Bridesmaid Undercover: An incredibly steamy, hilarious, friends to lovers, love triangle romantic comedy

Chapter 18


“I am so beyond impressed,” Haisley says as she takes in the storefront. “This is incredible.”

“Thank you,” Maggie says. “Jude did such an amazing job on the renovation, and we are so grateful for him.”

Haisley smiles at the mention of her husband’s name. “He’s pretty amazing, isn’t he?”

God, look at the adoration in her expression. To love someone that much, I wonder what that’s like.

“He is,” Maggie says. “We’re grateful for him and your brothers. They have truly helped elevate the business.”

“You elevated it,” Haisley says. “They were just there holding the ladder for you.” She winks and then turns toward me. “So, are we good for the bach party?”

I nod. “Yes, we’re all set. I stopped by the place earlier today and ran through details with the rental company. They were able to set up the clear cover for the pool, which they said we could easily offer as a rental anytime a party might need it. I’ve cleared noise ordinances, so as long as everything is wrapped up by eleven—since it’s a weekend—we should be good. Catering is all set, and I was able to speak to them about future engagements. I told them if this goes well then we’ll consider a partnership with them. They also said they provide private chefs for weekends, so that could be part of the Bridesmaid for Hire package we offer. And the space truly is special, Haisley—I’m so excited.”

She smiles brightly. “Thank you. And yes, I’d love to team up with a caterer, but this trial run is exactly what we need. Working out all the kinks with Hardy’s friend is the perfect way to do it. I’m glad you thought of this.”

“Me too. And once we nail down the details, figure out what worked and what didn’t work, then moving forward we can talk packages and other options. Then we can move onto promotions and opening it up to the public, possibly lease the new house…”

“Such a good idea,” Haisley says. “And the new house will be done in a month or so, at least that’s what Jude told me last night. He really wanted to make sure your storefront and some of the pop-up shops were complete first before bringing his entire crew into my house. But now that we are going to be all hands on deck, we should be ready soon.”

“And what’s the theme of this new one?” Maggie asks. “You haven’t revealed it yet.”

Haisley smiles. “Well, I was going back and forth for a bit but settled on what I think will probably be the best and most sought-after theme…Barbie.”

I gasp and grip her hand. “Oh my God, Haisley.”

She smiles brightly. “I know. I’m really excited about this one. Picking out all of the décor and furnishings has been a lot of fun.”

“My mind is going a mile a minute,” I say. “Think of all the fun bachelorette party weekends we can throw. I’m thinking some sort of life-size Barbie box girls can stand in and take pictures in the backyard, white sunglasses, Barbie shoes divided by color in jars, maybe a try-on closet, and pool parties with giant flamingo blowups.”

Haisley’s eyes light up. “Oh my gosh, yes. And pink towels with their names.”

“So cute. Ugh, I love it. It will be perfect. I can’t wait to see the space.”

“You will be the first to see it when it’s done, and then we can start putting together packages.”

“Deal,” I say.

We turn to Maggie who is smiling brightly. “This makes my planning heart so happy.”

“Mine too,” Haisley says and then glances at the time on her phone. “Okay, I have to bolt, Jude is waiting for me. Thanks for the meeting, ladies, and, Everly, if you need anything for the party, let me know.”

“I will. Thanks,” I say and then we hug before she takes off. Both Maggie and I move back to the conference table and sit back down. “What time is it?” I ask.

“Almost time for our next meeting.”

“Is it weird that I’m nervous?” I ask Maggie.

She shakes her head. “No, because I’m nervous too.”

“Why are you nervous? You’re the one who hired this girl.”

“I know.” Maggie chuckles. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t be nervous. I was nervous when I hired you. I wanted to look put-together, like I knew what I was doing.”

“Well, for the record, on my first day you were very well put-together. I was so intimidated that I went back to my place that night and brainstormed all the ways I could be organized for you and how I could help you improve your process.”

“Ah, so some intimidation is what created the amazing system we have now?”

“Yup,” I say.

She smirks. “Well, then, guess I should lay down the hammer with this new girl, right?”

“I mean, equal parts intimidation and sweet would be best,” I say. “So, make sure she knows that when you ask for a list of all the catering companies in the area that make fresh, soft pretzels, you get it by the end of the day—but then afterward, you will take her to go try one.”

“Yes.” Maggie slowly nods her head. “The perfect combination.”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Exactly. Now, what’s her name again? Because I think I’ve blacked out.”

Maggie laughs. “Her name is Scarlett Marshal. She went to school at Brentwood University in Chicago, is older than the both of us, but I think she has way more experience, which gives her the upper hand. She’s been working in events within the sports field for a few years and moved here with her husband because he was traded.”

“Traded?” I chuckle. “You make it sound like he’s a playing card.”

“I mean, he probably is on some sort of card. Her husband is Hutton Marshal.”

I feel my brows crease in question. “Why is that name familiar?”

“Because all of San Francisco was roaring in happiness when he was traded to the San Francisco Fog Horns as their new starting wide receiver.”

“Wait.” I grip Maggie’s arm. “Are you saying our new employee’s husband is a professional football player…meaning…?”

“Meaning, we’re opening up the possibilities of growing even more, with the chance to expand with the team and their charitable events.”

“Holy shit, Maggie.”

“I know.” She gives me a giddy smile. “It was one of the reasons I hired her—she comes from that event sector, has great contacts, and is already forging a relationship with the new team. She’s also very smart and has a great personality.”

And this is why Maggie is an amazing businesswoman, because she doesn’t just look at what she needs in the present, but she also looks at what is needed in the future. With the Hoppers’ support, using us for various events within the company, and this new hire bringing in a whole other side of commercial, charitable, and sporting events, Maggie could expand the company into one of the biggest in the Bay Area if she does it right.

“Well, I’m excited to meet her. And also, this is totally unprofessional, but…have you seen Hutton Marshal?”

Maggie glances over my shoulder at the front door and then leans in. “The man is made of steel, and I’ve never stared at a man drinking milk the way I stared at that picture he did for that Got Milk campaign.”

“Yes,” I nearly yell. “The milk picture. Oh my God, so good.”

“And don’t tell Brody that,” she says sternly. “He’ll get a complex, especially since he hasn’t been able to work out lately. He’s very sensitive about his figure at the moment.”

I roll my eyes. “The man is built.”

“I know, that’s what I keep telling him, but he’s still fragile. This morning he told me he’s only eating carrots for the next two days to get lean again.”

“And how long did that last?” I ask, knowing Brody well enough now.

“He sent me a picture of him eating a donut about an hour ago.”

I chuckle. “That’s what I thought.”

“Oh, she’s here. Be cool,” Maggie says just as the front door to the office opens and in walks a woman in a matching pantsuit—just not the politician-style pantsuit you’re probably thinking. This was tailored for her. Long, flowy pants with a short, cropped suit top. She’s wearing three-inch heels, and the red of her lipstick is so sharp that I find myself staring at it longer than I probably should.

She’s put-together.

She’s stylish.

And she’s everything I strive to be.

“Scarlett,” Maggie says as she walks up to her. “I’m so excited you’re here.”

Scarlett flashes straight white teeth in a beautiful smile as she walks up to us and holds her hand out. “Maggie, nice seeing you again.” She turns to me. “You must be Everly. It’s such a pleasure to meet you.”

“You as well,” I say. “Maggie has been telling me amazing things about you.”

“Oh, please.” Scarlett waves her hand in dismissal. “If anything, Maggie was singing your praises during my interview. The Bridesmaid for Hire branch is probably one of the most intuitive and unique programs I’ve ever read up on. Genius. I foresee it being copied all around the country.”

“The goal is to make sure it isn’t, that we can provide the bridesmaids across the country,” I say.

“Very smart,” Scarlett says.

“Well, come, sit down,” Maggie says. “I thought we could start this with a company meeting and talk about goals and expectations. Does that work?”

“Of course,” she says. “Can I just use the bathroom quickly? I’m trying to get my water in for the day and it’s running right through me.”

Maggie chuckles. “Of course, down the hall and to the left.”

“Thanks,” she says, her heels clicking down the hallway.

“I’m going to check on her desk one more time, make sure it’s set,” Maggie says.

I nod and pull up my phone so I can check my email.

I scan through it, seeing a few interest forms for the soft launch of the Bridesmaid for Hire program, a few here in San Francisco. We want to test out our services, make sure we are viable, and then once we establish ourselves, we plan on branching out farther, eventually operating across the country, like I told Scarlett. Might be slow, but we want to do it right.

I scroll past them shamelessly because that’s not what I want to read, not when I see an email from Hardy.

I’ve become so accustomed to opening my email and looking for his name, so when I don’t see it, I can’t help but feel a pang of sadness. His emails have fed my addiction in a way they shouldn’t. But today? Today, though his name is right there, in my inbox, my joy is muted. I’m not as keen to open this email, as it might be the one reporting his success with Maple.

The email that confirms I will officially need to back away from Hardy.

I click on the email and read it.

To: Everly Plum

From: Hardy Hopper

Subject: Checking In

Hey Everly,

I pause from reading.


When has he ever called me Everly in an email? Maybe at the beginning, but I’m always Professor.

That’s odd. Maybe he was in a rush.

I continue reading.

With the party in two days, just wanted to make sure everything was set and if you needed help with anything. Give me a shout if you do.



He’s signing it…Hardy?

That’s odd.

So not like him.

Actually, very unlike him.

The back of my neck feels prickly as the last few days run through my head. Did I do something wrong? Did I do anything to upset him? Have I said something out of turn?

I don’t think so.

I mean…I haven’t reported back about Maple, but he was just going to go for it. Maybe…oh God, what if things didn’t work out with her? Maybe he’s in a bad mood because of that.

Needing reassurance that I didn’t do anything wrong, I write him back.

To: Hardy Hopper

From: Everly Plum

Subject: RE: Checking In

Henrietta (are you still Henrietta? Just checking.)

Everything is good on my end. Talked with Haisley today, and we’re all set. Spoke with Maple, and she’s good to go. Nothing else needs to be done.

Is everything okay over there? Little confused by the email. Wanting to make sure you’re okay.

The Prof

I press send and set my phone down just as Maggie and Scarlett join me at the table.

“Okay, everyone ready?” Maggie says. “Let’s begin.”

To: Hardy Hopper

From: Everly Plum

Subject: Hey…

Hey Henrietta…Hardy, whoever you are,

Still haven’t heard back and just wanting to make sure all is okay with you. Let me know if you need anything or have any questions.


The Prof (Everly)

To: Everly Plum

From: JP Cane

Subject: Thank you for your donation but…

Dear friend,

We appreciate your support in our endeavor to help the Southern Rockhopper Penguins, but there’s still so much more that needs to be done. Please be the voice that we need to spread the word about these beautiful creatures.

We would be forever grateful if you could share your story about your connection with the penguins and encourage others to step up like you have.

The Rockhoppers are counting on you.


JP Cane

Everly: Hey Hardy, you there? I sent you a few emails and didn’t hear back, so I wanted to check in with you and make sure everything was okay. Also, I got another email from JP asking for donations. I caved, now I’m on an email-a-day basis with him. How bad would it be if I block his email?

Everly: From your lack of response, I’m going to guess pretty bad.

Everly:Okay, not blocking him, but just checking in…did you block me?

Sitting at my desk, I stare down at my phone as I slowly nod my head as reality hits me.

Yup, I think he blocked me.

It’s the only explanation.

That or he’s been abducted.

Or his fingers were chopped off.


What if he lost his fingers in a farming accident?

What if the guy who took the pitchfork to the butt was out for revenge and got Hardy’s fingers stuck in some sort of almond machine and Hardy lost all his fingers?

He could be laid up in a hospital bed right now.


More likely, he could be busy with Maple because I did my undercover work so well, and now they’re back together, and the last thing he wants to do is talk to me because he’s wrapped up in a wonderful second chance romance.

He’s too busy walking through the zoo with her.

He’s too busy taking her to The Beard and sharing a chocolate cake with her.

He’s too busy buying matching shirts…

Oh God, cue the tears.

Would they get matching shirts? I mean, why wouldn’t they? There would be no reason for them not to. They’re a couple; therefore, they would have matching shirts.

I worry my bottom lip as anxiety rolls through me.

This is what was supposed to happen.

He was supposed to get back together with Maple—I guess I just didn’t expect to be completely dropped from his life, though. I thought that we were at least friends.

I stand from my desk and pick up my water glass. I walk toward the kitchen, my slippers shuffling across the concrete as I go to fill up my glass with more water.

Maggie just got a shipment of vases for an upcoming wedding that we’re storing for the florist since they’re out of room. The boxes line the hallway for now until we can move them into storage. If I wasn’t wearing a pencil skirt, I would move them right now, get out some of this nervous energy, but with my luck, one squat to pick up a box will tear the skirt wide open.

When I reach the kitchen, I fill up my water before leaning against the wall and staring out toward the storefront’s main lobby.

This is what you signed up for, Everly. To help Hardy get back together with Maple.

You knew this was coming. There was no way Maple wouldn’t fall for the man all over again.

And yet, it feels like my heart is slowly…painfully, being ripped out of my chest with every breath I take.

Dramatic? Maybe, but I just…God, I liked him and there was a slim part of me that thought…maybe, just maybe there was more for us.

Looks like I was wrong.

I take a sip of my water and sigh.

God, what I wouldn’t give for his ghosting to be due to a farm-related accident.

I’ve never wished for someone to lose their fingers before, but here I am.

And all I can say is, I’m not proud of it.

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