CEO’s Unloved Wife

Chapter 5

Karen POV

A year later

The sound of my blaring alarm jolted me out of my deep slumber, and I groaned tiredly while trying to force my eyes open. Wow! I can’t believe it’s morning already, and I would have to go to work again. This is how I live every day of my life.

I groaned tiredly, as I sat up on the bed, with the duvet covering my face.

Stretching my hands above my head, I yawned tiredly, as the duvet finally fell off my face, and I was welcomed with my charming prince, staring at me with the cutest smile on his face. From the day I saw him on the TV, I’ve had a big crush on him, and I always found myself, looking forward to the day I would finally meet him. I smiled heartily, as I ran my eyes through the portraits of Dylan, hanging almost everywhere in my room, I know this is crazy, but I think I’m losing my mind.

Tilting my head tiredly to look at the clock, which was still blaring, I rolled my eyes lazily, as I reached out to it, and threw it hard on the wall.

“Here we go.”I groaned tiredly, as I swung my legs down the bed, and got on my feet, after which I walked sluggishly into the bathroom, and had a quick bath. I’m already running late for work, I’m sure you wouldn’t advise me to take a whole hour, taking my bath, right?

Stepping into my spacious room, with a towel wrapped around my chest, I walked sluggishly to the dresser, and made myself comfortable on the chair, before taking my time to work on my skin, and in the next few minutes, I was all done with it.

“Perfect.”A small smile formed on my lips, as I took a glance at my beautiful face, staring back at me from the mirror, before I finally stood up and walked over to my closet, where I picked a short red gown, which stopped on my knees, before putting it on, after which I slipped my feet into my red flat shoes.

I walked over to the mirror, and took another look at myself, before finally leaving the room, not after picking my car keys from my bed.

Stepping out of my room, I headed straight to the dining room, where I met dad, having breakfast.

“Good morning dad.”I smiled happily, as I walked over to him, and hugged him, before going to my seat.

“Good morning princess. Did you sleep well?”He asked while giving me that smile, which always melts my heart. He is the only family I have, the only one that loves me unconditionally, the only one that’ll sacrifice anything, just to see that I’m happy, and I’m really happy I have him in my life.

“Yes, dad,”I replied, as I opened the closed plate, laying in front of me, as I was welcomed with delicious looking pasta, and damn! I found myself salivating already. Lara has done it again, this is one reason I like her a lot, she knows best how to make delicious meals. If you must know, Lara is our maid, and not only a maid but a wonderful cook. She’s the only one that matches my taste.

“You like it?”Dad’s voice came on, and I couldn’t resist the smile that formed on my lips. Lara always has her ways of getting to me, and one of them is her cooking skill.

“I love it, dad. Lara is always the best.”I chuckled softly.

“Enjoy your food.”Dad smiled, before focusing on his food.

I said a few lines of prayers before I started eating.

“So tell me, princess, what do you think about the offer?”He suddenly asked out of the blue, and I couldn’t help rolling my eyes. Not again, please.

“Dad, can we not talk about this, please? At least not now.”I said frustratingly. Gosh! I thought I already made myself clear to him? I wonder why he so much wants me to work in Highland realty management company, but whatever his reasons are, it’ll never work, not now, and not forever.

“I’m doing this for your…”

“I’m off to work dad, see you later.”I suddenly dropped my spoon, and stood up, before heading to the door, not stopping to spare him a glance. He just ruined not only my appetite but my day too. Can this day ever get any better, huh?

Walking over to the parking lot, I hopped in on my black sports car, and turned on the ignition, before reversing the car, after which I drove out of the compound, before heading to the office.

After driving for what seemed like forever, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets, as I took the last road that leads to my working place. Damn! There’s a traffic jam, how the heck am I gonna get to work early now?

“Damn it!”I cursed in between gritted teeth, as I stepped on the brake, bringing the car to an abrupt halt.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

A few minutes later, the cars, assembling in front of my car, finally started moving slowly, and I sighed in relief, as I turned on the ignition, and started moving slowly too, trying not to be too far from the car in front of me, to avoid some stupid car, covering the space.

After two minutes, the cars finally zoomed off, and I changed my gear, before matching on the accelerator to set the car in motion, but stepped on the brake, bringing the car to screech, as a white sports car, came from nowhere, and double-crossed me, hitting the front of my car slightly in the process. What the heck! What just happened?

“The heck!”I shrieked, as I turned off the ignition, and alighted from the car angrily. I’m sure not going to spare that idiot, how dare he!

Walking over to the front of my car, I checked to see a scratch on it, and I cringed. What! He scratched my car! I snapped my head to see the car, not moving. Wait! Is the owner probably waiting for what I will do, huh?

“Hey, you! Are you mad?”I yelled angrily, as I sauntered to the car, and knocked on the window.

Seconds later, the glass wined down, and I almost cringed, as I was welcomed with the least expected person, sitting elegantly in the car, it’s Dylan! It’s my crush, Dylan! Is this a dream?…

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