Capture Your Heart

Chapter 262 An Unexpected Discovery 3

Chapter 262 An Unexpected Discovery 3

"Have you eaten dinner yet?"

Getting out of the car, Troy looks at her with deep affection in his eyes with a warm smile on his face.

Somehow, Karin looks at him with a similar smile on her face as well, feeling that she can’t be sourer in her heart. Then she shakes her head and says in a strained voice, "No. I have been waiting for you."

"Didn't I tell you not to wait for me? How come you didn’t do as I said?”

"I do so occasionally. It’s not like I do it every day."

Troy pokes her forehead grumpily, "Next time, you have to eat dinner before 7 p.m. Or you will regret it."


Karin always doesn’t mean her words. Although she promises verbally, she says to herself in secret in her heart, “I never regret marrying you.” Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

"In the future, if there are any difficulties, let’s face them together, okay?"

She suddenly reaches out and wraps her hands around his neck as the sadness in her eyes can’t be clearer, "I am already your wife. We made a vow in front of God, saying that whether we are poor, rich, fortunate, or sick, we should firmly stand by each other's side. You didn’t forget what you had said so quickly, right?"

Troy, who is stunned, asks with uncertainty, "Do you know all about it?"

"Well, unfortunately, you didn’t inform me about it by yourself."

"I just don't want you to be worried about me."

"So the way you see it, do I look carefree now?"

"I won't hide anything from you onwards. And I'll tell you the truth even if I know you'll be worried, okay?"

Her eyes are a little red. And she nods, "Yes."

"Then go inside and eat dinner. I've already eaten something outside."

Yuma reheats the food. And Troy sits in front of Karin and sees her have dinner only to hear her suggest, "Can you eat a little more food?"

"I can't eat anything anymore."

"Don't lie to me. You've lost a lot of weight recently."

She reaches out to touch his face sincerely and feels especially bad in her heart, "No matter what happens in the future, I will stay by your side, always believe in you, and accompany you."

"Well, have dinner. Enjoy the food. Over dinner, don't talk about these unpleasant things."

Karin doesn’t have any appetite at all. However, to stop Troy from being worried about her, she barely swallows a bowl of rice into the stomach.

After going upstairs, she ponders on it for a moment and sits down next to him, asking, "What's the result of the interrogation you did today?"

Before that, she thought she couldn’t help him with anything. So she didn’t ask him anything, fearing that her question would annoy him. But now the situation is different. She is Mrs. Charlie. And Troy's business is her business. Even if he is annoyed, she surely has to voice her confusion.

"There is no progress yet. The investigation today is about Jacob’s case."

"Jacob’s case?"

Karin is shocked, "Do they think that Jacob's death has something to do with you?"

"Well, because I was the last person Jacob had contacted before he died."

"How is that possible? If you wanted him to die in the first place, you wouldn't have gotten him out of the prison. Do these police officers know how to handle the case or not?"

"You said so from your standpoint. The police won’t understand the details of these issues."

"But if it is because you are the last person the deceased had contacted before he died that you have to be designated as a murderer, won’t it be too excessive?"

"Because I approached Jacob and talked to him before he died, which makes me the most suspicious. And they think I said something to force him away."

"Did you take the initiative to ask Jacob out? What did you say to him?"

Troy sighs lightly, "Jacob likes you. Do you know that?"

Karin suddenly opens her eyes wide and asks in surprise, "Do you know that too?"

She remembers that she didn't tell Troy about this back then. She did so because she was afraid that he would take this matter to his heart. After all, it is because of her that Troy let go of the one he would like to let go of the least. Going backward, if he found that the man he spared was fantasizing about his woman, he surely wouldn’t accept it in his heart.

"So, did you know it all along?"


"Did Jacob tell you?"

"No, I went to his place after his death, found a notebook by his bed, and read it from there."

"Diary?" Troy asks urgently, "Is it still there?"

Karin ponders on it, "I have to look for it. I can't remember where I stuffed it at that time."

"Then find it in a hurry. If you can find it, it can be evidence for me."

"The cause of Jacob’s death isn’t mentioned in the diary."

"I know. As long as it proves that Jacob does have love and affection for you, it will prove that what I claimed is the truth."

"Okay, I'm going to find it."

Karin hurriedly rummages through the closet and looks for it. At the thought that she can use it as evidence for Troy, she is eager to turn the whole house upside down.

"I found it!"

As the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way. At the bottom of the closet, she finds a thick notebook that has been yellow early and then hands it to Troy. He flips through it for a while and says with relief, "Great! With this, although I can’t be 100% excluded from the suspicion with this notebook, at least, it will make me less a suspect."

"By the way, I heard that you were involved in Billie's case as well, right?"

"That case has been closed."

"Weren’t you involved?"

"I was. But it was easily solved. Billie died by suicide. And her son is the best witness. Although the person who reported to the police said that I had killed her, he didn’t know much about the incident. I let Robert bring Billie's son to the police station to make a statement. And the case was quickly withdrawn."

"So now your uncle and Jacob’s case aren’t closed yet, right?"

"Well, although the police are now only questioning me about Jacob’s case the real tricky case is my uncle’s case. I have a hunch that they surely plan to wait until the end before releasing the most important evidence of my uncle's case."

"Who exactly is trying to harm you like this? Have you offended anyone recently?"

Troy smiles self-deprecatingly, "There are many people who want to harm me. As for the people whom I have offended, there are so many of them that I can’t count them over. To say it exaggeratingly, once I leave Ziteng Garden, I feel that enemies are on all sides and that everyone wants to put me to death."

Karin sighs with worry, "At the end, who is that person? I think there is only one that wants to harm you. It is just that he is distracting you, making you feel like many people want to take away your life."

"Well, don't dwell on it. Even if it's a ghost, sooner or later, I'll uncover him."

Troy takes her hand, "Let's go to the study. I'll impart you with some knowledge about social interaction and management."

That night, Karin learns very seriously and masters many skills. However, the next morning, when she cleans up Troy's clothes for him, she is in a particularly bad mood. Because Troy said that he had to go to the police station today.

She doesn’t want to see her beloved man face these troubles every day. But there is no better solution, after sending Troy away, she wants to quietly read a book, only to find that she can’t focus on reading at all. Feeling distracted and dull in the room for a while, she immediately decides to go to Emmanuel.

There are two reasons that she thinks of going to Emmanuel. Firstly, she wants to ask him to help Troy. And secondly, she is there to find out the relationship between him and William.

After changing her clothes, she indeed rushes to the Charlie family’s villa. Before stepping into the door, she has some hesitation in her heart, wondering if Gigi had already come back five years later and that if yes, would she still hate her as much as she did back then when she saw her here?

"Who are you looking for?"

A housemaid-like person comes out and sizes her up suspiciously.

"Oh, I'm looking for Uncle Emmanuel. I'm the wife of his nephew, Troy Charlie."

"Wait a moment. I'll go in and inform him."


Karin waits for less than two minutes before the maid comes out and says, "Master invites you in."

She steps straight into the living room. And on the sofa in the middle of the living room, she sees Emmanuel who hasn’t been aged, looking at her with a smile on his face. Then he gets up and says, "My niece-in-law's visit is indeed a great surprise to me."

"Uncle Emmanuel, long time no see."

"Yes, long time no see. Five years ago, you left without a word. I usually have a lot of chores. And I didn’t have time to care about the relationship between you. After you left, I heard from Lily about what

had happened. Then I specially scolded Milan, saying she shouldn’t have done something so stupid as Stanley who was confused. No wonder that Troy hates her. Even I can’t forgive them. Setting aside the fact you are Troy's lover, the one who was framed with you, William, was my most powerful talent. And he also resigned with me and went back to Edinburgh because of this incident.”

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