CEO Leo’s Baby Mama Is Back

A splitting image

Chapter 29 A splitting image


Chugging down the rest of the tequila in the glass, Leo hissed as it burned his throat. Ruffling his hair, he tried not to picture the action that took place at Darby’s office. He shouldn’t have let himself get dragged to the place by Chloe. To punish her, he had refused her request to return to his house and had dropped her off at her house. It’s annoying to see his once upon a time fling; since they never got to date, be affectionate towards someone else in front of him. To make matters worse, he has no right to decide whoever she hangs out with.

However, there was something more disturbing. Darby’s son looks nothing like the man she claimed to have had him for. There is no possible way the child won’t at least look a part like his father. It made his head ache at the thought that Darby probably lied to him. Getting off the kitchen stool he sat on, he went in search of his phone on the couch. Tapping on a contact, he waited for the call to get through.

‘Hey dad.’ Leo muttered as soon as he picked.

Ethan chuckled into the receiver. ‘Is everything okay son? This call seems out of the blue.’

‘Sorry for disturbing you this evening, dad. But I want to ask, do you have a picture of me when I was about probably five or four?’ He asked hopefully.

His father laughed. ‘Sure, my boy. I have so much memories of you that keeps me happy whenever I stare at them. Do you need to see it?’

‘Yes, please. Take a picture and send it to me.’

‘Okay, son. Give me a few minute.’ He replied before hanging up.

Leo tapped his feet anxiously on the floor as he waited for his father’s response. If his thoughts turn out to be true, he won’t take it lightly with Darby. Even if he had been an asshole in the past, she shouldn’t deprive him and the child the chance to meet. His phone message notification made him jump in anticipation. Picking up the phone, he tapped on it to open the picture.

Leo’s breath hitched in his throat when the image loaded. It was just as he had expected. The boy is a splitting image of him when he was young. It took a brief second for the situation to finally dawn on him. He has a son. Staggering to his feet, the tequila he had was beginning to kick in. Holding his phone firmly, he got his car keys and left the house. Leo called Aaron as he ignited the car.

‘I am busy…right now.’ Aaron replied panting.

Leo sniffed. ‘I need to talk to you, Aaron. I am about to lose my mind. Please.’

There was a bit of ruffling on the background. ‘Alright, man. Come around I am home.’ Aaron replied.

Starting the car, Leo drove at a high speed as his mind roamed everywhere. In his haste, he almost outrun the traffic light. When he eventually got to Aaron’s house, his friend was outside seeing a lady off. He finally understood why Aaron claimed to be busy.

Aaron gave his friend an odd look. “You should really thank your stars that you are my best friend. What’s up with you?”

Looking dazed, Leo handed his phone over to Aaron. Without saying a word, Aaron took the phone from him and he nodded. “Okay, this is a picture of you when you were younger, so what’s this all about?”

Breathing slowly, Leo took the phone back and searched Darby’s online and the FORBES post that had a picture of both Darby and her son. He handed it back.

“Holy, molly!” Aaron exclaimed. “It would be blasphemy to carry out a DNA. Why would she deny this without blinking?!”

Leaning against his car, Leo threw his hands out. “I am short of words, Aaron. I don’t know what to think exactly. She lied to me. I know I did wrong, but it wasn’t my fault.”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You know what, let’s go in and talk about this.” His friend urged. When they got in, he poured the both of them a glass of rum each.

“What do you think I should do?”

Aaron shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “It’s not like I have ever been told that I fathered a child. But I would like for us to think in Darby’s shoes. She has been left to cater for herself and child at a very young age after getting rejected by the father of the child. If she decides to refuse you a chance to meet with him, you can’t blame her.”

Leo threw his head to the back knowing that his friend is right. He felt stupid for trying to lay claims on the child after being absent in his life since birth. He had to admit that Darby is an extremely strong woman to have withstand the storm and come out victorious. He was practically a mess for all those years.

“I don’t know what to do, Aaron. Like I said the urge to be part of their life eats me up. Despite telling myself to move on I find my thoughts drifting back to Darby. Now that I know this, I am confused on what to do.” He lamented.

Patting his back gently, Aaron exhaled. “If you want this to work out it would be best if you have a civil discussion with Darby. It won’t be easy, but you need to let her see for herself how much you have changed.”

“What if she doesn’t want to talk to me?”

“Do you think she is exactly comfortable with the fact that her son’s father isn’t in his life? She is only hurting from the pain she had to endure alone. I learnt that being a single parent is a very hard thing to do. It’s time you suck it up and stand your ground.”

Staring at the ceiling, Leo huffed. He never thought his life would be as complex as it is at the moment. Nothing seems to be going as planned and he has to deal with everything on his own. “How do I explain this to Chloe, if the boy is really mine?” He questioned.

Aaron made a face. “Why do you owe her an explanation?”

Turning to him, Leo furrowed his brows. “Can you not be insensitive at a time like this? She has every right to know. We are getting married.”

“Shouldn’t you be transfixed on knowing if the child is yours or not before worrying about something so irrelevant?” Aaron couldn’t hide his irritation.

He initially never had a problem with Chloe. However, he could tell just how hard she is pressing on Leo to stick to her. He has never come across someone so petty and ready to go to any length just to be with someone. It makes him really mad that Leo has no other choice but to give in to the pure blackmail. He hopes the heavens will change his friend’s fate for the better.

Sighing in exhaustion, Leo leaned back into the couch. “Do you think I should go to her tomorrow? I don’t think I can stay another night without getting this off my chest.”

“It’s better to strike the rod while it’s hot. Do your very best to be as sincere as you can. Don’t let your ego get in the way. I really hope this realization will open up a new path of happiness in your life, Leo. I hope your dimmed light will return.”

He chuckled dryly. “You make it sound like I have been depressed for ages.”

Aaron stood up to refill their glasses. “Of course, for five years straight you have lived like a lost soul. This is the only time I am seeing you get so passionate about something after so long.” Pausing to pour the drinks, he handed it to Leo who already stood behind him. “Let’s cheers.”

“To what?”

“To whatever it is to come. Just know I will always be here for you, my man.” He grinned widely.

The sound of the glass hitting each other bounced off the entire space and it filled up Leo’s blank mind for a brief second.

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