Claiming His Luna

Chapter 28: The Night Of Henrì’s Death

Emilia’s POV (Cercei’s Mamà)

Flashback Of A Haunting Memory Of Painful Molestation

In a sudden outburst, Monsieur violently swept everything off his table, leaving a trail of chaos in his study room. Unsatisfied with this display of rage, he seized a nearby chair and hurled it against the wall, shattering the room’s tranquillity.

Trembling with fear, I clamped down my tongue, determined to suppress any sound that might escape my lips. We were supposed to be studying, but Monsieur was consumed by a raging heat, a primal urge to find his mate and satiate his cravings. Every little thing set him off, eroding his patience and driving him toward the brink of insanity.

“Fuck!” he bellowed, snatching the bourbon bottle from the table and taking a long swig straight from its neck.

With only a quarter of the bottle remaining, he downed the entire contents and hurled it again, this time dangerously close to my trembling form. I couldn’t contain my terror, and a shriek escaped my lips as the shattered glass pierced my skin, drawing blood.

His attention snapped to me when hearing my cry.

“Hush,” he commanded, approaching me with a predatory gaze. My heart pounded in my chest as he drew nearer, his finger pressed against my quivering lips. I stared at him, wide-eyed and pale as a sheet of paper, overcome with dread.

“Don’t be afraid,” he whispered, his breath hot against my neck. A whimper escaped my lips, and tears streamed down my face. His hands already rested on my waist.

“Monsieur, please,” I pleaded, attempting to push him away, but his strength was overpowering. I desperately tried to evade his touch, but his persistence knew no bounds.

“Please, what, huh?” he jeered, pressing my hands against the wall. Tears flowed freely as I begged for mercy while he mercilessly planted kisses on my slender neck.

No, this couldn’t be happening. I was defenceless against his physical strength, left only to weep as he violated every sacred part of my being.

I was rendered completely helpless, feeble, and devoid of power. He exploited this vulnerability, particularly his position of authority. A month later, an unforeseen consequence arose from his sinister actions.

Every morning, I found myself plagued by bouts of nausea, certain smells triggering waves of sickness. I grew inexplicably fatigued. It was then that I discovered I was pregnant.

My entire being turned icy cold as I stared at those two crimson lines that appeared in a pregnancy test kit. My mind ceased functioning, and the world around me stood at a standstill. Not a single tear could escape my eyes. I was numb.

I mustered the courage to confide in him, only to be met with his menacing threat, warning me never to breathe a word of it to anyone. I reluctantly agreed. This was never meant to happen, but it had. I harboured anger towards the world for everything that had happened to me, yet I never harboured resentment towards the life blossoming inside my body.

During my pregnancy, I was temporarily sent away to a neighbouring town, where fate brought along the man who would become the love of my life, my mate. He stood by my side, offering constant support throughout the journey, embracing both me and my child. It wasn’t long before we exchanged vows and returned to our serving duties, now as a family alongside our precious daughter.

The Present Moment

The door to our quarters was forcefully flung open. I instinctively rose to my feet, assuming a defensive stance. Two guards barged in, gripping my arms tightly.

“What is the meaning of this? Let me go!” I demanded, but my pleas fell on deaf ears as they forcefully pulled me downstairs.

“There she is,” Remus declared, rising from the couch. The guards callously released their hold on me, causing me to crash onto the floor. Henrì swiftly came to my aid, helping me back on my feet.

“Monsieur, please, allow us to leave. We have faithfully served you for countless years,” Henri pleaded while Remus observed us from his seat, casually crossing his legs.

“So?” he inquired, resting his chin on his hand. My teeth ground together as I witnessed him regard us as mere playthings.

“I have fulfilled every demand you made, serving you faithfully and fending your secrets,” I retorted through clenched teeth.

He smirked and rose from his seat, leisurely approaching us.

“You see, dear Emilia, I am not indebted to you for these actions,” he chuckled as though finding amusement in our dilemma.

“As your alpha and master, your duty is to fulfil my desires. Pleasing me falls squarely within your responsibilities,” he declared, spreading his arms wide.

I glared at him, my eyes sharp as daggers, brimming with anger.

“But you owe it to your daughter. Cercei has already endured enough. She deserves to live her life!” I spat, my words fueled by a mix of anger and sorrow. Henrì stood by my side, gripping my shoulders firmly.

“What on earth are you talking about? She’s doing just fine!” he laughed dismissively. I balled my hand into a fist, watching with a seething rage as the devil before me, attempting to gaslight and distort reality.

“Please, Monsieur, grant us our freedom,” I begged, tears glistening in my eyes. Desperation for a better life consumed me entirely.

He moved closer, his hand gripping my chin, and I instinctively raised my hand to wipe away the tears on my cheek. I saw the disturbing smile etched across his face as he exhaled a puff of smoke from his cigarette.

“If you leave me, there will be no more fun,” he remarked, his words dripping with malicious intent.

Enraged and triggered, Henrì forcefully removed Monsieur’s hand from my face. The smile on Remus’ face faded as his gaze shifted to my husband. Overwhelmed by fear, I instinctively moved to shield Henrì with my body, but Remus forcefully pushed me to the floor.

“You seem to have forgotten your place,” he sneered, taking one last drag from his cigarette before tossing it aside.

“Never lay a hand on my wife again,” Henrì’s voice resonated with authority, his words slow and deliberate, thoroughly enraging Monsieur.

“What did you just say?” Monsieur’s smile vanished, replaced by a cold and humourless expression.

“Do not touch my wife,” Henrì repeated, placing particular emphasis on the last two words.

I let out a piercing scream as Monsieur seized Henrì by the collar and flung him across the room. The force of the impact shattered a towering vase. Henrì rose to his feet, audibly cracking his neck. I shook my head in disbelief.

“Henrì, please stop!” I cried out, my voice laced with anguish and distress. Tears streamed down my face, my pleas falling on deaf ears. The guards stood motionless, unmoved, and with no intention of intervening.

Henrì transformed into his wolf form in a surge of crude fury as he growled menacingly.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Remus merely chuckled in response.

“Ah, it seems I’ve discovered your jealous side, amigo,” he taunted, tilting his head before shifting into his wolf form. Fear engulfed me entirely as I trembled in the face of this sudden confrontation. I screamed at Henrì, begging him to halt his reckless charge, but his anger blinded him.

Henrì could not possibly emerge victorious from this clash. Remus, a descendant of a long line of alphas, held a leadership position for a reason.

Henrì lunged at him, claws and fangs poised for attack, his deeply rooted rage granting him a surge of strength. Yet, it was not enough to match that of an alpha.

“No, no!” I wailed. My heart was breaking. Remus’s fangs sank deep into Henrì’s neck. Weakened and defenceless, Henrì still fought to stand, struggling against the remnants of his fading life.

“Remus, please,” I begged from the floor, my voice laced with anguish.

“Stop! Please, stop!” I continued to cry out, my pleas falling on indifferent ears.

Henrì collapsed. I rushed to his side, clasping his hand as he choked on his own blood. His body bore countless wounds, blood seeping through his fingers. All I could do was weep as the love of my life slipped through my trembling grasp.

Remus seized him by the neck, lifting him mid-air.

“Monsieur, I beg you, please stop!” I pleaded desperately, struggling against the guards who held me back, preventing me from intervening.

“Do not dictate my actions!” Monsieur thundered.

My stomach sank along with my shattered heart as Remus tore out Henrì’s heart with his razor-sharp claws. The sound of Henrìs last cry echoed in my ears, rendering me momentarily deaf. Time seemed to come to a halt as Henrì’s lifeless body crumpled to the ground.

I stood frozen, rooted in place, utterly incapable of comprehending the magnitude of the horrors that had unfolded before me.

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