Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maya and Alex)

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

-Alex’s POV-

I left Christian after my outburst without another word and drove around aimlessly trying to get the pictures out of my head. No matter how many years had gone by. Ho

The anger, a hot coal in my gut, refused to be banked. I drove aimlessly, the city lights blurring into streaks of color as I tried to outrun the memories. Da

Pulling into my driveway, I saw the two familiar cars parked in front of the mansion. My wolf stirred awake within me, a low growl rumbling in my chest. I’d

With a clenched jaw, I stormed through the front door. The picture that greeted me did little to quell the rising tide of fury within. There, sprawled on the p


Her eyes snapped towards me the moment I entered, the smile morphing into something mischievous. “Well, well,” she drawled, her voice dripping with

The two men, their expressions unreadable, turned their gazes towards me. Ignoring Miranda, I held their stare, my voice laced with ice as 1 uttered a si

A flicker of something, perhaps annoyance, crossed Miranda’s face, but she recovered quickly. Standing with a practiced grace, she swayed her hips as

The two men remained standing, unfazed by Miranda’s departure. Now, with her gone, I could focus on them fully. The one on the left was older, in his la

On his right stood a man who didn’t bother with such pretense. His build was imposing, his body language exuding a sense of barely contained power. There was no mistaking the darkness that simmered beneath the surface, a darkness he wore like a badge of honor.

“Vargas,” I said, addressing the man with the scar. His name, like him, was a reflection of his nature – ruthless and cold.

“Raze,” I turned to the other man, his name evoking images of destruction and chaos. There was no warmth in my voice as I finally addressed them both pleasure?” I emphasized the last word, dripping with sarcasm. We all proceeded to take our seats.

Vargas regarded me with a cold, calculating stare. “I think you’re well aware of why we’re here, Alex.” His voice was a low rumble, devoid of warmth.

I raised an eyebrow, feigning ignorance. “Enlighten me, Vargas. What grand news brings you to my humble abode at this ungodly hour?”

Inside, I fumed. Unlike some Alphas who craved more power and territory, I never desired this role. It had been thrust upon me by circumstance, a heavy something I had zero patience

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Chapter 52


“News?” Vargas scoffed. “It’s not news, Alex. It’s a matter of concern. The Stone and McCall packs have finalized their merger.”


I ground my teeth together, a low growl emanating from deep within my throat. This was exactly what I didn’t want to hear. I already knew that and I figured it was just about time they came. Their packs were formidable on a significant threat but that was not what annoyed me, it was thinking of her and him together,

Sensing my displeasure, Raze, the more vocal of the two, decided to elaborate. “They’re strong, Alex. Individually, they were forces to be reckoned with

“Nearly.” I echoed, emphasizing the word. While I acknowledged the danger they posed, I wasn’t one for hyperbole.

“Nearly isn’t good enough,” Raze countered, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. “We need to act before they decide to test their newfound strength on our borders.”

I leaned back in my chair, steepling my fingers in front of me. “And what exactly do you propose we do, Raze? Launch a preemptive strike based on… ‘n

I was done with this conversation:

Vargas shifted in his seat, his gaze flickering to the window and back again. “There’s more than whispers, Alex. Our intel suggests they’re actively recruiting. Their numbers are growing, and their influence is spreading.”

“So they’re… popular?” I couldn’t help but jab at their exaggerated concern even though I knew it was valid.

Vargas’s lips twitched with suppressed irritation. “Popularity is irrelevant. Strength is what matters, and they’re amassing it at an alarming rate especially

My jaw clenched at that as a tense silence descended upon the room. I knew they expected a reaction, a declaration of war perhaps. But! wouldn’t be b

Vargas’s carefully constructed facade finally cracked. His eyes flashed with anger, a flicker of something more primal lurking beneath the surface. “Hone

My world went cold. The room temperature seemed to plummet along with my mood. My vision narrowed, and a familiar darkness bled into my eyes. Th tension as my wolf surged to the forefront, a low growl rumbling deep in my chest. “Repeat that,” I said, my voice a dangerous rasp. It wasn’t a request;

Raze stepped in before things escalated further. “There’s no point in posturing here,” he interjected with a bored sigh. “We all know you’re both powerful

The raw power of my wolf receded slightly, but I kept Vargas in my sights, my anger simmering just beneath the surface. “Fine,” I conceded, the word tasting like ash in my mouth. “I’ll look into it. I’ll handle it the way I see fit.”

The truth was, the thought of Daniel Stone being part of this new super– pack grated on me like nails on a chalkboard. The man was pure trouble, a slippery eel who had somehow managed to wriggle out of jail. Clearly, I had

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Chapter 52

Raze seemed satisfied with my response. He was the more reasonable of the two, surprisingly. He nodded curtly. “That’s all we’re asking. Alpha.” A brief

Vargas rose, the mask slipping back into place. His cool stare held mine for a beat longer than necessary. He knew, as well as I did, that any sign of weakness would be an invitation for a challenge. Maybe I didn’t crave the Alpha role, but it was mine, and nobody took wha

to me.

He was almost out the door when he turned back, a triumphant smirk twisting his lips. “By the way, Alex,” he drawled, his voice dripping with veiled meaning. “Damon sends his regards.”

The blood drained from my face. Hearing that name, especially from Vargas, sent a jolt of ice through my veins. But I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction o He exited with Raze, the front door closing with a final thud.

Silence descended once more, heavier than before. It was as if the mere mention of his name had summoned him. My phone buzzed on the table, a sin


A single text message stared back at me, the words burning into my retinas:

“I think it’s high time you and I had a talk, son.”


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