Claiming The Rejected Omega

Chapter Fifty Seven

Lucas was on his way out of the prison when he ran into Liam, Emily’s ex-boyfriend. The tension between the two men was palpable, and it was clear they didn’t have a good relationship.

“What are you doing here, Lucas?” Liam asked with a sneer.

“I don’t need permission from an entitled prince to visit my own sister,” Lucas replied coolly.

Liam rolled his eyes. “Well, I may be entitled, but at least I show up for Emily. You’re never around.”

Lucas bristled at the comment. “You don’t know anything about my relationship with my sister. And you certainly don’t have the right to judge me.”

Liam scoffed. “I’m not judging you, Lucas. But let’s not pretend you’re some kind of saint. I’ve heard stories about you and the way you use and dump girls.”

Lucas narrowed his eyes. “I don’t have to take that from you, Liam. Especially considering your own reputation for playing the field. You sleep with Emily and then turn around and chase after Chloe? Make up your mind.”

Liam’s face turned red with anger. “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he spat.This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

“Whatever, Liam. I’m not going to stand here and argue with you. I have more important things to do than waste my time on someone like you.” With that, Lucas turned and walked away, leaving Liam seething in his wake.

As he walked down the street, Lucas couldn’t help but feel frustrated. Liam always seemed to get under his skin, and he knew that Emily’s relationship with him was toxic. He made a mental note to talk to Emily about it as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Liam was left standing alone, seething with anger. He couldn’t stand the way Lucas acted like he was better than everyone else. And he was furious that Lucas had the nerve to bring up his own relationship with Emily. It was none of Lucas’s business, and he had no right to judge him.

With a frustrated growl, Liam turned and stormed off in the opposite direction. He had better things to do than argue with Lucas, anyway.

Liam entered and asked Emily why did she call for Lucas, that he told her that he would handle it, and she said Lucas is her brother and she trust him, and how is she sure that he won’t leave her and side Chloe and then Liam said that he might love Chloe but he would never leave Emily to rot their in jail, not with all the history that had.

Emily looked at Liam with a mix of disbelief and anger. “You’re telling me this now? After everything that’s happened?” she said, her voice rising.

Liam held up his hands in a placating gesture. “I’m sorry, Emily. I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want to make things worse.”

Emily shook her head, tears threatening to spill over. “It’s too late for that, Liam. I’m already in jail for a crime I didn’t commit. And where were you when I needed you? Off gallivanting with Chloe, no doubt.”

Liam winced at the mention of Chloe’s name. “Emily, please. You know it’s not like that. Chloe and I are just friends.”

“Friends who sleep together?” Emily said bitterly.

“That’s not what I meant,” Liam said, exasperation creeping into his voice. “I mean, yes, we had a fling. But that’s over now. And it doesn’t change the fact that I care about you, Emily. I always have.”

Emily sighed and rubbed her temples. “I don’t know what to believe anymore, Liam. All I know is that I’m stuck here and I need someone to help me.”

“I’ll do everything I can,” Liam promised, stepping closer to her. “I’ll talk to my father and see if he can pull some strings. And if all else fails, I’ll hire the best lawyer in the realm to get you out of here.”

Emily looked up at him, her eyes filled with gratitude. “Thank you, Liam. That means a lot.”

Liam smiled at her, a genuine smile that reached his eyes. “Anything for you, Emily. Anything to make things right between us.”

Emily nodded, a weight lifted off her shoulders. “I hope so, Liam. I really do.”

As they stood there in silence, both lost in their thoughts, the door creaked open and Lucas walked in. “What’s going on in here?” he asked, looking from Emily to Liam and back again.

Emily smiled weakly at her brother. “Just trying to figure out how to get out of here.”

Lucas nodded, his face serious. “I’ve got a plan, Em. But we need to act fast. The trial is in two days, and we don’t have much time.”

Liam stepped forward. “What can I do to help?”

Lucas raised an eyebrow. “You? Help us? That’s rich.”

Liam’s face darkened. “I’m serious, Lucas. I want to make things right with Emily. And if that means helping her get out of here, then I’m all in.”

Lucas looked at Liam for a long moment, then nodded slowly. “Alright. I’ll let you know if I need anything.”

As Liam left the room, Emily turned to her brother. “What’s the plan, Lucas?”

Lucas smiled slyly. “Let’s just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve.”

On his way out he runs into Chloe.

As Chloe confronted Liam about his unexpected visit, he couldn’t help but feel drawn to her, as if her mere presence had a magnetic effect on him.

“I had a meeting with the Lycan king,” Liam lied smoothly, trying to hide his true intentions for coming to the mansion. “But that’s not important. What is important is that I missed you, Chloe. I know you missed me too.”

Chloe’s eyes flickered with desire, but she remained guarded. “I can’t just come back to you, Liam. It wouldn’t be fair to Aiden. We’re trying to work things out and build a relationship together.”

Liam felt a pang of jealousy at the mention of Aiden’s name, but he tried not to let it show. “But you and I have history, Chloe. Don’t you feel it? Don’t you feel the pull between us?”

Chloe hesitated for a moment, her eyes locked with Liam’s. “Of course I do. But that doesn’t mean I can just forget about Aiden. I care about him, Liam.”

Liam stepped closer to her, feeling emboldened by her admission of their connection. “I’m not asking you to forget about him. But don’t you think we deserve a chance to explore what we could have together? You know that what we have is real.”

Chloe’s resolve wavered for a moment, but then she straightened her shoulders and shook her head. “I can’t, Liam. I have to do what’s right.”

Liam’s jaw clenched in frustration, but he knew he couldn’t force her to do something she didn’t want to do. “Fine. But just remember, Chloe, I’m not giving up on us. You can try to deny it all you want, but you know that what we have is special.”

Chloe’s gaze softened slightly, but then she shook her head again. “I have to go, Liam. I have things to do.”

Liam watched her go, feeling a mix of longing and anger. He couldn’t believe that she was choosing Aiden over him, after everything they had been through together. But he knew he couldn’t give up on her. Not yet, at least. He would bide his time, and wait for the perfect opportunity to win her back.

As he turned to leave, he saw Aiden watching him from across the room, his expression cold and hostile. Liam felt a surge of anger, but then he composed himself and walked past him without saying a word. He knew that he and Aiden were on opposite sides of this battle for Chloe’s heart, and that only one of them would come out victorious in the end.

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