Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 471: Mrs.Sullivan

Chapter 471: Mrs.Sullivan 

Victor’s gaze shifted to Joey after hearing that.

Meanwhile, Rachel’s gaze lingered on Victor’s brow, as if she were attempting to decode his thoughts.

Carson claimed that Victor lost his memories and could only recall her, implying that he had forgotten about Joey.She thought it was odd and couldn’t believe that Victor had completely lost his memories.She searched for evidence that Victor was lying, but she came up empty-handed.She watched him closely to see how he would react as Joey called him Daddy.

Joey likewise stared at him uneasily, but Victor gave him barely a minute of his attention before looking away.

"Okay, you make the call," he said, looking back at Rachel.

He was disinterested in Joey.

Rachel was a bit stunned and reflexively glanced at Joey.

She saw Joey’s frown and pursed lips as she looked at him.It dawned on him that maybe he was speaking too softly, so he lifted his voice and yelled out again.


Victor re-examined him and inquired with a grimace, "Who are you?"

Joey was baffled by these three words, What was he trying to say? There were a number of things running through Joey’s head in a matter of seconds.

Could Victor be pretending to be unaware of his identity? Why would that be the case? Was it motivated by a reluctance to accept him as his son? Joey’s eyes clouded as he contemplated this.

Rachel, of course, knew exactly what was going through Joey’s head.

She approached him, put a hand on his shoulder, and called him softly, "Joe…", Because of Victor, she couldn’t talk about it to him right there.

Joey forced a grin on her, but she could see it wasn’t genuine.

"Mommy, I’m alright," he responded, his eyes somewhat crimson.

"Rachel, do you recognize this young man?"

With Rachel putting her hand on Joey’s shoulder, Victor’s gaze became gloomy as he saw their contact.

"This is…"

"Her godson.I’m her godson."

Joey intercepted Rachel just as she was about to complete her sentence.

Godson? Victor had a grimace on his face.

Rachel, too, was astonished and lowered her gaze to Joey.Joey rolled his eyes.He felt despondent as he reflected on Victor’s concise question from just now.He inhaled deeply, and gently pulled on Rachel’s sleeve.

"Mom, I’m ready to return to the ward right now."

Rachel understood Joey was sad and believed Victor did not want him as his son.

Rachel pursed her lips and nodded, "All right, I will…"

"Mr.Jimenez can send me back."

Even though he was upset, Joey did not want Rachel to be concerned about him.He really cared for his mom.

Perhaps more than he did for himself.

After a while, Rachel nodded her head in agreement.

Roger had no idea that Victor’s affection for Joey would suddenly shift.

He didn’t have any business interfering with it because it was a private matter between them.

He turned to face Rachel before proceeding to Joey.

"Well, I’ll take Joe back to the ward where we’ll be waiting for you."

"Thanks a lot."

"Don’t mention it.I’ve already said that I’m eager to assist you at any time."

After a brief delay, Roger turned and addressed Victor.

"Mr.Sullivan, it’s about time we left.Get well as quickly as possible."

He then walked away with Joey.

Slowly, the door closed.

Rachel sighed as she saw Joey.

She was well aware of his current state of grief.

As he recovered, he spent half a month making an intricately detailed rocket model to present to Victor as a token when he got out of the hospital.

See him so sad? She couldn’t stand it! That same instant, she heard a ding on her phone.

Carson still hadn’t returned despite the expiration of the timer she’d set.

Rachel became enraged as she remembered Joey’s sorrowful expression and Carson’s promise to her earlier.

"I believe I should tell you something," she stated as she turned to face Victor.


"Victor, I’m not sure if you remember, but four years ago…"


The door was suddenly pushed open.

Carson increased his voice and stopped her from completing her comments Rachel and Victor both turned to face him at the same moment.

As she noticed the document in Carson’s hand, Rachel’s expression darkened.

Carson stepped up, took a long breath, and spoke gently.

"I just observed that Roger left with Joe.Everything okay with that poor kid?"

Rachel answered him, "He’s perfect.Your timing is not that bad."

Carson returned at the exact moment that she was going to reveal the truth to Victor.

For some reason, Rachel couldn’t help but question his motives and wondered if or not he had been listening in on their conversation to see how long she would remain with Victor for him.

"I had to wait a long time in line to get this," Carson smiled and said.

"Can you please forgive me? I mean, I was late by only a few seconds."No words came out of Rachel’s mouth.Carson sighed with relief.

Rachel said, "Now that you’ve returned, I will…"

Since she was worried about Joey, she didn’t want to be here any longer.She had agreed to spend ten minutes with Victor.

Rachel was ready to go just as Carson was about to convince her to remain a little longer.

"I’m a bit fatigued, Rachel." Victor broke his silence just then.

"Do you feel worn out?"

Carson’s eyes glowed, and he cracked a grin.

"Hey… I guess I’ll have to send the doctor the result.I won’t bother you with rest.Mrs.Sullivan, please look after Vic."

Carson spoke it with such ease.

"Carson Scott!"

Rachel knew what he meant and responded in a cautionary tone upon hearing it.

Carson squinted his eyes and blinked them.

While Victor was distracted, he implored Rachel in a quiet voice, "Don’t worry, I’ll have it done in no time."

Rachel had a headache but did not express it.

Carson smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Rachel remained silent.

In Carson’s opinion, she had acquiesced since she hadn’t said yes or no.

He grabbed the report and left right away.

Rachel wanted to leave as soon as she saw that he had departed.

Victor sneezed and inquired, "Where are you going?"

Rachel was compelled to halt and turn around to face him. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

"I have no plans to leave here.Help yourself to a nap," she responded, with her fists clenched.

She lowered the bed so he could lay down more comfortably.

When she saw that he was gazing at her, she added, "I have no intention of leaving.Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes."

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