Camp Closeted

Chapter 51: Time will Tell

Chapter 51: Time will Tell

Romeo and I just stared at each other as he was probably carefully processing my question. I too was

processing it because holy shit it sounded really desperate.

"I-I'm sorry, that sounded really weird." I blinked my eyes a couple of times as he remained quiet. "I

didn't mean it to sound like I was asking to kiss you, it was just a question."

"Yea, well I do." He blurted out, quickly making me quiet.

"What?" I awkwardly murmured.

"I want to try it." He casually replied as blood rapidly flowed through my body, especially my cheeks as I

couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Y-you do?" I breathed out.

"I mean, we might as well." He shrugged, his face fully turned towards me now. "You've kissed other

guys before right?"

"Y-yea." I let out anxiously, not sure if that was a good thing or not. "I guess."

"Okay then, just kiss me like how you would kiss them." Romeo licked over his pink lips as I felt myself

stop breathing. "Kiss me." His deep voice commanded quietly.

"Are you serious?" I swallowed, feeling my head unconsciously tilt at him as looking at him made me

appreciate how gorgeously handsome he is and it made me feel numb.

All of a sudden, Romeo just smiled. "Ew no, you're gross, obviously not. I'm pretty sure I would rather

kiss a dog." I then just breathed deeply as I watched him begin to start the car engine.

His response slightly stung me as a wave of adrenaline quickly ran through my veins. Fuck this

asshole. Whether he likes it or not, he needs confirmation.

"Romeo." I tiredly blurted out his name, catching his attention back, making him stop himself from

starting the car.

The second his face turned back towards me was the second my face met his, my cold lips crashing

against his warm ones.

I didn't get to taste him since I knew this kiss wasn't gonna last long but his lips were incredibly soft, our

teeth subtly hitting against each other.

I was now kissing Romeo.

It wasn't at all a comfortable kiss, but it was still a kiss. A kiss that I surprisingly wanted to make the first

move in as a huge fuck you to what he just said.

Feeling his shocked aura suddenly radiate around me made me feel so happy in the most electrifying

way possible.

I quickly broke away from him as I sat back against my seat, his flushed face completely shocked from

what just happened.

Before letting him process it and making him punch me or something, I immediately swung open the

car door and threw myself out back to the rain.

The second I aggressively closed the car door, butterflies rapidly roamed around me. I just kissed

Romeo! Whether he liked it or not, it doesn't even matter!

Holy shit!

Surprisingly enough, I was gladly walking under the rain now, even throwing my head up to make my

face meet more incoming rain drops.

I honestly didn't care if Romeo now hates me for doing what I just did. It's not like I'm ever passing by

Cabin B and the library again anyway. I was just so shocked at myself since that was the first move I've

ever made on someone.

I'm just so used to being the one returning the kiss that I completely missed out on the thrill on being

the one to kiss first.

Oh god, he probably hated it so much that knowing that is only making me love it more. I just fucking

kissed Romeo all on my own and had enough time to escape and not get murdered!

I noticed that I was widely grinning to myself now as the sound of running began to emit behind me.


Oh well, I'm not even gonna try and run because I know I won't be able to outrun his fury. I just closed

my eyes as I felt the rain soak my body again, the sound of running quickly getting closer as I felt like a

murderer was coming after me.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Romeo exclaimed behind me, his arm snapping my body

to face him as I awaited my death.

All of a sudden, time completely stopped as I couldn't do anything now. It was already too late. I was

frozen as Romeo's arms tightly held onto me.

"G-get away from me!" I quickly winced as I forcefully pushed him away. "Fuck you!"

Romeo forcefully pushed me back. "Fuck you too!" His voice was now raspy.

"Fuck you more!" I childishly exclaimed, smacking his face away the second he tried to get any closer

towards me.

Romeo's eyes widened at me the second his cheek began to redden from my hand. "You bitch!" He Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

screamed, rapidly tackling me down the cold wet ground, our bodies causing a large splash. "How

could you just kiss me like that and leave without saying anything!"

I let out noises out of discomfort as I tried to get him off of me, one of his hands quickly meeting against

my throat.

All of a sudden, we just stared at each other, both of us breathing heavily as Romeo's body was now

completely on me. "S-stop!" My voice raised out as his weight continued to hold me down to the


Romeo's cheeks were reddened as tears began to stream down his cheeks. I know why he's mad. I

know exactly why he's so mad. Romeo is only just beginning to process that it's okay to be himself and

is taking it slow. I can tell he's taking it slow because he took back in wanting to kiss me and hid back

behind his usually rude, careless, facade.

Me not caring about this and just kissing him completely stripped away his ability to take his self

acceptance slow. Being kissed by another guy was like a rejection to his slow self acceptance and was

more like a forceful wake up call to just accept yourself now.

I know this. I know this feeling. I know this too well because it's happened to me. That was exactly what

Brandon did to me and now I'm here doing it to whole another person.

Honestly, I didn't know how to feel about it.

I blinked a couple of times as I felt his slippery grip on me tighten. "You're mad because you liked it and

I just left without caring, right?" I asked loudly, my vision slightly blurred from the rain.

Romeo continued to cry as he roughly sniffed, the rain only pouring out harder now. "Why did you do

that to me!" He let out angrily, his face completely red as his grip around my throat tightened.

"To make you stop being so in denial!" I screamed out, giving up on struggling as I just fully laid back

onto the ground now.

He all of sudden got up off of me with a flustered facial expression as his eyes didn't leave mine, his

breathing loudly audible.

The second I weakly got back up, Romeo's face just softened at me, both of us intently watching each

other with burning emotions. "Fuck you." He let out with a tone of exhaustion. "I'm not in denial."

The second I stood up again, I just couldn't help but smile at him as if nicotine rushed through me. My

euphoric smile visibly caught him off guard as we just continued to stand up with slightly crooked

posture. "You so are." I sighed.

"No I'm not!" He loudly screamed, his fists tightly clenching at me.

"Prove it." I challenged, gazing intently at him.

With rapid pace, his strong muscular arms forcefully wrapped around me, making our soaked waists

crash against each other and our mouths desperately meet once again. But this time, better.

Processing our kiss quickly made me pull his defined jaw closer into me, making our kiss become

deeper and a lot more impactful.

My brain started to melt as he tasted like warm chocolate, rain, and pure satisfaction..

Our kiss gradually grew more aggressive as our hands were almost gnawing against each other's cold

skin, only to make it rub closer.

Even through the cold rain, Romeo still managed to completely heat up my body, my heart feeling like it

was about to burst from the amount of emotions I was feeling all at once.

Every time Romeo's lips would dance against mine it was like everything he held in or tried to change

was now being poured into me, letting it all go and freeing it all.

No more worrying about acting straight, no more worrying about what his hateful dad thinks, no more

worrying about changing, no more worrying about bullshit.

He was kissing me like a liberated person.

Romeo was kissing me, as himself.

After what felt like an infinity of our lips together, we finally broke away from each other with increased

breathing and a lot more heated skin.

Both of our hands tightly held onto the back of each other's heads, making our foreheads touch as we

were both out of breath, our eyes fighting for dominance.

Romeo's cheeks were a bright shade of red as his skin looked a lot more radiant and dewy now, his

golden curls completely wet and a lot more messier in the most attractive way possible.

Romeo's deepened tone that was drowned in a pool of lust quickly groaned out as he sensually

sucked on my bottom lip. "God fucking damnit Micah." He slightly shook his head, not even planning on

breaking the closeness of our faces away from each other. "You were right. You were right all along."

After hearing what he just said, I just started to quietly laugh, the volume progressively getting louder

as I threw my head up to make my face meet more rain. "It's about time you own up to it." He joined in

with my weak laughter. "You still would rather kiss a dog than me?" I teased.

"Shut up." Romeo devilishly smirked, then forcefully meeting his lips with mine again with a deep moan,

the rain failing to calm down the intense heat our bodies had created.

If someone told me that I'd be feeling Romeo's wet chiseled body this close against mine while we

furiously make out underneath the rain, I'd probably just laugh directly at their face.

But here we are, doing exactly that..

I loudly walked into the cabin with heavy breaths and a soaked body, all conversations quickly stopping

and various eyes landing on me.

I had on the biggest smile ever as everyone in the cabin probably thought I just murdered someone.

"Holy shit, Micah, you look like a damn mess." Benny anxiously spoke out. "You good?" He began to

slowly walk towards me but not to close in fear of getting himself wet.

"I'm great." I breathed out with a grin, proceeding to slowly slide off my shirt that was sticking so closely

against my skin.

"For someone who looks like a wet hobo you sure as hell look too happy." Benny threw me a curiously

suspicious smile. "Stay there, let me go get you some towels."

Some guys couldn't help but make their curious eyes examine my wet shirtless body as I surprisingly

didn't care at all. It was like I was injected by some type of serum that just made me feel so calm and

happy to the point where I couldn't care about anything else right now.

As Benny came back into view with a bunch of folded towels, I finally spoke out. "Where's Jesse?"

"Went to the gym with Keanu. He said if you come home early he wanted me to tell you how much his

thirsty ass wanted to lick you or some creepy shit like that." Benny shrugged, throwing a towel at me. "I

also called Vice back by the way."

"What did he say?" I asked, rubbing the towel through my brown shaggy hair, then against my

shoulders, against my back, down to my arms, then further down my abs as Benny visibly tried not to


"Well, I have an interview to be one of his stylists for his clothing line in 2 days!" He quietly cheered.

"Keanu is gonna drive me and I'm scared as hell."

"Watch, I'm pretty sure you're gonna get it. Your personality is huge so just be yourself." I began to feel

dry again as I walked over my bed to grab clothes I can change into.

Benny just yawned as he followed my wet foot trail on the floor. "I don't know, shit could still go down.

What if Vice doesn't like people with huge personalities?"

"Trust me, he will." I winked, catching Benny off guard as he tensed back.

"Why you acting so weird today?" He threw me a curious look as I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

"I'm just really happy I guess." I replied with a small smile, the clothes I'm changing into held tightly with

my hands. "I'm gonna tell you why right now, just let me change."

"You go do that." Benny threw me another suspicious look as I just couldn't help but laugh, walking my

half naked self towards the restroom to change.

The second I left the restroom with new clothes and a towel over my neck, Jesse and Keanu's eyes

glanced at me. "Oh my god." Jesse breathed out as I lightly bit my lip at his view, watching him begin to

walk towards me. "Finally your back!" He exclaimed.

I playfully rolled my eyes once Jesse wrapped his arms around my waist, his lips meeting my cheeks a

bunch of times, making me laugh. "It's raining and you guys went to the gym?" I asked as if they were

crazy, my eyes scanning over Jesse's tall masculine features as his skin was slightly glowing from


Keanu just chuckled as Jesse spoke out again. "Lifting is life dude." He teased, biting his lip as his eyes

were looking up and down at me.

Benny loudly spoke out once we got closer to his bed. "Listen, I know y'all just got back from the gym,

but I could really use some dinner right about now." He announced, crinkling his lips at us.

"Under one condition." Jesse coughed, all eyes going on him. "We'll all go eat dinner together, only if

it's gonna be counted as an official double date."

My eyes subtly widened as my breath hitched, Benny doing the exact same as we glanced at each


Keanu didn't speak out as his cheeks just adorably reddened to the side, Jesse's smirk widening at us.

"Oh y'all are sneaky!" Benny tried not to sound excited, pointing a finger sharply at them. "You know

what? Whatever, I'm hungry, let's go."

"I'm down to go too." I warmly simpered.

"Fuck yea!" Jesse cheered, gesturing Keanu to walk to the showers. "Alright then, we're gonna go take

a shower and then go." He smiled brightly.

Once we were left by ourselves, Benny and I just quickly looked at each other. "Holy shit." Benny

breathed out.

"Holy shit indeed." I sat next to him.

"So do you think Keanu actually likes me?" Benny quietly asked.

"He was blushing so hard, it's pretty obvious he does." I warmly smiled, making Benny dramatically

sigh as if he was about to pass out. "You guys are gonna have your first date! Aren't you excited?"

"I am, but I'm not. I'm not ready to be in a relationship but I am, you know what I mean?" Benny whined

as I immediately nodded to agree, staying quiet. "So before you forget to tell me, what made you so

happy today?"

I took a deep breath. "I got courage out of nowhere and did something I never thought I'd do." My

cheeks began to burn as my finger gently brushed against my lips. "That boy Romeo and I, we kissed."

I anxiously let out.

Benny stared at me with narrowed eyes, his neck snapping back. "Hoe what?"

I just breathed once again. "He wasn't sure if he was really gay or not so I just pushed him a little bit,

and kissed him. He was frustrated at first, but only because he liked it. Next thing you know, we were

kissing again. At this point, he can't even deny that he's gay anymore."

"Oh you a hoe!" Benny snorted as a hand slightly hovered over his mouth.

"I wouldn't exactly think I am because it's not like I was being easy. All I wanted to do was help him

out." I explained, his attention being tightly held by me. "Whether or not that was the wrong thing to do,

it definitely helped him."

"So hold up." Benny shook his head blinking, fixing his posture on his bed. "I'm so confused. Did that

kiss with Romeo mean anything?"

"Yea." I nodded. "It meant a lot of things. But I honestly don't think Romeo likes me in a way I like him. I

think he just kissed me back as a way to help him realize that's it's okay to be himself."

Benny just sighed. "Look Micah, it sounds like your ass is honestly just really thirsty." My mouth slightly

dropped. "I feel like you're that type of person to hide how much you actually like being a hoe."

I blinked as I didn't know how to take what Benny just said. "What do you mean? I didn't kiss him to be

a hoe, I kissed him to just somewhat help him realize whether or not he's gay."

Benny quickly spoke again. "Look, what I mean is even though you kissed him with the intentions of

trying to be helpful, you still kissed him because you wanted to." He shrugged, noticing my troubled

facial expression. "Micah let's not be dumb. You're introverted self is slowly becoming an extrovert and

that's fine. What you won't do though is deny the fact that if Romeo, Tristan, and Jesse all came up to

you right now, wanting to make out, you wouldn't say no."

My face immediately froze up as I came up to another realization. "Are you saying I'm a fuck boy?" I

anxiously laughed as Benny began to laugh.

"I-uh, a temporary one." Benny began to laugh louder. "You're just going around testing the waters and

seeing which type of guys you're into and that's fine. Just be more real about it." He casually shrugged.

"Oh well, I don't even think I have that much time to test anymore waters because I like Jesse. I can't

deny it anymore because I'd only be lying to myself." I bit my lip. "After this date, he'll probably be my

first ever boyfriend and I'm happy with that." I warmly smiled.

"Micah." Benny just deeply breathed. "Do you like Tristan?"

My jaws clenched before answering. "I mean, yea, a little bit."

"How about Romeo?" He quickly asked again.

As much as I wanted to say a long response, I just didn't. "Yea."

"Do you wanna be with them as much as you wanna be with Jesse?" He kept questioning.

"If I have time t-to get to know them as much as I know Jesse, then yea, probably." I licked over my


"Then time will tell Micah. Time will tell." Benny just nodded, the sound of thunder emitting itself from a

distance. "The galaxy has a weird way of telling us shit. All you can do now is just wait."

All of a sudden, the voice of a man quickly entered the cabin. He was dressed in full uniform and had

on a name tag. "Hey boys! Just wanna let you guys know we'll be closing off all the gates around the

camp because of the hard rain and thunder tonight! The west gate which is nearby you boys got

blocked off by a huge tree. It was probably struck down by lightning and fell. We'll make sure to take

care of it as soon as possible!" He saluted. "Make sure not to go anywhere outside the camping

grounds boys! Have a safe night!" He then walked away, his large boots slightly echoing.

"There you go." Benny nodded.

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