Broken Beginnings: A High Heat Small Town Romance Suspense (Citrus Cove Book 1)

Chapter 27

“I’M GOING to fucking murder him,” I snarled.

Colt pulled me back before I rushed down the hall to where David Connor was. He was sitting in the hospital waiting room, three officers standing with him. He was cuffed to the chair, which meant he’d have to just sit there and take the beating I wanted to give him.

“Stop,” Colt growled. “I already got him once. And Hal needs you, Cam.”

It wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough that Colt already punched him.

David’s gaze lifted, meeting my own. My stomach twisted as he slowly smiled.

That son of a bitch.

I was seething. I was panicked. I’d gotten the call from Colt that Haley was being taken to the emergency room, and I’d felt my world turn upside down.

I should have never left her alone.

Guilt pumped through me. I hadn’t been there to protect her. Hadn’t been able to stop something terrible from happening.


I turned, spotting Sarah. She walked over to Colt and me, her eyes red from crying.

“She’s okay. She has a concussion and a couple of bruised ribs. Some bad bruises. He kicked her so hard.” Her voice was a pained whisper. She paused to take a breath, but her voice broke as she spoke. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know why he hates her so much. I can’t do this anymore.”

“You don’t have to,” Colt reassured her. “We’ll help you, Sarah. All of us will help you get away from him. And after this type of situation, it’ll be easier for you to get custody of the kids. They shouldn’t be around someone like him.”

I glanced at my friend, wary of his words. I could see the want on his face, the desire to take care of her.

There was a part of me that hated that. Even after all this time, he’d never let go of the Sarah Bently he once loved.

But how could I blame him? I’d never let go of Haley.

Sarah nodded, her expression falling. “She’s getting checkout instructions. Honey is in the room with her, but I think she’d like you there too.”

I didn’t say a word as I turned and went down the hall.

I went to the room she was in and poked my head in. Haley was sitting in a chair, Honey next to her.

Tears sprang to my eyes, and I rushed to her, falling to my knees in front of her. She grabbed my face, planting a kiss on me before I could say anything.

“Don’t let her move too much,” Honey said. “Her left side is pretty busted up. I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch.”

“Honey,” Haley rasped.

I couldn’t say I’d really heard Honey curse before, but there was a first time for everything.

I drew back gently. “Sorry. Fuck. I’m so fucking sorry I wasn’t with you. He would have never⁠—”

“He would have,” Haley said, her eyes darkening. There was a bruise on her cheek from where his boot had clipped her. Rage rolled through me. “It wouldn’t have mattered who was sitting there, Cam. He was determined to hurt me. Something’s wrong with him.”

I cupped her face gently, swallowing hard.

“You don’t happen to know of any houses for sale, do you?” Haley whispered.

“You can move in with me,” I said bluntly.

“No,” she said, letting out a soft laugh. She winced, clutching her ribs. “Fuck. That hurt. Don’t make me laugh.”

“I wasn’t trying to.”

“Trying to steal my roommate, I see,” Honey chuckled, standing up. She gave my shoulder a pat, heading for the door. “I’ll be with Sarah and Colt if they’re still waiting.”

“We’ll be there in a few, Honey,” Haley said.

She left us alone, shutting the door softly.

Haley slowly leaned back, her expression clearly one of pain.

“What can I do?” I whispered. “What can I do to help? I’ll do anything, sunshine. Anything that’ll keep me out of jail right now.”

She sighed. “He’ll get what he deserves. Right now, I need to get Sarah and the kids somewhere safe. I have enough money to buy a house. I’ll break my lease with my apartment, which, considering everything that has happened, I don’t think will be a problem.”

“Do you really think buying her a house is the answer? Sarah’s an adult,” I said.

“She is. But she needs my help. The rage he had, Cam. If he ever turned that on her or the boys… They’re my family.

“She could move in with Honey. You could move in with me.”

She raised a brow. “You really want me moving in, huh?”

“Yes,” I whispered. “I want you to stay. I want you to be with me. I want to build a life with you, whatever that means for us. But you know what? Even if you left tomorrow, I’d pack up my bags and go with you, Hal.”

“You want me,” she murmured.

“I want want you, sunshine.”

She grinned. And it was the brightest smile, despite the hell she was living through right now.

A knock on the door interrupted us.

“Come in,” Haley called.

It opened, a nurse poking her head in. “We’re ready to get you checked out, Haley, if you’re ready. You must be Cam.”

“Yes, ma’am, that’s me,” I answered.

“I talked about you,” Haley admitted. “I might have put you down as the one helping care for me…”

“Which was the right thing to do,” I said proudly, standing. “You’re not leaving my sight, sunshine.”

The nurse got us checked out, giving me a packet of instructions on how to care for Haley. Ultimately, nothing was broken, but we’d be icing her side and giving her medicine to numb the pain for at least a week.

By the time we stepped outside of the hospital, my temper was boiling again. I hated David. Hated him so much that I wished he’d just disappear.

“I’m going to take Sarah, and we’re going to go get the kids,” Honey said. “They’re gonna be staying at my house until we get everything figured out.”

I nodded, giving her shoulder a soft squeeze. “Let me know if you need anything, Honey. We’re going to go back to my place. I know that Hunter has some houses for sale in Citrus Cove, so I will get everything figured out.”

“You better take good care of my girl, Cam,” Honey said, her voice mildly threatening. It was the tone of a Southern grandmother, a politeness that carried an undercurrent of violence.

We said our goodbyes to everyone, and I promised Colt that we would reconvene later. I wanted to get Haley home and in my bed, away from everything else that was happening. I walked her out to my truck, and before she could protest, I gently lifted her and put her in the passenger seat.

“Thanks,” she whispered, kissing my cheek as I buckled her in.

I paused, turning my head and kissing her deeply. I needed to taste her, needed to feel her.

I needed to know that she was safe.

I savored the moment, my touch as gentle as possible. Finally, I drew back and shut her door.

I went around to the driver’s side and happened to look up right as David walked out of the hospital. Alexa and Bud followed him, but he was no longer in cuffs. Bud glanced up at me and winced.

“Cam,” Haley warned.Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

But I was already moving. I crossed over to them.

“Harlow,” Alexa said, holding up her hand. “We got this.”

“Really? Why isn’t he in cuffs?”

“Haley didn’t press charges,” Bud explained, his gaze flickering over to the truck. His bushy brows drew together. “Per Sarah’s request.“

I was about to see red. My gaze met David’s, and he smirked, his lips tugging just enough.

“You motherfucker,” I whispered.

“Back off, Cameron,” Alexa said. “Now.”

I looked at her, and if I hadn’t seen how pissed she was too, I would have tackled David.

“It’s because she knows she got what she deserved,” David said.

“That’s fucking enough,” Alexa snarled. Before I could lunge for David, she grabbed my shirt and pushed me back, surprising me with her strength, given she was half my size. “Get your girl home, Cam.”

“This isn’t over,” I whispered.

David only smiled.

I had to take a breath and walk away. I marched back to the truck, fuming.

I got in, cranked the engine on, and peeled out of the parking lot.

Haley was silent on the drive back to my house. When we hit the gravel road, I slowed significantly, trying to dodge any bumps that would jar her. I was pissed, so fucking pissed.

I finally pulled to a stop and looked over at her, trying to understand why she didn’t press charges. “Why?” I whispered.

“Because I’m hoping that he’ll just leave us alone.”

I didn’t understand that. If she pressed charges, then we would’ve been able to do a restraining order. But now, this wouldn’t even go on his record. At least we lived in a small town where no one would forget what happened. But I was furious that he had simply just been able to walk away today.

“Listen,” Haley said. “I know that you’re pissed. And I know that you’re probably feeling guilty. But he would’ve attacked me today regardless of who was there with me. He had this look in his eyes, Cam. He hates me so much. And I can’t help but wonder if that’s why Sarah hasn’t been able to talk to me. I just don’t know what I did. I haven’t been around. I haven’t done anything to him. Hell, I barely even remember him from high school.

“He’s a son of a bitch. And Sarah should’ve never married him,” I growled.

Haley nodded, reaching over and grabbing my hand. “I agree with you. I really do. But after everything that has happened the last few weeks, I’m just trying to do my best to keep things from blowing up even more.”

I leaned back against the headrest and sighed.

If something worse were to have happened to her today, I never would have forgiven myself. And David would be in an early grave. There was a part of me that still wanted to go find him, track him down, and beat the shit out of him.

It wouldn’t have been the first time we’d gone rounds together.

But I understood what Haley was saying. And I wouldn’t do anything that would make things worse for her.

“Tomorrow, we will get everything straightened out with Sarah. I’ll send Hunter a text and ask him to look into housing. But for the time being, I think that you should move in with me. My house is big enough for both of us, and if you didn’t want to share a bed with me, you could even have the spare room.”

“Oh, I think I like the idea of sharing a bed with you, Cam,” Haley teased. “Are you sure… that’s what you want?”

“More than anything. I know it’s just temporary.” Fuck, I didn’t want it to be. I almost said so. I almost told her I wanted her to move in forever. Instead, I took a deep breath and continued. “For now, I think it’s the best thing. You’ll be with me until things settle down and you go back to Baltimore.”

She hesitated for a moment. My stomach twisted, but then I looked over at her and saw a little smile.

“Fine,” she said, finally looking at me. “You’ve won me over, Cameron Harlow. I’ll move in with you.”

My heart skipped a beat, excitement swelling through me despite how today had gone. “Really?” I asked.

“Yes,” Haley whispered. “I’ll move in.”

I grinned like an idiot, unable to stop myself. All I could do now was hope that one day it would be permanent.

“Excellent,” I said. “I’m going to carry you inside the house, get you in my bed, and treat you like the goddamn princess that you are.”

She chuckled at me as I got out of my truck, glancing at the storm that was starting to roll in. We were finally about to get that rain we’d all been hoping for.

Perfect. We’d get settled, watch a show, and listen to the rain.

I went around to her side and then opened her door. Haley looped her arms around my neck, holding on to me as I lifted her out of the truck. I managed to grab her bag with everything we needed inside of it, and then I carried her to the front porch.

“You’d be a good dad,” Haley murmured.

My brows raised as I balanced holding on to her while fishing my keys out of my pocket.

“What makes you say that, sunshine?”

“The fact that you’ve managed to hold me like a princess, grab my bag, and still open the door without any help,” she laughed.

She pressed her face against the crook in my neck as I opened the front door, stepping into the cool air. I kicked it shut behind us, feeling myself relax.

“We’re home,” I said.

“We are,” she whispered.

“How are you feeling?”

“My body hurts, but other than that, good.”

I let out a soft hum as I carried her up the staircase, taking her to my bedroom. Our bedroom. I laid her down on the blankets, planting both hands on either side of her.

Her breath hitched, her lips close to mine. “I want you right now,” she whispered.

“There’s not a chance in hell that we can do anything right now, sunshine,” I murmured. “You’re injured.”

“I can’t do anything,” she said, her voice holding a hint of mischief. “But you can.”

“What’s the fun in that?” I asked.

“The fun is that I get to lie here and watch you come for me.”

Her words went straight to my cock. I gasped, taken aback by her words, by her assertiveness. Her eyes dance to a need, pleading for me to do as she asked.

“Is that what you want right now, princess?” I asked.

“Yes,” she whispered. “I want to lie here and watch you come for me. Since I can’t do anything.”

I let out a little whistle, leaning back. But who was I to tell her no? Especially after the day she’d had. I would do anything to please her, even if it meant stepping outside the normal role that I filled in the bedroom.

I slid off the bed, went to the corner of the room, and grabbed the chair that sat there. I picked it up and dragged it all the way over to the bedside. She raised a brow, smirking at me.

“I can’t believe you’re making me do this,” I huffed. “Do you really just want to watch me come?”

“Yes,” she whispered eagerly.

I let out a dark growl, taking a step back from her. My hands felt for my belt buckle, and I slowly unlatched it, metal clinking against metal. My eyes locked with hers, unable to leave her as I slowly slid it off and then unbuckled my jeans, dropping them to the floor.

The way she watched me made me hard. My cock throbbed, eager to be buried inside of her, but having her watch me come for her would be good enough.

“Tell me what to do, sunshine,” I whispered.

“I want you to unbutton your shirt slowly.”

I did as she asked, popping every button with purpose.

Her eyes widened as if she was discovering the power she had over me.

A power that she’d had from the moment she met me all those years ago.

“Do you like telling me what to do?”

She let out a soft, helpless moan. “Maybe.”

She did. I raised a brow. “Is this what you need right now, sunshine?”

“More than anything else.”

Then I’d give her whatever she wanted.

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