Chasing the rejected Luna

29: I'm not giving in

29: I'm not giving in

I was a suicidal person. I've always known that since the time in my former pack when I disobeyed Dianne again and again. But that couldn't be compared to what I was facing as I dodged different attacks from the guards.

To my surprise, they were not able to land a single blow on me. I had the upper hand - I was small and nimble. While they were big and slow. I used my speed to my advantage, moving like the wind while I successfully took two down.

I wanted to look at Adrian. But I knew if I did, that would be the opportune moment for the guards to strike at me. I wasn't given any chances so I focused on fighting the man in front of me.

I heard Adrian laugh and that was a distraction for me as I turned to look at him from the corner of my eyes. Sweat coated every inch of my skin while I tried to fight off the relentless guard. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Adrian's laugh was a distraction as I looked at him which allowed the guard to lunge at me and slice my thigh. A silent cry of pain tore through my lips but I stiffed it by biting hard on my lips. That act alone drew blood as I felt the metallic taste in my mouth.

The guard lunged at me again and I took three steps back from the impact his sword made with my little knife. What I was thankful for was the fact that he didn't transform into his wolf form. I would

have been a goner if he did.

He came at me again and I saw my life flash through my eyes. The sharp edge of the sword came at me with lightning speed. With my heart in my mouth, and my last prayers just at the tip of my tongue. As I awaited the pain, Adrian's voice sliced through the air. It was followed by the clang of metal against the tile floor.

I dared to look at him as my heart hammered in my ribcage as having come face to face with death.

"Impressive," he clapped as it echoed in the room. I couldn't glare at him because I was so focused on recalling what just happened; I almost lost my life.

He continued, "Unfortunately, we don't need such great fighting skills right now. We want your wolf out. And since I can't get the guards to do so, I'll be calling Alpha Ryven over,” he said with a raise of his eyebrows.

I dared to look him in the eye, not flinching. If he thought Alpha Ryven's name would make me go into the metallic box, he was in for a big surprise. I cocked my head at him, urging him to do his worst. He smirked and his eyes glazed over.

Soon enough, after some minutes, Alpha Ryven walked into the room with anger apparent on his face. I looked to my feet avoiding his intense gaze.

"What's the meaning of this?" He barked and I flinched while I twisted my little weapon in my hands. My throat closed up from different emotions. The thought that raced through me was them drugging me and pushing me into the metal box.

I breathed in and out. It was the only sound that was heard in the room followed by Alpha Ryven's footsteps moving my way. I could feel the heat of his anger as it burned through the air, almost consuming me.

He stopped a few feet away from me. "I asked you a question, what is the meaning of this?"

I folded my lips into a thin line, avoided his gaze, and wished the day could be over sooner. "I don't want to go into that metal box," I whispered and he chuckled.

"Metal box? Don't be such an airhead. It's called a revoluting wolf machine!" He sneered. "Do you have any other ideas on how to get your Wolf? If you do, please share," he said and I looked up at him.

There wasn't an ounce of smile on his face as he looked straight into my eyes. He was pissed off. I guessed he must have been in an important meeting or something. The next words he said made me know I was right about my guess.

"Don't fucking waste my time. I didn't leave an important meeting to get you to waste my time!"

"You can attend your meeting. I will get my wolf some other way. I don't want to enter that box," I said stubbornly.

"How? Please share. We're all listening," he said and looked at Adrian who nodded his head. I could see the mockery buried in Alpha Ryven's eyes. He thought I was stupid.

And to be honest, I felt quite stupid at that moment. I had no idea how to awaken my wolf. I couldn't go into the box because I was claustrophobic. I feared I would die faster in there than the death that awaited me at the hands of Alpha Ryven.

I kept mute while I stared at my sword. My breath hitched in my throat when I felt Alpha Ryven's hand wound around my fragile neck.

"Fucking look at me when I speak to you!" He barked, his spit flying into my face. I was more concerned about getting air into my lungs than the fire that nestled in Alpha Ryven's eyes.

I clawed at his hands, my eyes pleading with him to let me down but he didn't budge. My feet were almost off the ground as Alpha Ryven raised me with his right hand.

In one swift motion when I felt I would die from lack of air, I was thrown harshly against the ground. My knife pierced my hand as I coughed and fought for oxygen.

"I won't say this again. Get into the revolving wolf machine," he said slowly, enunciating each word.

My lungs felt like it would burst as I stood to my feet. My eyes watered from lack of air for too long. I stood to my feet, a new power pulsating in me. I glared hard at Alpha Ryven with my fists clenched at my sides. Who does he think he is? I was no slave to him. I didn't ask him to get me out of my pack. If he thought he could treat me like trash, he was greatly mistaken.

"No," I said as I stared deeply into his eyes. I heard Adrian gasp at the audacity. But I didn't care. Alpha Ryven could go to hell for all I cared.

I watched as his jaw twitched violently. Somehow, I was happy at the emotion of anger that twirled in his eyes. He was a monster. How could I be so blind to all of these?

"Tie her up. Take her to the dungeons. Leave her there without food or water," Alpha Ryven said and walked out of the room without giving me a second glance.

I was shocked. That was all? I thought the sky was going to rain cats and dogs as having disrespected him in front of his pack members. At least this was better than I thought. In my former pack, I was through much worse situations. Plus the time in the cell would give me more time to myself. To be able to think of the way forward.

I was led by two guards out of the room to a big hallway that looked like that used to hold prisoners. We went in deeper, crossing different closed doors and winding staircases.

My breath was becoming shallow the deeper we went underground with only our eyes to guide us through the darkness. My throat constricted as the dampness from the underground bit into my exposed arms.

I rubbed them to wear them off. But it did little to bring me the comfort I desired. Soon, I was brought in front of a small cell.

One of the guards opened it up. But before I could ready myself to enter into the dirty damp cell that I was so sure contained spit, sweat, and blood, I was roughly pushed into it.

My hand collided with the rough floor of the cell and I almost gagged. My hand touched something damp and sticky and I screamed, rubbing it vigorously on the pants of my trainers.

I heard the door lock with a click followed by the receding footsteps of the guards. Then, the hallway was drenched in ice-cold silence.

Following my nose, I picked up the place where the smell was less and sat down. From the little lamp situated just above the cell, I could make out a bed made of concrete. But there was something else in it.

On getting there, to my dismay, I found out it was only a straw mat on top of it. I consoled myself with the knowledge that it was basically better than nothing.

The night turned into day. And day into night again. Not a single person had come to check up on me. I feared Alpha Ryven was hell-bent on teaching me a lesson never to disobey him.

But the period while I waited for someone to come, I had the chance to go over what I heard about during the past few days. But no matter how hard I tried to connect the dots, nothing was making sense.

Alpha Ryven exchanged the land for me which was used to heal the members of his pack. That means since there's no more land, he would lose a lot of his pack members. And I was guessing some of his warriors would also be infected with the deadly disease.

And losing so many warriors was very bad for a pack. In case of any war, the pack could scumble to defeat. Alpha Ryven must have thought hard about all these before giving up the land. Which brought me to the question - what was so special about me?

I tried to recall memories of my childhood and my parents. But everything seemed blurry as if someone had intentionally wiped off my memories. If that were the case, why?

I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. My hand caught on a knot and I gave up trying to untangle the mess. My stomach made a rumbling sound and I stood up and walked over to the gate in the hope of finding someone. Finding something.

"Hello?" I called out. There was no reply. Only the snooky echo of my voice. Goosebumps trailed down my arms as my finger wrapped around the huge lock used to hold the gate together.

"Hello? Anyone here? Get me out of here. I promise I'll be good," I yelled again while I tried to fight off the feeling of someone watching me in the shadows.

After so many 'hellos' and no reply, I gave up, wrapping my hands around my stomach. I have been spoiled too much for me to have felt such a big pang of hunger.

"Somebody h…" I started but stopped as my heart jumped to my mouth.

"No one will come. Stop wasting your time," A hoarse male voice spoke up from the cell beside mine.

I clutched my beating heart and rubbed my shoulders where it collided with the gate from the shock.

"Who are you?" I managed to ask with my shaky voice after my heart returned to its normal beat.

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