Claimed by the Mafia King


White lion’s POV


This was the only life I knew, the only life I was used to. The life of a gang member, then as a gang leader. At the age of five I was initiated into my Father’s gang, ‘the lions.’ My father Agu Chidubem, was one of the first men to set up a gang in the city of Warri.

His gang had been known for violence and death. My father did the dirty works of all the politicians in the state. He was their call guy, their hitman, the assassin and my mother died from it.

My mother was nothing like my father. She was innocent, young, and good, but she had loved my father with every fibre of her being and every blood in her veins and that was what killed her.

The love for my father killed her. She had died in his stead, because of him.

The opposing party of one of his clients were after him at a time but he was one step ahead of them. He had always been one step ahead of his enemies, but he didn’t think of my mother in the steps he took.

I watched her as my mother breathed her last on a dark Sunday afternoon when our house was invaded by three gun men and she was shot twice in her chest.

Something in me died then, so did my love for my father.

My father never remained the same again after the death of my mother. His soul died with her, his mind and his heart too.

A month later he found her killers and gave me the honour of killing the accomplice. He left the one who shot my mother for himself, he torturered him for months until he finally died then he burnt his body at our backyard. It was only then that my father found a bit of peace.

I promised myself never to love. Never to bring another woman into my mess. I didn’t want anyone else to end up like my mum.

My dad was arrested years later and killed while trying to escape from prison and I was left alone to keep the gang strong. I was only sixteen and I was just done with High school. I looked just like him and many dared to say that I was him.

It wasn’t easy running the gang. So many times I wanted to give up but I always came back to the violence, the bloodshed, the power, the politics and the deceit. It was all I knew and I had a good head for it all.

My father had always been one step ahead but I was always three steps ahead of all my enemies. So even at twenty one, I had it all even more than my father ever did. I renamed the gang, I made clients from all over the country, I started pushing drugs I did everything to matain the name of my family. ‘The Lions’ No one knew my real name. No one.

I did so many things but recruiting girls was never my style, but my men were hungry and thirsty for them. Business had been going on so well after my twentieth birthday and I had to thank them for it In someway. After all they were part of my success and my name.

I finally granted a meeting to hear of their complains and they did not hesitate in saying them out.

I was seated on my chair checking out the maps, searching for routes that could make for more easy progress when there was a knock on my door. I hissed and my face crunched in displeasure. I hated being interrupted when I was planning strategic things for business. It made me confused and in general disrupted my flow. I didn’t like it when my flow was disrupted.

”Come in.” I grunted. I put away the maps and documents. They were for my eyes only. I could give out any thing but not trust, not after some of my men had betrayed me in ways that I tried to forget.

The guys came in, all five of them. They were members of my inner circle, I consulted them before I made any decision. Their opinion was important to me although I had the final say and I could go against whatever they wanted. I was the boss through and through.

The Alpha.

”Boss.” Marcus saluted. They all stood in a line armed to their teeth while they waited patiently for my order. ”Do we have the go ahead boss.”

I threw my hair back swallowing, my throat bubbled, I was amused by their eagerness to go for this mission. “Yes of course Marcus. Just do a good job and leave no trace.”

I wasn’t the least interested in the girls. I had work to do and women were the least of my problems.

The plan was for two men, two new recruits to take the girls and three to follow behind just in case the girls managed to escape. It was like a test for the new recruits.

If they failed they died. They each knew this, they knew the consequences of failing was death so hopefully they would do the job well. Failure was not tolerated in this gang.

However I was informed that they both failed_that they were overpowered by the girls. How unfortunate. Sadly, I had expected their failure and planned out for it. While hoping for success it is always necessary to plan for failure.

My phone rang “Boss they are here.” Marcus said on the first ring. He was my right hand man and one of the very few persons I trusted in a way.

I had no interest In the matter so the news didn’t really affect me in anyway. I was doing this only because I wanted to give them the satisfaction they needed as my men.

Women were of less importance to me. I couldn’t let anyone close not when they could betray me and end everything that I had worked so hard to build. Not when they could end up like my mother. That was my major fear, being like my father. I never want to let any woman go through what my mother did.

When I got to the base the warehouse was empty at first. I nodded to my men who were stationed in different positions for security.

“Move.” I heard Simone order. I knew they were here. Three of them walked in pointing their guns on the head of the three girls who walked in front of them.

One of the girls immediately caught my eye. She was defiant. While the rest walked, she struggled. I thought that she was the one who initiated the escape.

The polythene bag that was meant to cover her face had been removed letting me get a good view of her. Her hands were bound and held by Simone who seemed to be rather enjoying himself. I immediately felt a pang of hurt in my chest. I was jealous of his hold on her. I didn’t want anyone else to touch her but me. I couldn’t tell why, but I was suddenly possessive of the young girl now standing before me.

“Let us go please.” One of the girls pleaded bringing my mind back to the issue at hand and away from the beauty who had stolen my heart with a glance.

“She seems like the rebellious one boss. Fucking Slut thinks she’s a fighter!” Jide spat slapping her ass. I flinched. There was suddenly an internal growl in me. I felt this anger, this rage. I wanted to break his skull but he was family. I was willing to forgive this but I knew that there was a limit to what I could forgive.

She struggled to remove her arms from his firm grip and I found myself wanting to help her. “Let me go please.” She begged.

I stared at her, my throat dry. She must be a witch because she was charming me with some kind of voodoo. I was enchanted by her and there was no other logical explanation for this other than that she had charmed me.

Funny enough her eyes were on me too. In that moment I knew that I had to have her for myself.

I moved closer to her, with each step I took I fell more into her charm. Standing a few inches away from her, my heart beat stopped.

All I wanted to do at that moment was to kiss her, it wasn’t love at first sight I knew that. It was more like passion, I craved her skin and wanted her so bad. It was lust, a fire blazing desire to have her in my arms.

I held her chin up and smiled. The guys must not know about my feelings for her yet, they must think that this was all a game_for her sake and mine.

“I like her spirit. It is always fun breaking her likes. Leave this one for me.” I chuckled darkly. “You are mine.” I said to her, my voice as commanding as usual.

She started to shake, teardrops fell down her beautiful face. I felt guilty for making her fear but it was all to protect her. My thoughts were distracted and clouded I just wanted to whisk her away to another world where we could both live peacefully.

It was the first time in a long time that I wished that I didn’t chose this kind of life. That I wasn’t a criminal, a gang leader. I wished that I was just an ordinary man so that nothing would complicate my love for her.

I stared at her, not taking my eyes of her. Her eyes widened after I just killed one of my men because of her and caused another to bleed all for her. I didn’t want to hurt anyone in front of her, but anytime I see a man touch her a switch in my head goes off and I just want to kill them. All of them.

It was for her that my heart started to beat again after the death of my mother.

I wanted her but in the most purest of ways and I knew she had no good opinions about me both from what she has heard and what she saw me do. It hurt.

For the first time I wondered if I could ever be loved after all my mistakes and after all my crimes. The answer to this hit me with all frankness.

No one could ever love a monster like me and If I wanted to get her to love me_which I did with all of my heart, then I had to become an angel. I had to become her angel. But how does a devil turn into an angel.

I had them take her to my house and I had the pleasure of touching her, of kissing her, but it was not enough. I wanted more. I wanted her to love me too but not as me, no, I didn’t want her to end up like my mother.

She reminded me so much of my her, the innocent young teenage virgin that fell for the ruthless gang leader. I was afraid that my mothers fate would befall her and I had seen it in her eyes, the defiance, the suppressed desire for me.

There was a connection between us and If I had continued to touch her, if I had been her first then she would have been stuck with me. I didn’t want that for her, I wanted her to be the angel she had always been.

I wanted her to live a long and fulfilled life so I had to leave against my self. My whole body, my mind and soul ached to have her but I had to think of her first.

Walking down the flight of stairs I suddenly thought of a perfect plan to have her as mine which I must. But to establish this plan I had to talk to someone special, someone who was once an ally and could be one again. The person I trusted the most.

“Boss where are you up to?” Marcus asked, when I got to the front porch of my house. He was talking on the phone with someone and his face was contorted in displeasure, which made me grin.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

I figured that it must be one of his numerous play things. Marcus loved women.

“Nowhere important. Just make sure you keep your eyes on Mira. Don’t let her leave but don’t touch her. I don’t want any harm to come to as much as a hair on her head.” I warned.

“Sure Sir.” Marcus immediately replied. He must have been taken aback by my instruction but I didn’t have the time to explain to him yet.

“I will be back.”

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