Clubrooms Diary

Chapter 22: Do I have your consent?

Chapter 22: Do I have your consent?


May 10th 2018

“OH SHIT!!” I whisper as Vanko and his boss come walking through Chad's office.

I stare straight into his eyes gobsmacked, captured in his line of vision with eyes that glowed with

intense dismay as they narrowed into thin slits. I felt myself being picked apart with his judgement as

his jaw clenched and his body tensed. His eyes move to the side of the room, I follow and gasp when

they land on Jaxson as he sleeps inside his stroller.

The situation looks worse than what it is and my inner goddess wants nothing more than to scream out

to him…..

It's not what it looks like… She invasively intrudes on my mind.

I close my eyes, counting to three and take a deep breath. Time seems to slow down and I feel like I’m

on centre stage with the spotlight heavily shining upon me. Rising slowly, I remove myself from Chad's

body as I swing my leg back around. I look down at where our bodies were connected and I have the

displeasure of seeing his dick fully erect.

I feel revolted by the image of his thin dick that will haunt me for days.

I don't know what came over me to make me sit on him like that. When I had entered the room and

saw him jacking off I felt furious, my eyes clouded over and I wanted to throttle him. Instead, I found

myself marching towards him and lowered myself onto his lap after he had just finished climaxing with

his blue movie still playing in the background.

He looks up at me with a sheepish smile on his ugly mug as he discreetly tucks himself back into his

pants. My stomach churns and I spin around instantly regretting my actions. I find myself swallowing

back the vomit that threatens to expel itself from my body.

“Leave us.” Vanko's boss says out loud as he rudely dismisses me like I’m trash.

I bite my tongue as heat travels up my body with anger and I nod my head. I walk up to Vanko as he

still refuses to make eye contact with me and I stand in front of him.

“Can we talk for a second outside?”

My eyes search his face hoping to see some sort of emotional response. Nothing, his face is like a

blank canvas. He remains still looking straight through me like my father was a glassmaker.

“Please?” I found myself begging shamelessly.

“Vanko, see what she wants then return to me.” His boss said annoyed, over his shoulder as he

continued to glare at Chad.

Vanko sighs, nodding his head as he follows his boss’s orders like an obedient soldier and proceeds to

walk towards the door. I follow him as I grab Jaxson on our way out.

“How are you?” I ask testing out the waters hoping he will open up and answer me.

He doesn't and disappointment washes over me.

“I’m not sure what you think you saw in there… But, I can assure you it wasn't anything sexual.”

“Ola kala.” He quickly spits out before he turns and walks back into Chad's office without looking back.

Suddenly, I endure the daunting feeling of my heart sinking and my eyes begin to well up. I feel like

utter shit and I only have myself to hold accountable for it. It was an inexpressible feeling I was

encountering towards a man I have only known for a minute. But I couldn't help notice that there was

something about him that makes me want to confess all my sins unabashedly. Even, if he was the

driver of the SUV that hit me the other day…

...Two days prior...

I had woken up, fluttering my eyelids open and groaned out loudly as my entire body felt like it was

suddenly on fire. I remember opening my mouth wanting to scream out in pain but nothing came out. It

was like I had woken up in a cliche horror movie. My eyes frantically shifted around the room as I took

in my surroundings before they landed on the honey-brown eyes that were once filled with remorse.

Those same eyes gazed back at me intensely with an unreadable expression on his gorgeous face.

“You’re safe, panemorfi.” He whispered as he crouched down beside me and wiped the sweat from my

head with a dampened cloth.

I leaned into his touch soaking up the softness of his hands marvelling in his gentle nature he poised

before me.

“Wha..what happened to me?” I asked as I attempted to sit up.

The room abruptly began to spin and he gently laid my head back down against the pillow.

“I hit you with the SUV.” He flatly said in a heavy accent.

“Wh...Why would you do that for?” I looked at him in disbelief.

Fear slowly began to seep into my pores as I started to think that Ace may have gotten to him. I

wouldn't put anything past that bastard. He can be very resourceful when he wants something done

without having to get his own hands dirty.

“The question you should be asking yourself is, why would you run out into the carpark without

looking?” His brows furrowed.

“I did?”

“Nai,” He nodded. “You spun around from the club and ran out right in front of me. I couldn't stop in time

and had no choice but to sit there and watch your body fly three feet in the air, landing on the ground

with a loud thud that echoed through my ears.” He stood and walked towards the door letting an

elderly man in with a medical bag in his hand.

They spoke quietly between themselves in their native tongue. And, I watched in awe, amazed at his

coolness in the situation. I wished Jaxson had someone like him to look up to and adore. He looked

over at me every so often and I couldn't help notice that I liked it when his eyes would land on mine. He

took another look at me, looked at the doctor then nodded, and walked out of the room without a

second glance back.

“Hello, I am Dr Samuels. I am here to do a physical check to see if you acquire some emergency

medical care.” He politely said. “Do I have your consent?”

I sat upright, with my hand on my head as the room began to spin again.

“I consent.”

I knew I couldn't afford to go and get myself checked over privately. So, I decided to take full advantage

of the opportunity I was given.

An hour and a half later I was slipping my shoes back on when Vanko returned to the room. He walked

to me, bent down on one leg, as he lifted my foot and tied my laces for me. I blushed a pretty shade of

pink as I admired the man kneeling before me.

“Thank you,”

He rose to his full height. “I will accompany you home.” He said as he bowed his head.

“I have to pick up my son from my grandmothers across town.”

“I don't have a problem with that.” He offered me his hand and helped me to my feet.

“Okay.” I smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me to his car.

The drive to pick Jaxson up was made in silence and it made me uncomfortable.

“I also wanted to thank you for punching Ace over the other day,” I said looking at him.

He nods as he stares straight ahead concentrating on the road.

“He’s Jaxsons father. Though the entitlement needs to be stripped from him entirely. He’s never really © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

taken an interest in him till recently.” I sighed. “I wish I could up and leave with my son. My biggest fear

is that Ace will taint Jaxsons mind if they were to bond and he will grow up to be an evil son of a bitch

just like him. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me even if I didn't consent to have sex with


I look out the window and watch the passing scenery. "Can you accuse someone of rape if you're in a

relationship with them?” I found myself asking.

He growled as his hands gripped the steering wheel tightly causing his knuckles to whiten.

“Ochi, Sex without consent is rape even if you are in a relationship with your attacker.” He sneered as

his eyes narrowed.

“I was too afraid to report him. He would chuckle after he assaulted me and tell me if I went to the

station they would only laugh in my face. I think it’s why he would unashamedly beat me and …….” I

trailed off without finishing my sentence.

I looked down at my twisted fingers on my lap. Feeling unworthy of one's true love, Vanko released one

of his hands from the steering wheel and covered my hands with his. I looked up at him with dry eyes

and smiled with his sudden touch of affection. It was then that I realised that he made me feel safe with

who I was by showing me he wasn't wholeheartedly disgusted with my past tales. I wanted to be his

friend and I vowed right then and there that I would do whatever it took to have Vanko in mine and

Jaxsons life.

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