a lifeline, a fragile thread of hope that kept me tethered to consciousness. But the darkness was closing in, the edges of the world fading into an inky oblivion. The last thing I registered before succumbing to the darkness was Alex's face hovering above mine, his eyes filled with something I had never seen before- fear.

And then, oblivion.

A gasp tore from my throat, the sound raw and ragged. My body lurched upwards, propelled by a primal urge to escape, to find them. But the movement sent a jolt of searing pain lancing through every limb, slamming me back down onto the bed with a strangled cry.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Disoriented and weak, I blinked rapidly, trying to clear the cobwebs clouding my mind. The walls of the room swam into focus, the harsh fluorescent lights adding to the pulsing ache in my head. Slowly, the horrifying events of the warehouse came rushing back-the explosion, the blinding flash of light, the searing heat, and most importantly, the twins.


"Easy there," a soothing voice cut through the rising tide of panic "They are fine. The twins are fine."

My head snapped towards the source of the voice, my gaze landing on Natalia, who sat beside the bed, her face etched with


"Ivy and Nate..." I rasped, "Where are they?"

She reached out, gently squeezing my hand. "They're safe, Amaya. They're being checked over by the doctors, but they didn't sustain any serious injuries. You protected them."

Her words were a balm to my soul, easing the crushing weight of fear that had been constricting my chest. A weak smile tugged at the corners of my lips, the first flicker of genuine emotion I had felt since the explosion.

"How long have I been out?" I croaked.

"Two days," She replied, her voice soft. "You took quite a beating from the blast. The doctors said you're lucky to be alive."

Two days. It felt like an eternity. So much had happened, yet everything felt like a blur. Images flickered in and out of focus - Alex face hovering above me, the searing pain, the suffocating darkness.

"What about Alex?" I managed to ask, a new wave of worry washing over me. "Did he get hurt?"

Her brow furrowed slightly, a flicker of something akin to sadness crossing her features for a brief moment before she quickly masked it with a reassuring smile. "He's a little banged up, but nothing major. He's been here, by your side, ever since you were brought in."

Awave of gratitude washed over me. Even amidst the chaos and fear, Alex had been there. He had kept his promise, kept me safe. Ivan might still be out there planning whatever the moon goddess knows but it didn't matter right now because everything was fine but just as I was about to drift back to sleep, a flicker of apprehension in Natalia's eyes snagged my


Everything wasn't alright.

A jolt of unease shot through me, dispelling the remnants of drowsiness. I struggled to sit up straighter, my voice hoarse as I rasped, "Natalia, what's wrong?"

Her answer was immediate, yet evasive. "It's nothing. Go back to sleep, you need more rest to recover."

But I knew her too well. Natalia had a tell - a rapid blinking that betrayed her attempts to conceal the truth. "You're lying," I pressed, my voice stronger now. "Tell me what's going on."

She sighed, the sound heavy with unspoken worry. "It's Alex."

My wolf instantly perked up, ears pricked and ready for action. "You said he was fine," I reminded her, a sliver of fear creeping into my voice.

"He is," She confirmed, her gaze darting nervously between the door and me. "But it seems when that bullet hit him while he was in his wolf form... well, when he died, by whatever miracle he was brought back, his wolf didn't come back with him."

My mind struggled to process her words. "What?" I blinked, confusion clouding my thoughts.

She nodded grimly. "I overheard him tell Christian that he can't shift."

"But I wasn't able to shift for four years," I countered, a flicker of hope sparking within me. "I'm sure he'll..."

She cut me off, her voice laced with urgency. "It's not the same, Amaya. You could still feel your wolf, she was trapped inside you. You just became latent. Alex's wolf is gone. Vanished, like it never even existed."

Her words slammed into me with the force of a tidal wave. His wolf couldn't just be gone. He was an alpha, his wolf an


Chapter 140

integral part of who he was. Before I could even process the gravity of the situation, I found myself propelled by an irresistible urge, struggling to get onto my feet.

"Amaya!" Natalia's voice held a mixture of concern and exasperation.

"I just need to see him. He took that bullet for me, Natalia. This one, just like all the others, is on me."

She exhaled a defeated breath before stepping forward to support me. Helping me out of bed, she guided me first towards the room where Ivy and Nate were nestled together, fast asleep. A wave of relief washed over me as I saw them safe and sound.

From there, she led me to a large sitting room where Riley, Christian, and Alex were gathered. Riley and Christian were deep in conversation, while Alex sat alone with a glass in his hand, staring blankly into space. Instinct propelled me towards him, but before I could take another step, the door burst open with a loud bang.

Sarah rushed in, her face flushed and her eyes wild. "Turn on the TV, right now!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with urgency.

Natalia, startled by the sudden interruption, frowned. "Why? And where are you coming from looking so disheveled?"

"Just turn it on!" Sarah snapped, her anger barely contained. But it was clear that it wasn't directed at Natalia or anyone in the room. It was directed at the TV, or whoever was about to appear on it. As Natalja switched on the television, an image materialized on the screen


He was sitting in a brightly lit studio, a manic glint in his eyes.

"You're saying you have a lot of news that, if made public knowledge, would be quite... explosive?" the interviewer inquired, his voice laced with curiosity.

Adrian's smile widened, sending shivers down my spine. "Yes, I do," he purred, his gaze fixed intently on the camera. "I have a lot to say about a certain billionaire, or should I say, billionaire alpha." He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a low snarl. "Starting with the fact that Alex Thorne is alive."





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