Broken Dreams Stories Read Online Free

Broken Dreams Stories 17

Shattered Girl

Chapter 17

As I hurried into the house, I could hear the guys behind me. C*a* out of sight fast. I know trying to go upstairs was out of the question; with my injuries, they would catch me before I made it off the staircase. Glancing around, I spotted a hallway off to my left, leading away from the party. I had never seen this part of the house, so I ducked into the first room I came to. I had found a sunroom facing the west side of the property, the last rays of sunlight still shining through the floor-to-telling windows. There were plants everywhere; it looked like someone had transplanted an entire flower garden into this one room. I loved it, and it would be the perfect place to stay out of sight. I moved quickly through the room, stopping when I found a sitting area next to a small fountain bubbling away. It was secluded toward the back of the room, and I would be entirely out of sight of anyone not doing a complete search of the room. I sank into a cu**ned chair, enjoying the quiet of the

I must have

fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes, I was greeted with a night sky full of t**ng stars. S**it, the guys were going to be so upset with me. I had been asleep for at least an hour, and they hadn’t found me, or they would have woken me up or at least carried me to my room. Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself to face the twins. Stepping out into the hallway, I pulled the door closed behind me and turned, running right into my mother. I stood stunned for a minute, not expecting to see her. I began to take a step back, but she grabbed me, digging her perfectly manicured claws into my arm, making me cringe away from her.

“Where have you been, you **ng onto my arm so tightly that she broke the skin with her nails. I cried out in pain, trying to p*ull away from her; when she slapped me, I cried out again, and it only seemed to encourage her because she continued to hit me. I tried one more time to pull out of her grip, but she let go of me right as I pulled away, causing me to fall to the floor, gasping and grabbing my ribs in pain. She continued to scream at me, raising her foot to kick me, I curled into a fetal position to protect myself the best I could, covering my head with my arms. The kick never came, and the hall was suddenly quiet. Risking a look, I moved my arms away from my face to see Patrick standing in front of my mother, pinning her against the hallway wall by her neck. His face was bright red with anger, his accent so thick it was almost hard to understandNôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“Listen to me, you worthless cow; if you ever lay hands on Emmy again, I will see you dead and buried where no one

one will ever find Understand?” Patrick growled, tightening his grip on my mother’s throat, Her face slowly began to change colors, and she was nodding find you. frantically. “I think it’s time you take a vacation; a month in your yacht traveling around the Caribbean would be a good start. He gave her another hard shake. Don’t worry about telling Clint. I will tell him about your plans. If he has any objections, he can join you.” He released my mother so quickly that she crumpled to the floor, gasping and clutching her throat. I suggest you get packing. My driver will be here for you in thirty minutes, and you will leave with or without your luggage.

Patricia climbed to her feet unsteadily, shooting me a vicious glare, before hurrying down the hallway out of sight. Ignoring her now that she was leaving, Patrick turned his attention to me.

Emmy, love, are you hurt bad? He knelt beside me, checking me over before helping me to a sitting position. Oh, love, I’m so sorry I didn’t find you sooner.” He brushed some hair out of my face, a look of guilt on his handsome face as he spotted the new bruises appearing on my face. Ok, love, I’m going to pick you up and bring you to the twins.” I nodded in agreement, trying to stifle my cry of pain as Patrick lifted me in his arms.

I’m sorry, love, so sorry.” He whispered to me as he cradled me close, hurrying toward the twin’s wing of the house. After carefully navigating the stairs, he opened the door to our living space and carried me through, kicking it closed behind him. The moment the tyrant saw us, they were on their feet, with looks of shock and anger crossing their faces. Josh hurried to me, carefully taking me from Patrick Once I was cuddled in his embrace, I lost it and began sobbing uncontrollably. Josh sat on the couch beside Patrick as Jake hurried int00:0 the kitchen, retuming with a first aid kit and an ice pack.

“Baby girl, what happened?” Josh asked me. I could only cry into his shoulder, so Patrick answered for me.

Her mother had her down in the sunroom hallway. She had her foot back, ready to kick Emmy, when I grabbed her by the throat and stopped her by the end of Patrick’s explanation, the twins wore matching furious expressions.

“I want to kill her,” My sweet, gentle Jake growled as he sat beside me, placing the ice pack on my ribs and kissing my forehead. Patrick finished explaining about my mother’s sudden out-of-the-country vacation.

Patrick stood, leaning down to take my hand. He told me he would be right back and needed to make a call. I nodded understanding, cuddling back into Josh as lake cleaned me up.

Chapter 17

A few minutes later, Patrick returned, a smile across his handsome face. Clint has decided to join Patricia on an extended holiday sailing around the Caribbean Islands. They will be gone for the rest of the summer.”

I gaped at Patrick. “How did you manage that? 1 asked in awe.

It’s all about knowing the right people to talk to love.” Patrick smiled at me as he joined us on the couch.

“And Patrick knows the right people, baby girl,” Josh said with a grin.

When Jake finished cleaning me up, Josh food with me still in his arms. Tuning to the guys, he told them he was going to get me settled comfortably into bed and get some pain meds into me. As Josh carried me away, I called out goodnight to Jake and Patrick; they both wished me a good night and began setting up the game council; the sounds of them talking s** to each other faded as Josh closed the door behind us. Setting me down, he helped me change into some comfortable pis and got me into bed. Once I was settled and relaxed, he got onto the bed next to me.

Baby girl, we need to talk,” Josh said sternly

Chapter Comments

Stephanie T-H

Her mom is just a wealthier version of her pos dad

Murielle “P’ti** Poisson” Honoré

How is it that her mother, who never cared about her, is as bad as her father?

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