Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maya and Alex)

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

-Alex’s POV-

We locked eyes in the expanse of the hospital parking lot. The air crackled with unspoken hostility then a slow, infuriating smile stretched across his face that sent a fresh wave of anger surging through me. My wolf snarled within, itching to rip into the man, Power radiated off him, but I knew mine ran deepe

My fingers itched to wrap around his throat, to snuff out the smug amusement in his eyes. Images of burying his body in some forgotten corner of the city

I quickly

told myself that I didn’t care but that was a lie that had become a constant in my head for the past weeks.

With a deep breath, I forced my feet to move past him. Engaging with him was the last thing I wanted, but he wouldn’t let it go that easily.

“Respect for elders, huh?” he scoffed, his voice dripping with mock sympathy. “Seems your precious father neglected that lesson in his little horror schoo

I stopped dead in my tracks, the muscles in my jaw clenching, Anger, already simmering, threatened to boil over. One wrong word, one wrong

y actions. But a sliver of reason held me back. Amaya. He was her father, and for her sake, I had to move, and I wouldn’t be responsible for my swallow

He continued, a sly glint in his eyes. “I wish I could have seen the expression on your face when you found out I had been released. I bet that news cam closer, his voice dropping to a low growl. “You underestimated me, Alex. Prison was a mere inconvenience, a fly swatted away. My company will rise aga

His words struck a raw nerve. My entire face hardened into a mask of icy indifference. He saw it, the carefully constructed facade, and a triumphant smir

He knew he’d gotten under my skin.

“Didn’t have anyone to talk to as a child, is that it?” I drawled, my voice laced with exaggerated boredom. “Explains the excessive need to chatter about n

The smugness vanished from his face, replaced by a flicker of something akin to hurt. He narrowed his eyes, searching for another angle.

“Interesting choice of words considering the state of your pathetic life. Still pining after Amaya, are we? Stuck watching from the sidelines as she lives a

He leaned in further, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, “Tell me, Alex, does it ever gnaw at you? The knowledge that she is gone. even after

He paused, letting his words sink in. The air grew thick with tension, the only sound our ragged breaths. My hand instinctively twitched towards my pocket, where my claws were already extending. I could shut him up right here. Right now, permanently.

But something held me back. A morbid curiosity, perhaps. How far would he go to twist the knife? How low could he sink to provoke a reaction? The cha


Chapter 57

“Honestly, Daniel,” I said, my voice flat and devoid of emotion, “your attempts at emotional manipulation are as predictable as they are pathetic. Did you


A flicker of surprise crossed his face, quickly replaced by a cold fury. This wasn’t the reaction he’d expected. He’d aimed for a fiery rage, not this unsettlin

“You think you can’t pretend? You think I don’t see past your facade?” He was working himself into a frenzy, his face flushed with a mixture of anger and

It was tempting to react, to let him see the fire burning beneath the surface. But I knew that’s what he wanted, a rise out of me. So instead, I offered a slo

The effect was instantaneous. His face contorted in fury, the vein on his temple pulsing like a live wire. He took a deep breath, trying to regain

his composure.

“It doesn’t matter,” he finally spat, his voice tight with contained rage. “You are nothing but a fly buzzing around my head. A minor annoyance soon to be

“Really?” I drawled, keeping my voice flat. “Because from where I’m standing, you seem to be the one buzzing around, all worked up about a little merger.”

He scoffed, a harsh, humorless sound. “A little merger? Don’t be ridiculous.This is a game changer. With Ivan’s pack joining forces with mine, we’re unst

In that moment, I finally thought about it. They couldn’t be able powerful with Ivan begging me to help with his company falling apart. And the question st

He took a menacing step closer and I realized he had been speaking, his voice dropping to a low growl. “And that’s just the beginning. We can make life very difficult for you and your pack. We can squeeze you out, inch by inch, until you have nothing left.”

My wolf roiled within me, urging me to lash out, to rip into his smug self– importance. But I held him back with an iron grip. This wasn’t about dominance or territory. This was about Amaya, and I wouldn’t give him the satisfacti

“So?” I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “Sounds like a lot of hot air, Daniel. Threats and empty promises. You think fear tactics will work on me?”

His face contorted further, if that were even possible. “Don’t underestimate me! I’m not playing games here. This is about power, about who controls the

He leaned in even closer, his voice a dangerous hiss. “And let’s not forget Amaya. With our packs united, her future is secure. But if you keep interfering

Of course he would use her. If they were giving the award for the worst father of the year, he would definitely win without a struggle. Anger flared in my gut, hot and primal. But I shoved it down, refusing to give him an inch. In

“Honestly, Daniel,” I said, my voice laced with a carefully measured dose of sarcasm, “you’re starting to sound like a broken record. This whole ‘pack dom

He opened his mouth to retort, but I cut him off. “Look,” I continued, my voice low and dangerous, “we both know why you’re still here trying to give me a you form, I will always be stronger than you.”

Chapter 57

Sat, 22 Jun U «


A tense silence descended between us. The air crackled with unspoken threats and a hostility so thick it was almost tangible. He seemed to shrink under my gaze, his bluster replaced by a cold, calculating glint in his eyes.

“We’ll see about that,” he finally said, his voice laced with a dangerous promise. Then, with a final glare, he turned and stalked away but before he did, I NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

My wolf bristled, confused by the sudden shift in his demeanor. Watching him disappear into the distance, I turned to head back towards the hospital ent

The reason for Daniel’s fleeting smile became crystal clear. Standing right there, at the entrance, was a sight that sent a jolt through me. It wasn’t just on

And sandwiched between them was Amaya.


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