Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 7

Ice let her go and raised his hands as he backed away. Jax walked up to her. Her check was in his hand. He held it out to her.

“Here’s your check. I just wanted to talk.” Jax replied.

“Thanks for my check. Have a nice life. Goodbye!” Raine stated as she left.

Raine motioned to Kim for them to leave and they went to her car. Ice followed them out. He waited until they got in her car and left then went back to the office.

“Brother, you need to get your head out of your ass. Or, move on.” Ice said.

“She wants what I can’t give her.” Jax sighed.

“What?” Ice asked.

“To be the only woman I fuck.” Jax stated.

“Brother, since you met her, how many women have you fucked? And since she left how many?” Ice asked.

“She has me so fucked up. This is just between us. But the couple of times I let the girls suck me off I had to picture her to get off. And I’ve not fucked any of them since the first time I saw her walk into my bar. Since she left, I’ve not had even a single blow job. Fuck!!” Jax roared.

“There’s nothing wrong with being a one-woman man. You think the brothers would think any less of you? You think it would make you less of a badass? Less of a man? Hell no. Most would envy you. To find that one special woman to end the hunt, is like having the perfect ride. Nothing else can compare.” Ice explained.

“Shit! I have a big fight ahead of me, don’t I?” Jax asked.

“Yeah brother, you do.” Ice confirmed. “But half the battle is over.”

“What do you mean?” Jax asked.

“You admitting to yourself, she’s the one and accepting it.” Ice replied.

“Find out where she’s working at.” Jax sighed.

“Ok, but word of advice? Don’t get her fired. She’s too big of a hothead for that.” Ice laughed.

“Brother, we’re just gonna give them our business.” Jax explained.

A few days later, Raine was at work. She heard several motorcycles approaching. To her horror, they pulled into Shakes-N-More. Just her luck, they’ll get her fired. Jax would on purpose.

“Shit!” She muttered.

She roller skated over to them. As she approached, the guys let out hoots and whistles. She gritted her teeth but put on a smile. Her boss was always watching.

“Welcome to Shakes-N-More, what can i get you?” Raine asked.

“Burger no onions, fries and coke.” Jax replied.

“Same except with onions.” Ice replied.

“Same as Ice.” Blade replied.

“Two burgers and a coke.” Steele replied.

“Two bacon cheeseburgers and a vanilla shake.” Hunter replied.

“Coming right up.” Raine replied.

“Yes please.” Jax smirked as Raine rolled her eyes.

She turned and roller skated to the order window. She placed the guy’s orders and checked on her other customers. Once their orders were ready, she took them out to them.

“I put them in bags to go since you can’t stay. Enjoy your food boys.” Raine explained.

“Nah wildcat. We’re eating right here.” Jax replied.

“Suit yourself.” Raine retorted and skated away.

Raine did her best to ignore them. Finally, after an hour they left. She found out that they each left her a twenty-dollar tip when they paid their tickets. This went on for a couple of weeks.

She was afraid her boss would fire her as most people are afraid of bikers or scared. Or afraid they’ll scare away other customers. When she came in for her Friday shift the manager was waiting on her. She just knew she was about to get fired.

“Raine, my office for a minute.” Her Boss replied.

“Yes ma’am.” Raine replied. “Here it goes.” She thought.

“Please take a seat.” The manager responded. “One of those bikers your boyfriend?”

“No ma’am.” Raine answered.

“So why are they hanging around every shift you work?” She asked.

“It’s complicated. I used to work for them. And one of them kind of has a thing for me. But I declined.” Raine explained.

“I see.” She replied.

“I can tell them to not come back.” Raines replied.

“No, no that won’t be necessary. Business is actually up. At first it was just their orders. But now a few others are coming here to eat to check out the bikers. Some of them are umm, well nice to look at.” She blushed.” Her boss explained.

“Oh.” Raine replied.

“I actually brought you in here to give you a couple more shifts, that is if you want them?” She asked.

“Yes! Of course. Thank you!” Raine replied.

“I’m adding Sunday and Wednesday. So that will still give you Monday and Tuesday off. Will that work?” She asked.

“Yes! Thank you.” Raine replied.

“Please close the door on your way out.” She replied.

Two more weeks passed, and every shift she worked, the guys came and ate. So far there’s been no trouble. Business was good and so were the tips. Raine couldn’t help but feel trouble was brewing.

“I need to talk to you.” Jax told her.

“We have nothing to talk about.” Raine replied.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m ready for your terms.” Jax stated.

“What?” Raine stared at him in disbelief.

“I’m ready for you to be the only woman I fuck.” Jax replied.

“How can I even trust that? You said…” Raine begun.

“I know what I said.” Jax interrupted her.

“What changed?” Raine asked.

“I can’t get you out of my head.” Jax responded. “And my cock has decided it wants you and only you. And I’m tired of fighting with him.”

A couple of the guys snickered. Jax gave them a death glare. Raine thought it was funny. Ice was not amused.

“Who wants knocked the fuck out first?” Jax asked.

And they shut up really quick. Ice was watching them. Raine was looking at each one of them. Jax finally turned back to her.

“Fine. You can take me out on a date, and we can discuss it.” Raine replied.

“Name the date and time. But I only wear jeans and t shirts.” Jax replied.

“Sunday night, 7pm. You can choose the place.” Raine replied.

“It’s a date. And tiger, don’t wear any panties you like. I’ve waited so long they will never survive the night.” Jax smirked.

“Who says you’ll get lucky? Maybe I’ll wear my chastity belt!” Raine retorted.

“Burn brother!” Steele laughed.

Ice brought his fist up quick and knocked Steele off his bike with one punch. Luckily one the other brothers caught his bike before it fell over. Raine’s eyes grew big. Jax just smirked.

“What the fuck Ice?” Steele asked.

“Don’t disrespect the Prez!” Ice stated.

The guys finished eating and left.

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