Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 29

“Oh, I know. You went to bed. And she sneaked in here after you fell asleep. Like she’s been doing all this time to fuck with my perfume, shampoo, and underwear.” She retorted.

“Then she took naked pictures of you together and sent them to me. And you had no idea about any of this. So, you see, yes, it’s exactly what it looks like. A desperate cunt trying her hardest to fuck you over.” Raine smirked.

Relief floored Jax. Thank God she saw through this farce. And he felt like shit knowing she had been trying to tell him all this time.

“Baby, there’s no need to lie. Just tell her. It’s over between you two and now you’re marrying me! See now I have the ring to prove it.” Angel grinned showing her hand.

“You are lying bitch! How the fuck did you get Raine’s ring?” Jax roared. “Raine?”

“I left it on your bedside table last night before I left.” Raine replied.

She walked over to Angel and punched her in the face and yanked the ring off. Then she walked over to Jax and put it in his hand.

She saw the hurt on his face and felt he deserves it. But she decided to let him off the hook a little.

“Make sure you get this cleaned before you give it back to me.” Raine replied.

She could see the relief on his face. “Jax? Put some clothes on. Trust me, for this next part you’ll want to be dressed!”

Jax hurriedly put on his jeans. Then grabbed a shirt and his boots. He sat on the bed putting them on.

“You see, since I didn’t really know all the rules and laws your MC goes by, I figured I need to contact an expert. Someone with 46 years’ experience in fact.” Raine explained.

Jax looked confused. Sam and Kim were grinning. Angel was still whining with her bloody nose.

“Shut the fuck up you sniveling little bitch!” Raine yelled.

“You see Jax, what I found out is while you are the President of the club and have complete authority over the club, you handed over some of that authority to me the day you publicly claimed me as your Old Lady!” She paused for dramatic effect.

“That authority that you gave me, is in regard to all the women in the club, no matter what their role is. So, you rule the men, and I now rule the women!” Raine smirked

“Jax she’s lying! She has no say so over me! The club owes me, my dad died for this club!” Angel whined.

“Excuse me, I have proof. Since all of you are so hung up on proof! Vixen?” Raine asked for her to step inside.

Jax’s eyes grew huge with disbelief. Angel gasped when Vixen walked into the room. She actually shrank back away from her.

“Jax? What kind of mess have you got yourself in this time son?” Vixen asked.

“It’s good to see you too, Mom!” Jax replied.

“Angel, can’t say it’s a pleasure.” Vixen said with disgust. “Look Jax, I know your father didn’t teach you all the roles of the Prez’s Old Lady, and when he died, and I didn’t as I needed time to grieve and be alone to sort myself out.” She explained.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“But I am here now, and I’m going to teach you everything I know. What Raine just said is true. It’s in our charter rules and obligations. If anyone questions, just pull them and show them.” Vixen explained.

She went over to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her. There was the biggest smile on his face. He had missed his mom. She’d always been his rock growing up. Which is why it hurt him so bad when she took off shortly after the funeral.

“Welcome home mom.” Jax replied.

“It’s good to finally be home, son. Now, how long do I have to wait for some grand babies?” Vixen asked.

“We’ll get right on that!” Jax laughed.

“See that you do!” Vixen replied.

Jax looked at Raine. “Ok baby, it’s your show.”

“Kim Sam, help Angel to her room. See that she packs all her shit. Jax have a prospect waiting to carry her stuff out. Girls, let me know when she’s all packed.” Raine ordered.

“Got it boss.” Kim replied.

“My pleasure!” Sam grinned.

Kim walked over to Angel and yanked her off the bed by her arm. “Grab your clothes bitch!”

Kim and Sam escorted her out of the room with Ice following behind them. He’s trying to unsuccessfully hide his boner.

“Jax since the prospects do the dirty work, get them up here to strip our bed and put clean linens on it. I don’t think it would be fair to ask the Old ladies to do it, none of the skanks are stepping foot in here, and no way am I waiting for the cleaners.” Raine ordered.

“Yes baby, whatever you say.” Jax replied.

“Vixen? You hungry?” Raine asked.

“I could eat.” Vixen replied.

They went downstairs to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat.

“So, you’ve traveled all over the US?” Raine asked.

“Yes. When Jax’s dad was alive, we made plans to travel once he retired. Unfortunately, he was killed before that could happen.” Vixen explained.

“I’m sorry. That must have been hard.” Raine replied.

“It was. Some days it still is. But I decided to follow our dreams without him. He would have wanted me to stay here pining away for him. He was a selfish bastard like that! But I said a big F. U. and figured if he could defy me and leave me, then I could defy him and leave and do it by myself.” Vixen explained.

“Wow, that’s ah, well ah…” Raine stammered, unsure what to reply.

“I know, it’s just how we were. He’d piss me off and I’d retaliate. It kept him on his toes, and it was never boring between us.” Vixen replied.

Jax came up behind Raine and wrapped his arms around her. She smiled at him.

“Mmmm, you smell good.” She replied.

“All for you baby.” Jax replied.

“I never thought I’d see the day my son would meet his own match!” Vixen laughed.

“So, mom? How long are you here for?” Jax asked.

“I’m done traveling. I’m getting old. I want to settle back down, maybe find me a man? Enjoy me some grandkids?” Vixen explained. “You’re joking right? A man?” Jax asked. “Jax, I’m 46, not dead!” Vixen retorted.

“Wow that would have made you what 17 when you had Jax?” Raine asked.

“Yes. I met his father when I was about 4. We both grew up in the MC together. Rider was 13 years older than me. But he was protective of me from day one. When I was 14, I realized I had fell in love with him.” Vixen smiled.

“He wouldn’t let another guy even near me. But he wouldn’t touch me either. When I turned 16, he gave me my first kiss. I was over the moon thinking things were changing between us. I thought he felt the same.” Vixen sighed.

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