Camp Closeted

Chapter 35: Death Drop

Chapter 35: Death Drop

The sharp sting against my cheek quickly made my eyes widen as I couldn't help but whimper at the

incredibly painful feeling I was experiencing.

"It's okay honey, just relax, you're in the nurses office now and I'm just treating your wounds okay?" An

old woman dressed in scrubs warmly talked to me as my eyes looked behind her. "Thank god Tristan

and his friends helped bring you in here. What Logan did to you was horrible."

I hissed at the pain as Tristan's blue cat like eyes stared at me. "We called your boyfriend to come here

by the way." His soft charming voice spoke. "I'm sure he's very worried about what happened to you."

He smirked.

My voice was audibly raspy and broken as I responded, trying my best not to cry from the pain. "Jesse

is not my boyfriend. Also, didn't you want me to stay away from him?"

Tristan's face remained blank as he replied. "It doesn't even matter anymore. The only reason I told

you to stay from him anyway is because I didn't want him to do you dirty like he did with me."

I couldn't even furrow my brows down as I grew very conflicted. "W-what are you talking abou-" The

door rapidly swinging interrupted me.

"Micah!" Jesse's worried voice quickly appeared, Tristan snorting out of amusement as he stood up

and left, 2 of his friends following him out. "Holy shit, Micah what the hell happened? Who did this?" His

voice exclaimed.

"Logan." I sighed, Jesse quickly coming up to me as the nurse gave us some space alone. "I deserved

it though, I guess." I coughed.

"Deserved it? Are you fucking crazy? Micah you're so beat up! What did you even do that would even

make him wanna do this to you?" Jesse hurriedly asked.

"I got drunk at the bonfire and he said I punched him. I don't even remember." My voice was tired.

"I swear I'm going to get him back for this." He harshly spoke under his breath as his eyes shimmered

at me. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."

"Don't even worry about it. Please don't do anything to make it a bigger deal." I looked up away from

him. "It's nobody's fault. I just wanna sleep."

Silence broke out as Jesse and I just stared at each other for quite sometime. He bit his reddened lips

at me as his ocean eyes were anxiously looking down at me, strands of black hair effortlessly falling

onto his rosy cheeks.

Seeing him for some reason made me feel a little bit calmer, helping me drift off to another deep sleep.

I had to spend the weekend at the nurses office as I was thankful for Jesse being the only one to keep

me company.

I didn't even know why I had to sleep at the nurse's office because all that happened to me was get

beat up, but I didn't even care anymore.

All he did this weekend was ask me if I was feeling better and his face would always look sad when I

said I was still in pain. Me hiding my face out of insecurity also bothered him, telling me he'd always

wanna see my face no matter what.

I feel like I should be bothered at the fact that the camp counselor didn't really give any punishment to

Logan after what he did, but at the same time, I didn't care about it that much either.

After being told that I was ready to get back to the bunker and that my bruises and scars weren't as

bad anymore, I stared at myself in the mirror.

I looked like an actual mess..

My face didn't look overly swollen or anything but I did have a purple left eye as a reddened scar

peeked underneath it.

I deeply sighed, leaving the restroom, my exhausted eyes meeting Jesse's cold hopeful blue ones as

he waited for me outside.

"You okay?" His deep voice asked.

"Yea, I'm fine." I pursed my subtly painful lips as we began to walk out of the nurses office together.

An awkward silence broke out, making me want to quickly break it. "Jesse I think I wanna go back


Both of us simultaneously stopped walking as his eyes worriedly pierced through mine. "You do?"

I nodded as my face unconsciously crumpled, Jesse immediately pulling me in for a hug as I cried, the

scent of cologne making it's way into my nose as I sniffed. "I-I'm just so overwhelmed right now. So

many bad things has happened to me already and I don't think I can live here any longer."

Jesse buried my head closer into him as he began to whisper into my ear. "Micah.." He spoke low. "I'm


My breathing started to quicken. "Im f-freaking out Jesse. I'm in so much pain and I honestly just wanna

go home."

"Micah look at me." Jesse gently rose my chin up. "It's all gonna get better, I promise. I know these past NôvelDrama.Org © content.

few weeks has been so fucking messed up to you, but it will get better." He threw me a small smile to

try and comfort me.

I breathed, carefully wiping my tears away so I don't hurt my face any further. "Jesse?" I sniffed, slightly

choking up at the lump inside my throat.


"What are we?"

"Whatever you want us to be."

I took a deep breath at his response. Jesse and I had been treating each other very differently. I'm not

even sure if both of us wanted to be in a relationship but I figured it's best not to talk about it right now.

"Right." I talked small. "I'll see you later."

Before I tried to leave Jesse quickly spoke again. "Micah."


"Whether you choose to leave or not, I'll respect your decision. But just know, if you do leave, I would

really miss you." Jesse bit his lip, his voice crystal clear as if he was making sure I hear every single

word. "I know I still barely know you, but I like being around you. I like talking to you and I just like.." He

sighed, not finishing his sentence.

I observed him with warm eyes, his face conflicted as he tried to tell me how he felt. "Me too Jesse." I

nodded. "Me too."

I walked my way to the library as several thoughts ran through my mind.

Should I go back home?

Has more positive things happened to me more than negative? I honestly can't tell.

The second I arrived to the library, I felt like I was dreaming. I actually wished for a second that I was

hallucinating as I watched Cadence and Rama and some other guys surround Sascha, a cloud of

smoke leaving his mouth, making him let out a bunch of small high-pitched coughs.

I felt like passing out as my blood boiled at his innocence be taken away from him so carelessly. It was

like watching a baby get exposed to everything that's cruel in life and it made me incredibly angry.

I stomped my way towards them as they chuckled around Sascha, who's eyes quickly widened at me.

"M-Micah." His voice sounded scared and fragile.

My hand swung down the blunt, making it fall to the floor as I rapidly snatched him up off the couch,

away from the other people.

Cadence's sleepy sounding voice began to speak. "Dude what the fuck is wrong with you?" He sighed,

slowly picking the blunt back up. "That was rude."

Sascha tried to speak but my voice quickly exclaimed back. "Why would you make him smoke? Peer

pressuring people makes you a disgusting human being!"

Cadence stared at me blankly as the other guys around him remained quiet. "Disgusting human being,

huh?" He sighed, taking a hit and blowing the smoke at my direction. "If I get called a disgusting human

being for exposing Sascha to happiness, then I can only imagine what you would call the fucker that

gave that to you." He teasingly chuckled, pointing at my black eye.

Sascha looked up at me as I clenched my jaw at him. "Micah it's okay." He squeaked. "I-I was the one

who wanted to do it."

I crinkled my face at him. "Why? Sascha, drugs are bad for you!"

He muttered under his breath before speaking out again. "Im just so tired of reading books about it and

never actually knowing how it felt or looked. I wanna be able to experience things Micah." His voice

began to become softer as his eyes squinted at me. "I'm sorry about what Logan did to you."

I sighed, quickly letting go of Sascha as everyone in the room just stared at me. "I'm sorry it's just been

a long week, I know that's not an excuse for being super shitty and mean right now but I'm sorry for

lashing out."

Cadence and I met eyes. His deep green eyes glimmered at me as if it was directly speaking to me, his

right brow finally rising up as his pink tinted lips formed a small devilish smirk. "Need a hit?" He asked.

"Fuck you." I shook my head as I walked towards him, his charming smirk widening as I took the blunt

out of his hold and inhaling deeply, smoke leaving my mouth to spread around the library. "What am I

even doing?" I asked, softly coughing.

After a couple of minutes of continuous coughs and hits, my eyes began to feel heavy and droop down.

Everything around me immediately felt funnier and lighter but everything around me didn't fail to also

make me think. It was without a doubt such a weird thing to go through. Everyone laid back against the

couch as I felt my mouth start to feel dry, Cadence sitting next to me as I didn't even bother caring

about his arm swinging around me. "What's bothering you babe?" He softly asked, watching everyone

proceed to the pass the blunt around.

I ignored what he called me as I looked at him. "Just overwhelmed." I glanced at the scar that was still

healing up on his face as his body brushed against me. I felt my mind space out as my eyes drooped.

"I've never really been beat up before and I guess it just surprised me."

"It would surprise anyone." Cadence huskily replied.

"I don't know how you can be high all the time. I hate this feeling." My head unconsciously rocked side

to side as he chuckled. My tongue went over my mouth as it was incredibly dry, a light burning

sensation emitting around my eyes.

"I just use it as a distraction." Cadence answered quietly as I laid my head against his shoulder. "I don't

wanna sound like a little bitch but it just helps deal with bullshit a little easier."

Moments kept passing as I carefully began to observe everyone in the library and thought every little

thing they did was interesting for some reason. Was there a reason that person picked out that one

particular book? Like what made them wanna do that? What made them so interested in whatever the

endless knowledge the book probably had?

Cadence ran his hand through his hair as I watched him chuckle at me. "Dude you look fucking crazy."

He let out deeply towards me.

I found my self beginning to fidget with the fabric of his shirt for some reason as if this was the first time

that I ever saw the color blue. "I'm hungry." I let out, glancing at Sascha who was laughing with a bunch

of guys in a corner.

"My friend is also. Aye Romeo!" Cadence called out, pointing a finger at me. "Since both of you guys

want munchies you guys should go together." He cheered.

"Nah, I'm good." A tall guy answered, throwing me a dirty look as I couldn't help but notice him have the

same fluffy curly hair as Cadence.

Wow okay, guess I'm not the only one going through it.

"Come on dude." Cadence chuckled as Romeo started to rudely walk away.

Thinking more about food made my mouth almost drool, causing me to call out at the boy. "W-Wait!" I

almost stumbled off the couch as I started running towards him. "P-please get me food, I'll do


If I wasn't so high right now, I would've already been nose bleeding from just looking at this guy, but I

honestly just craved food and not food from the cafeteria.

"You have money on you?" He dryly answered back, clenching his sharp jaw at me in annoyance.

"N-no, but I'll pay you back." I loudly cried as I followed him out the library.

He clicked his mouth out in annoyance. "Fuck that, forget it. I'm not paying for you." He harshly began

to walk away as I quickly grabbed onto his chiseled arm like a monkey. "What the fuck! Let go! I don't

even know you!" He tried to pull away as I whimpered.

"I haven't had outside human food in such a long time, please please please!" I begged like a child, not

caring about anything. "Please feed me!" I pouted.

His cold hazel eyes glared at me as it slashed through mine. "Let go of my arm before I give you

another black eye." His voice was a lot more quieter but so much more terrifying so I quickly let go. "I'm

ordering for you." He added as I felt myself brightly smile all of a sudden.

I didn't even know who this incredibly attractive stranger was..

He could be a murderer for all I know..

Whatever, I'm too high to even care to be honest..

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