Doctor Dwayne sighed. "Well, I did everything I could, ran series of tests but we couldn't diagnose the

real cause of IK's breakdown. I suspect it is a reaction to stress or sleeping pattern, but that shouldn't

have elicited such level of pain. You know this is a small hospital, I think you may have to take him to a

bigger hospital, preferably a government hospital, since they have several machines at their disposal."

he paused slightly as bimbo shifted in his chair. "But that may not be necessary. I'll prescribe some

drugs. If he improves after using the drugs, then you have nothing to worry about."

bimbo took a deep breath and swallowed. "How much are we looking at?"

Doctor Dwayne smiled. He had known bimbo for a while and he was one of the pastors Dwayne had

come to respect. "The drugs are all you need to pay for. I'll give you a note to give to the nurse, they'll

give you the drugs at cost price"

bimbo let out a breath as a small smile crept up his face. "Thank you, Dwayne. God bless you"


Florence opened her eyes heavily, feeling extreme fatigue like she had been grinding pepper

throughout the night. She blinked severally and suddenly jerked out of bed as something flashed

through her mind. "IK" she murmured as she rushed to the bathroom to wash sleep off her face. They

had arrived home really late the previous night, it had taken some time for IK to wake up at the hospital

and he had fallen right back to sleep when they got home. bimbo had carried the sleeping children from

their neighbor's place into their beds, and after much prodding, bimbo had been able to lull her to


Florence pushed her legs into the first pair of slippers she sighted - her husband's - and quickly exited

the room. It was just the crack of dawn. The night's darkness was yet to lift off the earth. Florence

picked the lantern at the passage and turned it up, till the orange glow spread out opIKally.

Noiselessly, she opened the door her son's room and sighted him on the bed sleeping peacefully. For a

moment, his lifeless form flashed through her mind, causing her heart to skip wildly. Taking a deep

breath, she walked towards his bed and heaved a sigh when she saw the steady rise and fall of IK's


Florence sat at the edge of the bed for God knows how long, deriving pleasure in watching her son

sleep. He looked so innocent and peaceful. She couldn't imagine life without him - without any of her

kids. Florence ran her fingers gently through IK's hair and bent fractionally to kiss the top of his head. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Be okay for me, IK" she whispered. "Be okay for mummy"

Florence felt eyes on her and turned to see bimbo watching her carefully from the entrance. She was

surprised to find the room bright, she didn't know she had stayed so long there.

She stood up. "Good morning"

bimbo walked into the room slowly. His eyes rested on IK as he put his hand slightly against his neck to

feel his temperature. Satisfied, he drew to his full height and peered at Florence. "You've been crying


She shook her head.

He cupped her cheek, tracing a wet line with his finger. Florence swallowed, she had no idea that she

had tears on her face. She bit her lip nervously, looking at her husband's shirtless chest.

bimbo tugged her lips free of her teeth and leaned in, kissing her gently. For a moment, Florence forgot

everything as she leaned into bimbo, allowing her hands and mouth drive away her fears. As bimbo's

kisses grew deeper, Florence suddenly imagined her children walking in on this sight and nearly broke

into laughter. It is not everyday you find a pastor kissing his wife so passionately; what a spectacle

they'd make.

bimbo pulled back. "It's a relief to finally see you smiling"

Florence blinked. "There hasn't been much to smile about lately" she ran the tips of her fingers over his

chest. "What... did the doctor say yesterday?" she hadn't had the boldness to ask last night, partly

because she was scared of what the response would be.

bimbo was silent for a while. "We may have to... take IK to general hospital for a checkup"

Florence stared.

"Mummy?" Florence spun like a top at the sound of IK's voice. His eyes were open, peering at his

parents with a blank look.

Florence was at his side in an instant, sitting beside him on the bed. "IK my son, how are you? Bawo

ni? How do you feel now?"

"Sorry mummy" he murmured as his eyes sobered up. He looked at his dad. "Sorry daddy"

Florence and bimbo glanced at each other in confusion. "Sorry for what, IK?" bimbo asked.

"For... making you worry so much yesterday"

Florence released the breath she was holding and kissed the top of IK's head. "You have nothing to be

sorry for, IK. How do you feel now?"

"Do you still feel pain with in your chest?" bimbo added.

IK lowered his eyes. "A little" he said. "I just feel a little tired. It would go soon"

Florence nodded grimly.


Days passed. Each day adding it's own measure of worry. IK seemed to grow weaker by the day.

Florence and bimbo grew more restless. Dark circles formed under their eyes as they barely slept at

night; they were either praying or checking up on IK repeatedly. IK's siblings were always by his side

and Selena's eyes were eagle sharp, looking out for even the slightest change. Happy times dropped,

worry sheated their faces. The days became dark, the nights grew darker...

Four days later, Florence and bimbo Onaje took IK to the General Hospital for a checkup. After series

of tests, they were asked to come back in two days for the result. bimbo had always preached on faith,

preached against fear and anxiety, but now, as they walked into the General hospital, bimbo was at his

rope's end. He felt like an overstretched rubber band, ready to snap.

bimbo walked into the overcrowded waiting hall of the General hospital, holding IK's left hand firmly

while Florence held IK's right hand. They approached the nurses at the reception. "Good afternoon. We

need to see doctor Johnson, we have an appointment for today" he said, pushing their hospital card


The nurses barely spared them a glance. "You have to wait like everyone else. We would call you when

it is your turn" one of the nurses answered drily.

Florence shook her head as they turned away from the nurses. They quickly spotted an empty bench

and went for it before it was taken over by someone else. Different people with unknown illnesses

roamed around and the unsmiling nurses seemed to care less whether the people lived or died. They

screamed at whoever tried to disturb their peace, preferring to chat freely amongst themselves rather

than do their jobs.

IK leaned his head against Florence's shoulder and she turned instantly. She put the back of her palm

against his neck and her eyes nearly popped in alarm. IK's temperature had risen drastically and his

skin was painfully pale. "IK" she called sharply. "IK? Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

IK shook. "I'm feeling cold"

Florence moved his head onto her lap as bimbo shrugged out of his jacket and covered IK with it.

bimbo jumped to his feet and headed straight for the counter where the nurses sat, chatting freely

amongst themselves.

"Nurse" bimbo called. "Please,

we need to see Doctor Johnson now, my son is very ill"

A gum chewing nurse looked at him blankly. "Everyone here is very ill" she returned.

"I know but my son needs immediate attention" he almost yelled.

"Listen young man, if you cannot wait for your turn, I'll ask security to throw you out of here and-"


bimbo turned and sighed gratefully immediately he saw Doctor Johnson.

"Follow me" Doctor Johnson said, looking at him.

bimbo rushed off to where Florence was and lifted IK in his arms. Florence matched the strides of her

husband, not letting go of IK's hand for a second.

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