Camp Closeted

Chapter 41: Chill Worshippers

Chapter 41: Chill Worshippers

"I-I don't know." Sascha let out anxiously, his cheeks burning to a bright shade of red.

I yawned as I was beginning to get tired of watching Rama and Cadence fight over Sascha since they

both wanted him to read their books. This is so pathetic.

"Do my book! Cadence's choice is always weird." Rama's deep voice let out, his determined hands

holding onto Sascha's small ones, forcing his book into his hand.

"That doesn't matter dude. What matters is how you read it." Cadence coughed, the sweet aroma of

watermelon coming out from his vape. It was definitely a better smell than the gross smell of weed.

Sascha's doe like eyes slightly widened as he shyly bit his lip. "W-what if I just wanna continue reading

the book I'm reading now?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I couldn't believe Sascha had to stop reading for this mess.

"My book is better!" Rama's light brown eyes adorably drooped down as he whined. "Just read it!"

Sascha seemed unamused as he glanced at their books. "I don't wanna read either of your choices.

Rama your books are always picture books and I'm tired of describing it to you instead of actually

reading anything. And Cadence, I'm sorry but your books are always too mature and I don't like reading

them aloud." His voice softly ranted, pulling his hand away from Rama.

I couldn't help but quietly laugh to myself as I looked around the library. It was surprisingly very empty

today and only the 4 of us were in here.

Rama continued to beg Sascha to read his book as Cadence's sleepy eyes landed on me, clouds of

smoke forming out of his mouth. "How come you weren't at Posh's party yesterday?" He asked.

"I didn't wanna go." I responded fast, not being able to maintain eye contact with him for some reason.

"How was it anyway?"

"Lame. Even the celebrities that came couldn't save it from being so fucking boring." He huskily let out,

his gaze at me not breaking as his reddened lips wrapped around his vape pen yet again.

"That sucks." I breathed, my eyes glancing up at Sascha and Rama quickly getting up off the couch

and walking off to a bookshelf to go read some books.

I still can't believe Sascha really got both of these boys interested in reading books.

Cadence's tall masculine figure lazily walked up from his couch and slumped onto the one I was on, the

warm skin from his shoulder rubbing against mine. "So, tell me about this huge party Milan is planning."

My mouth subtly widened as I took a second to respond. "Y-you guys still talk?"

"Of course." Cadence let out an enticing smirk, his head quickly turning towards me, causing some

dirty blonde strands of curly hair to fall onto his dilated eyes. "Why wouldn't we?"

"I-I don't know." I slightly shrugged, looking away from him. "I just figured that you guys wouldn't be

talking anymore, especially after that huge fight between him and Posh at the cafeteria."

"That fight is between Posh and Milan." Cadence's tone became deeper and a lot huskier as he looked

down. "I have no business in that."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but why are you even friends with Posh?" I couldn't help but sound so

desperate for an answer as he didn't bother looking back at me.

"What do you mean?"

I spoke again, this time a lot faster. "What I mean is, don't you see how terrible he is towards his

friends? I mean he treats Milan and Dallas like complete shit."

He shrugged, beginning to respond. "They don't matter. I'm the only one that he's ever truly been

vulnerable to and I respect that. If Posh wants to treat people like shit, that's on him."

"You have never thought about him treating you like shit next?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"He can't." He deeply inhaled and exhaled, a cloud of smoke leaving his mouth. "We've known each

other for too long for him to do that to me. He knows that I know too much about him to the point where

I can ruin everything that he has without any real effort."

I remained quiet as thoughts ran through my head. Could it be that Cadence is really the only person

Posh trusts and is willing to treat like an actual friend? Or maybe Posh is only nice to him because he

knows his secrets?

Cadence's voice quickly cut off my thoughts. "So about Milan's party, you guys need weed?" He smiled

as our eyes met.

"I wouldn't personally want it but you can ask Milan. It's his party and his suite after all." I softly spoke,

Sascha and Rama returning with a new book.

Everything all of a sudden became quiet as the door for the library rapidly swung open. "Oh shit, what's

up dude!" Cadence waved at Romeo as he held hands with another girl.

"Hey." Romeo threw him a nod as they did some weird handshake, his other hand pulling the girl closer

to him.

I didn't really have a reaction as Romeo greeted everyone on the couch except for me, my eyes not

helping but to carefully examine the girl that he held so closely.

Romeo's sharp jaw clenched before speaking out. "This is my girlfriend, Ivy." He stared at her so dryly

as Cadence, Rama, and Sascha all greeted her.

I don't think she liked me much because I was the only one she didn't greet. Romeo probably made up

a lie about me or something.

"What's up guys?" She waved, her extremely glossy lip forming a small smile as she flipped one side of

her long blonde hair back. "Can I?" She gestured towards the vape pen as Cadence didn't even seem

bothered by this.

"Go ahead babe." Cadence smirked, handing the vape pen towards her.

Romeo ignored the name Cadence just called his girlfriend and quickly spoke out. "Is Ashton here?"

Cadence slowly licked his reddened lips, still responding to Romeo but not leaving his infatuated gaze

from Ivy. "That British guy?"

"Yea." Romeo quickly nodded.

Cadence slowly shook his head. "Nope. He's probably coming later." His forest shaded eyes widened

at Ivy. "Holy shit, babe your mouth can hold in a lot." He excitedly bit his lip, watching Ivy take forever to

take the vape pen out of her mouth.

Ivy expertly inhaled as her greenish blue eyes pierced towards Romeo's hazel ones, then exhaling,

causing a large cloud of smoke to surround Romeo's face. "You should take a hit. Maybe it'll help with

your resting bitch face." She teased, then loudly giggling.

Romeo's face stayed expressionless but it was obvious a large ball of anger was forming inside him. "I

don't smoke." His voice spoke out.

"Hm." She carelessly shrugged as her eyes momentarily looked at mine. "So what you guys up to?"

Cadence took his vape pen back as he yawned. "Just reading books like a bunch of fucking nerds,

what about you guys?"

"We just got back from driving around the Dakenwood forest." Ivy glanced at Romeo. "The trees creep

me the fuck out." She spoke, my emotions still mixed up about her.

Ivy and Romeo sat together on another couch as she sat on his lap, laughing about something I

couldn't really hear. Ivy spoke again, looking at our direction. "Hey!" She waved at Sascha. "Sorry to

sound weird but can I just tell you that you're like one of those girls that just make me so fucking

insecure. You're one of those naturally pretty girls while I'm here caking my face up and walking around

with 30 coats of mascara on each eye." She laughed loudly.

Cadence snorted as he just remained quiet, Rama's mouth dropping at Sascha.

How awkward..

"U-um." Sascha's cheeks burned as I turned towards him. "Thanks, but I-I'm not a girl." He softly

spoke, almost inaudible.

Ivy's mouth loosened in shock as she looked completely dumbfounded. "Holy shit." She quickly

glanced at Romeo. "I'm sorry." She glanced back at Sascha.

"I-It's fine." Sascha anxiously laughed as he tucked strands of his rich brown hair behind his ear,

looking back down at his book to continue reading to Rama.

Ivy without a doubt radiated amazing confidence and I believe she had the right too. She was

undeniably gorgeous and her personality seemed very bubbly.

She was wearing a small pink skirt that was incredibly short. Her tight shirt was white and had outlines

of pink on the neck line and on its fitted sleeves. The shirt also exposed the lower half of her flat

stomach and it complimented her outfit only further as I glanced down at her black boots.

She reminds me of one of those really pretty barbie dolls I used to always want but couldn't get

because society has told boys that playing with dolls is apparently very wrong.

"It's kinda weird that this camp only has guys in it. But then again, it is a bible camp anyway so it's

whatever." Ivy genuinely had on a curious facial expression as the room rapidly fell silent to what she

just said, all eyes sharply piercing towards Romeo.

Oh my god..

No pun intended...

Romeo literally lied to her....

My mouth was unconsciously dropped as I had to look away. Cadence broke the silence with the

loudest chuckle ever. "Oh man, that's so fucked." He blurted out, hastily inhaling into his vape pen.

Ivy threw him a weirded out look as she continued to go on. "I was worried that everyone here was

gonna be super religiously strict or whatever, but you guys seem so chill. The world needs more chill

worshippers, so hallelujah mothafuckas!" She cheered as I wanted to bury myself underneath the


Sascha and Rama were both still in shock and tried to cover it up with just looking back down on their

book. Cadence was focusing on his vape pen and I was really the only one who didn't have anything to

mask my shock with.

Romeo can't lead her on her like this just because he isn't ready to fully process his true self yet. This is


This is wrong in so many levels.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

This is a girl with her own mind, heart, and feelings, all developing further for someone that has lied to

her from the very beginning and it was like my heart was breaking for her.

I felt my breathing pattern slowly grow faster as so many thoughts all of a sudden ran through my head.

My visions slightly blurred as a voice quickly cut me off of my deep thoughts. "Um, that boy's nose is

bleeding." Ivy anxiously laughed as I quickly shook my head.

I rapidly zoomed out of the library as I brought my sleeve against my nose, not even knowing what to

think anymore.

Romeo has to be stopped..

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