With half her mind, Audrey agreed, but the other strictly feminine side, realized that this would mean several days of indecision for Penny while she lay wondering how Jeremy would accept the news that she was going to have his child as she had made it clear to Audrey that she didn’t want to tell Jeremy about the baby over the phone.

“Well, it’s up to you, doctor” Audrey said at last and seeing that Joey’s mind was made-up, she left the room to go call Jeremy.

Jeremy took the news of Penny’s rising temperatures with some concern, but he did not attempt to persuade Audrey to let him come over that evening.

“I’m frightfully bad in the sick room” he admitted frankly. “Always so damn healthy myself, i never know what to say or do. I know you will look after her well”

“We will. Joey, of course knows the ropes. Can I give her a message from you?” Audrey asked him.

“All my love” Jeremy said. “I have to travel tomorrow and i can’t cancel. But I will be calling to find out how she is. She will be better in a day or two, won’t she?”

“I doubt it” Audrey told him. “Joey is afraid his chill might lead to pneumonia. Penny’s chest has never been very strong”

“Good lord” was Jeremy’s comment. “I didn’t know that. Do you think i should call another doctor? Maybe a specialist?”

“Joey will do so if it’s necessary. There is no need for you to worry”

‘Should I tell him now!’ Audrey asked herself. ‘Should I ask him to come over and see me, and tell him? No, It isn’t my business. Penny will want to be the one to tell him about the baby. I really shouldn’t interfere’

“Well, you call Penny tomorrow then, Jeremy” she said. “Good night”

She found it hard to be friendly to him… Very hard.

“Night night, Audrey. Don’t forget to give my poor sweetheart my love”

“I won’t” Audrey replied.

She went back into the room and turned to her brother.

“Well?” Joey questioned.

“He sends his love to her. He doesn’t want to disturb her and wants to let her rest tonight” Audrey said with a grimace. “I only hope and pray that we are misjudging him, Joey. Perhaps he does love her and will do the right thing by her”

“I haven’t passed judgment” Joey replied.

Audrey turned away… Her eyes suddenly full of pain.


Joey’s careful attention and Audrey’s nursing resulted in a quick recovery and no pneumonia for Penny. Jeremy called often to check on her and they never discussed that little argument. A week later, Penny was out of bed, pale, weak and impatient to go back home.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I don’t want to seem ungrateful, Audrey” she said. “You and Joey have been amazing, but I must go back home. Jeremy is home already and time is just flying by. I would have gone with him if I wasn’t sick and Joey asked me to stay. I have to go home and tell him about the…” she stopped talking.

“I understand” Audrey broke in. “But Joey thinks you shouldn’t attempt any journey for another Fourty Eight hours. You have only been out of bed one day”

“Joey spoils me. I’m perfectly alright” Penny said.

“Well, one more day won’t just you. Let Joey have his way, Penny. You are his patient, you know”

Penny gave in. Actually she did not feel well enough to argue. Ever since she had returned to the house wet through, chilled to the bone, she had been feeling sick in the morning. At first she had attributed it to her fever, but she knew it was just morning sickness from the pregnancy. Joey had given her some tablets to relieve the nausea, but it had not helped much. She didn’t know if Joey knew that she was pregnant. and she didn’t have the courage to ask Audrey if she had told him.

Audrey lay awake deep into the night worrying about Penny. She had finally decided to leave the following morning. Audrey was so afraid that if Jeremy made things too difficult for her, Penny might do something silly. She would willingly have offered to accompany her back but she knew that Penny wanted Jeremy to herself. She must fight her battle alone.

Searching her mind for some little thing she might say or do to give Penny courage, Audrey wondered whether it might be possibly to tell her that Joey was in love with… That he wanted to marry her… That he wanted to give her child a family and love. But her nature was such that she could not interfere in such a way. If Joey wanted Penny to know how he felt, he would tell her himself. He knew only too well that at present Penny regarded him as a friend… That her affection for him was sisterly. He would not wish to complicate that relationship. After all, it was more than probable that Jeremy would marry her at once and that they had all been worrying unnecessarily.

Sitting out the long ride back to town, Penny had no such illusions. With every mile that drew her nearer to Jeremy, her fears increased, and it was only by a great effort that she found the courage to take a taxi home and climb the old familiar staircase.

She knew that it was too early for Jeremy to be back from the office. She was almost thankful for the temporary respite. She surveyed her bedroom, kitchen, the sitting room with great deliberation, feeling as if she had been away two years rather than three weeks. The bed was neatly made, the cupboards tidy and everything seemed spotless. Surprised, for she expected to find things in disorder, she searched for some sign of his presence. His pyjamas was underneath the pillow but she could not remember whether she had put this pair there before leaving or not. Some strange instinct suddenly told her that Jeremy had not been back to the flat.

With something approaching panic, she ran into the bathroom. His shaving kit was gone. She ran back to the bedroom looking feverishly for his hair brushes, his scissors. It had all gone.

She sat down on the bed, trying to keep calm and reason it out, but all she could think of was that Jeremy had left her, gone away for ever and she was a bit scared to call him and ask where he was in case her fears was confirmed.

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