“That’s settled then” said Audrey, relieved. “I think Joey has arranged for the priest to come here tomorrow and see you. What about god parents?”

“You and Joey of course” Penny replied without hesitation.

“Maybe he should have two god fathers” Audrey said with a smile. “Why not ask James. After all, young Howard practically owes him his like. At one moment James thought he might have to operate to save your life and that would have meant no baby”

“Oh Audrey don’t say things like that” Penny cried, “I can’t imagine such a horrible thing. No Howard. How awful”

“You really do worship that baby, don’t you?” Audrey said.

“Well of course” Penny said promptly. “After all, he is mine, a part of me. Part of Jeremy too. I adore him”

“I’m glad” Audrey said. It was odd… And sad, she thought, that this little boy might yet prove to be the one person to stand between Penny and what she wanted most in the world…. Marriage to Jeremy. If she had not grown to love little Howard, she might have considered partying with him so that she could resume her old association with Jeremy.. Without complications. But now she would be torn between two loves… And if she did have to choose between her child and the man she loved, Audrey was not altogether certain who the winner would be. Seeing Penny with her Howard in her arms, however, she was almost sure Penny would never leave this baby. Yet when Jeremy called or texted, Penny seemed to forget everything…

“I would like him to be the second god father to my son.” Penny said, then she added with a deep sigh, “But it’s so tragic, Jeremy can have no say in this”

Audrey deliberately turned the conversation away from Jeremy.

“I think it was Joey who was there with you during Howard’s birth” she said.

The smile left Penny’s face and a grown creased her forehead.

“I’m so worried about him” she said. “He worships Howard and I dread to think what he will feel when I go away with the baby. After all, if I marry Jeremy, I will have to live wherever he is.”

“I’m going to miss you both too. You seem part of our lives and now, if you do go, you will leave a dreadful blank behind you. Joey and I were just saying so the other evening.”

“oh, Audrey, life is hard” Penny burst out. “One can never really be independent, because there are always other people to consider. It would be so much simpler if one’s actions did not affect anyone else…. I shall miss you and Joey too. Which reminds me, I will have to start working again soon. I absolutely refuse to allow you and Joey to pay all my expenses ”

“That is an insult to our friendship” Audrey said quickly. “You are certainly not going back to work until Joey thinks you are fit enough. You can just forget your financial worries.

“But Audrey, I haven’t done any work in a while”

“Stop worrying about that” Audrey said with a smile, “Now for once you can do Joey and myself the honor of being our guest. Please, Penny, it would make us both very happy”

“I owe you so much already” Penny cried. “You have given me a home, Audrey, my baby too… A real home filled with love and kindness”

“Ssh. Stop that nonsense” Audrey broke in quickly. “I know you would have done the same for me in similar circumstances”

“Joey once said that” Penny remarked. “I only hope that I can prove my gratitude to you one day”

“You have already done so, Penny. You have brought something into both our lives. Whatever the final outcome, Joey has at least known the happiness of his first real love, and I think your dependence on him during these last few months has given him some much needed self confidence. There was a time he was a little diffident about taking chances… Branching out on his own. Now he’s talking about his own practice. You trust him completely Penny, he has begun to feel all his patients will do the same ”

“You put that very nicely, Audrey, and I would like to think it is true. But you… You have been friend, mother and sister all rolled into one. Look at the way you run round me all day… Waiting on me. And on Howard too”

“I have always loved children, Penny, and once or twice I thought I might adopt a baby, but I lacked confidence in myself. I thought that I might not make a competent mother. Now I know I could”

“You mean you are going to adopt a child?” Penny asked, her eyes widening in surprise.

“Possibly” Audrey said with a smile. “I might even steal your Howard”

“Audrey, you aren’t asking me to give up my son?” Penny said with a smile too

Audrey shook her head.

“No, I’m not asking you to do that Penny. I just want you to know that I have decided to adopt a child, so if ever it were not convenient for you to have Howard, you will know I will always take care of him. Anytime you need me to be there for you and little Howard, I will be glad to help”

“Oh Audrey” Penny whispered, the tears starting to her eyes.

Now we are getting appallingly sentimental “Audrey said huskily.” isn’t it time for Howard’s food? ”

So Penny’s baby was called Howard Jeremy Hampson two days before Christmas, exactly a month after he was born. The little house was gaily decorated by Joey. Audrey bought a small tree.

On Christmas day, Penny went downstairs to find the trees laden with parcels. She was glad that she had sent nurse Caroline down to the town to buy some  gifts for Joey, Audrey and doctor James who had arranged to come to them for Christmas lunch.

Audrey gave Howard a soft, fluffy white rabbit which he eyes with a solemn gravity. When Penny picked it up he howled in such a way as to make them all laugh.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Give it back to him” Joey suggested. “my little fellow has quite a will of his own already”

“Incredible how developed he is at such an age” doctor James said, his pride second only to Penny’s. “I never saw a baby with so much hair and such powers of observation, a mere four weeks after his birth”

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